

the greek viking
Oct 9, 2006
U.SA-Tampa F.L
what is your opinion about racism?there are many bands who sing about an aryan nation.what is your opinion are some people born better then other?or do you bealive in nationalism?that a nation musn't be mixed with other nations?
I believe in nationalism, I believe in being proud of my region and land, I also believe that many are not being given the same chances at birth.
I believe that all of us are racist in some way or another.
We have discussed about this before ... does embracing your country make you racist? i don't think so. Do I have a right to be pissed off at people leeching off my country's money, while procreating at amazing speed and living secluded in their own ghetto and pushing they radical views on my country? yes, I think I have every right to be pissed off.
Do I have the right to feel unsafe walking the street of my town because someone might jump me and ask for my money? no, it should not happen.
And in Belgium, most often than not, these deeds are being commited by well ... the people we let in could they be from africa or eastern europe.

I could go on and on ... but I believe we can all have our own view. Does being white make me superior? I don't know. Standard of living in western europe is far better than the east .. should I feel more superior than a russian or a pole or a Bulgarian? they are white as well.
if youre concerned about racism in general, go read the clash of civilizations by samuel p. huntington. while not about racism specifically (he never uses that term ever) it is about conflict between different cultures. also, biologically, the concept of race is false; we all all the same.

off topic note: what's with the racism rampant on UM? every forum ive read people use racial slurs...
<---------- White and Proud.(mostly white, im 1/16th Cheyenne :p )
oh noes!!!11 racist! White people cant be proud.

I do hate alot of people, not really because of race, just because they are fucking stupid. lol, ok im a little racist
Belgar said:
I believe in nationalism, I believe in being proud of my region and land, I also believe that many are not being given the same chances at birth.
I believe that all of us are racist in some way or another.
We have discussed about this before ... does embracing your country make you racist? i don't think so. Do I have a right to be pissed off at people leeching off my country's money, while procreating at amazing speed and living secluded in their own ghetto and pushing they radical views on my country? yes, I think I have every right to be pissed off.
Do I have the right to feel unsafe walking the street of my town because someone might jump me and ask for my money? no, it should not happen.
And in Belgium, most often than not, these deeds are being commited by well ... the people we let in could they be from africa or eastern europe.

I could go on and on ... but I believe we can all have our own view. Does being white make me superior? I don't know. Standard of living in western europe is far better than the east .. should I feel more superior than a russian or a pole or a Bulgarian? they are white as well.

pretty much the same..not surprising since we live in the same country
My race, my ethnic back ground, and my country of birth are not sources of pride for me. I had no more control over those factors than someone who is born crippled. Taking pride in things like that, for me, doesn’t make sense. I prefer to take pride in things that I’ve accomplished, or things that make me unique, not things that I had no control over.

In terms of a band’s lyrics I could care less. If I like the way something sounds I’ll listen to it regardless of whether or not I personally agree with the band’s politics. Nothing really offends me so if I like a band’s music that’s all that matters. I listen to stuff ranging from anarchist punk like Conflict to NSBM like Graveland – I find both of those bands hilarious.
I generally don't listen to stuff that turns my stomach for one reason or another, and if a band's lyrics is one of those things, well, I don't listen. Then there are bands where I don't mind the sound or the lyrics, but if I know that the money I spend buying their album goes towards supporting some political movement or some slime-ass childmolester or something, then I may listen to the stuff on the radio but I would not buy the cd or attend a gig.
I guess I am with Belgar, in the sense that I do not like my own culture to be disrespected (racism and disrespect in general can go two ways, and what Belgar describes is disrespect) but cuture is different from race. I have to add that as someone who works with archaeology, I cannot support racism on purely scientific grounds (never mind humanitarian).
Racism is a cultural term, not a biological - hence I support some of the positions on the board. Being American, my "heritage" basically doesn't exist - I'm adopted so I don't even have a history.

Damn, I can't even respect my own ancestors :lol: :cry:
What bugs me most about racist groups is how much of it is based on just... made up shit. I'm proud as hell of my Gaelic and Nordic background, that means a whole lot more to me than just being "white". Racism itself, I don't like on moral grounds (blind hatred doesn't accomplish anything) but the concepts behind it I object to on intellectual grounds.

I can understand and relate to people who don't like to see immigrants come into their region and wreck up the place... but I also see a lot of hypocrisy in those same circles, so it's hard to differentiate between the people concerned for the safety and future of their community, and people who hate and fear those that differ from them. It can be a genuine concern, or it can be a rationalization of irrational hate.

I also have a problem with explicitly political music, I hate to see art with an agenda. It irks me, it seems like a perversion.
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Fuck i worte a whole answer and it doesnt seem to have been posted here. fuck it, in general i agree with Belgar.

and i add :

Muslims impose their law, in denmark no mohammed pictures or else.... in germany, better not play mozart's orchestra or else the muslim community will be mad.
to that i say FUCK YOU. Open your fucking eyes you fucking leftest traitors. In France the situation is pratically lost but we are still here to manifest against these babylonian assholes... in 20 to 50 years our culture will be gone.. so here i call all scandinavian countries and eastern european countries to fight while its still time.
that's it.
for example i had an anti-fascist conversation with this finnish guy. what i explained to him is that in france we have 6 million muslims. there are 5 million people in Finland... how about we give to the finnish all our muslims and they'll breed the finish out in one generation. and the finish leftest finished by understanding my point.
white pride world wide. stop being fags and defend your people and race you fucking coward scum.
But when white people want to go into islamic countries and "liberate" muslim women from their traditions, that's all for the sake of peace and goodwill? The misconception that terrorists speak for all muslims is just as ridiculous as the idea that you speak for me.
Celtik Militia said:
Fuck i worte a whole answer and it doesnt seem to have been posted here. fuck it, in general i agree with Belgar.

and i add :

Muslims impose their law, in denmark no mohammed pictures or else.... in germany, better not play mozart's orchestra or else the muslim community will be mad.
to that i say FUCK YOU. Open your fucking eyes you fucking leftest traitors. In France the situation is pratically lost but we are still here to manifest against these babylonian assholes... in 20 to 50 years our culture will be gone.. so here i call all scandinavian countries and eastern european countries to fight while its still time.
that's it.
for example i had an anti-fascist conversation with this finnish guy. what i explained to him is that in france we have 6 million muslims. there are 5 million people in Finland... how about we give to the finnish all our muslims and they'll breed the finish out in one generation. and the finish leftest finished by understanding my point.
white pride world wide. stop being fags and defend your people and race you fucking coward scum.

I love you! :kickass: repped!
ok, darcy. in France we have a real problem with muslims. i know very well that not all muslim are islamic assholes... the thing is that islam in general generates problems. Islam hasn't evolved like christianity has. islam in general is extreemist. i know that if the situation continues; my white grand children will have to hide or stick to walls if they're not islamic. (the president of the nationalist party here was put to trial for having said that... do you think that's normal??)
many leftist traitors tell us nationalists to "open our eyes". but thats ridiculous... we are nationalists because we thought beyond the hippie bullshit. i defend my culture and history and race. leftists are manipulated by white ethnomasochism "yeah white people don't exist..etc..". if i had the power i'd torture them for their treachery.

by the way, i'm not "racist". i just have the notion of culture and difference of ethnies. it depends on the definition of racism.