
Because in some countries there seems like there is no hope or opportunity, if you have no natural resources, a corrupt government, no industry, gangs everywhere, civil war, etc, there is not much that one person can do to change that... it takes a great person to be able to turn things around, and lots of time, and the right opportunity. If you were living in a country in such a position what would you do to improve it? It's not so simple as start working harder, you can't get blood from a stone. And I find the same people who say "why don't they stay to improve it?" are the same people who say "why should we give those countries money and food to help them?" It's an elitist attitude that ignores how much we depend on other nations.

I do think that a country that accepts immigrants should make sure that they're not taking in just anyone, that those that come should be able to contribute to the society in some way (like how in Canada, many of our doctors & scientists are immigrants from India). But you go where there is opportunity to make a good life for yourself, if I was living somewhere surrounded by crime, war, and poverty I would do what I could to make a good life for myself somewhere else. I'm not saying that all immigrants are peaceful, respectful people who want nothing more than to help those around them, but immigration alone isn't the problem. It's just as much how the people & the government handle it.
Here's how it works kiddos, we're all psychotic mutated apes, some of us are better adapted to live in desert, others forest or sunny planes, and still others in colder, mountainous regions. Evolution guided the creation of "race", consider the idea that if germany had been equatorial 500,000 years ago, germans would now be black people, because it's true. Now religions and societies have risen up through the years, and have allowed some to prosper, and caused others to wallow in ignorance, but, ultimately, that isn't because of genetic makeup, rather becuase of social custom. Ultimately this means that it's great to be proud of who you are and where you come from, but be so based on the merit of acts and ideas. Being white doesn't carry any intrensic value, but white people have done alot of great things, and the same is true of blacks and asians, etc;as well as with nationalities. All bullshit aside, could you honestly tell a canadian from an american, just by looking? How about a black guy from africa vs. a black guy from detroit? Simply put, being white will never make you special. If you want to be special, drink some of the chemicals under the sink, then bash your head against the wall for a few hours, thet will make you really "special".
Well said Thrymfal, thanks!

A side note: don't forget, the Vikings were well-known for the way they would settle all over the known world and adopt new customs as well as bring their own over... sometimes as invaders, of course, but also sometimes peacefully as traders and (gasp) businessmen, ie. immigrants, and they would take wives from the local populace. So idolizing them in the name of "white pride" is kind of silly, as that wasn't nearly the kind of attitude our forefathers kept.
L33ch said:
What I'm most concerned about with the whole Islam invasion of Europe is that once there's enough of them here, they'll start political parties that want to have our laws replaced by that of the Shariah. And odds are they'll succeed considering the large amount of Muslims that keep coming here.

To allow that to happen is to allow a century of progress to be thrown right out the fucking window. The day that happens, I'm fucking out of here.

:Puke: racist!!!! in the kkk style, like anglorfin wrote.

whats about the churches in iraq??
let them burn??
for me would it be ok, but what would some european christian say, or mighty g.w.bush??

IGNORANT, and i thought dutch people would be quite tolerant
celtic Militia has the right idea

I am not legally able to vote yet as of my age, i would vote for my national party, even if i do not agree with the socialist side which is common is in alot of national parties.
pippozzn said:
:Puke: racist!!!! in the kkk style, like anglorfin wrote.

whats about the churches in iraq??
let them burn??
for me would it be ok, but what would some european christian say, or mighty g.w.bush??

IGNORANT, and i thought dutch people would be quite tolerant
..what the hell are you going on about?

I honestly don't see what's racist about my post. The reason I don't want Muslims taking over is because the Shariah set of laws is a very oppressive one. Tolerance would go right out the window, and I'm not willing to let that happen.
this thread is still going on?


so since all of you are international relations theorists, who wants to write my midterm for me? "Describing the strengths and weaknesses of comparitive states? How do issues of state development and modernity, theoretical worldview, and research methodology come together to explain similiarities and differences between nation states?"

i dont really want anyone to write it for me, but this thread about racism is highly ignorant.

there is a difference between nationalism and racism. they are related, but you can be nationalist without being racist, and you can be racist without being nationalist.

also some of you state that you are against immigration. this is not true; what you are against is unassimilation into the host nation, and this i agree with entirely: if you translate from one culture or society to another, you should embrace and entrench yourself into that locale, instead of trying to make that locale like the location you left.

makes sense to me. so far it seems that what europe is facing with the muslims, the usa is facing with hispanics (the creation of barrios, seperate food stores, everything having to be in spanish & english, etc.) most of the peoples of islamic faith i know here are extremely tolerant and most of them have assimilated entirely. alas it's like comparing tomatoes to oranges i guess.
pippozzn is one of these guys who sees racism everywhere. if you critisize islam or if you say you are frightened of a highly possible islamisation of europe, people like pippozzn (=leftist ethnomasochist scum) will call you a racist.

anyway i know all about evolution and how we became white to capt to most sun possible cause europe is cold..etc.. i know we all come from africa and bla bla bla. But that doesnt matter, i'm talking about preservation of cultures which took thousands of years to be created. preservation of differenciation too. i dont want my futur children to have to convert to islam, i don't want them to hide or stick to walls because they're white.. in their own countries that our ancestors built with their sweat and blood.
In most cases, religion falls under the category of "mob mentality". Which as I said earlier is a most dangerous way for people to behave.

I’m fine with immigration as long as the immigrants:

1. Obey our law, anti democracy acts like the happenings surrounding the Mohammed drawings is not acceptable:


Some Muslims even want to be able to live under their own laws. Sorry idiots you are not going to be able to oppress your women just because you believe in fairytales. If you don’t like it move to a country that are anti-freedom of speech and embrace 11th century laws, like the one you came from.

2. Don't come here to live of the welfare state(god I hate that concept
At least we know that WW3 will be about global religion and the western world vs radical Islam.
It kind of reminds me in the middle age when the feeble people who were poor and could not read fell under the spell of religion/christianity (for all the reasons we know of) and went on to annihilate most of the world. Now the tables are being turned and Islam is the new haven of a promised land and the invasions are now coming from the south and spreading all over europe, africa, asia.... people who have been oppressed are being told that they will be protected, offered food and money, a place in heaven and avenge centuries of western oppression.
History sure does repeat itself.