
thanks, and take Feraliminal's advice....boredom is a disease worse than cancer, and drugs cure it. Not to mention the hallucinogenic ones make issues like this one crystal clear.
I think where the misunderstanding comes from is that a lot of peopleforget that EVERYONE has reasons to be proud of (or ashamed of) their heritage, and it's all so long and intertwined that to suggest that you can tell how one is better than the other is just ludicrous. Like I said before... it's a scapegoat, it's just an easy way to find someone to blame.
Pyaemia said:
Racist is like black people, it shouldnt exist! Just kidding... Seriously I like your post. Think about it people! Especially where you say being white will never make you special. I agree 100%
possitive plus.
Hi Darkki! :wave:

Anyhow, this whole proud to be one's race/ethnicity/heritage is quite a farce. Quit looking back and think forward.
Arch said:
Hi Darkki! :wave:

Anyhow, this whole proud to be one's race/ethnicity/heritage is quite a farce. Quit looking back and think forward.

I actually agree wholeheartedly but I'm too lazy to explain why. Seriously I could write a thesis about it (as I'm sure anyone could).
Arch said:
Hi Darkki! :wave:

Anyhow, this whole proud to be one's race/ethnicity/heritage is quite a farce. Quit looking back and think forward.

thats fucking exactly what i'm doing.. looking forward... i don't want my country to become islamic (and hence go backwards by 500 years..).
if you'd only listen to people like me you wouldn't shit out that kind of remark. its all about the futur of our country and children; as well as the memory of the past.. "memory", its a recurrent thing in germanic mythology, be a viking, be proud of your ancestry and history :p.
Arch said:
Hi Darkki! :wave:

Anyhow, this whole proud to be one's race/ethnicity/heritage is quite a farce. Quit looking back and think forward.
Archy boy good to see you here ,you are everywhere.hey i saw Systy around,Arch if you have contact with Valimar,NoBS or others from the swedish forum tell them about this awesome forum well you knew all the way damn it.:cool:
darkkiuban said:
Archy boy good to see you here ,you are everywhere.hey i saw Systy around,Arch if you have contact with Valimar,NoBS or others from the swedish forum tell them about this awesome forum well you knew all the way damn it.:cool:
No, I don't have contact with Valimar, NoBS, but I'll tell butterflyofdoom to get her ass here. :) TheYellowDart signed up here a while ago.
Celtik Militia said:
thats fucking exactly what i'm doing.. looking forward... i don't want my country to become islamic (and hence go backwards by 500 years..).
if you'd only listen to people like me you wouldn't shit out that kind of remark. its all about the futur of our country and children; as well as the memory of the past.. "memory", its a recurrent thing in germanic mythology, be a viking, be proud of your ancestry and history :p.

Then put down your beret, tie up your poodle and take your country back!

thats what i'm doing.. but people like you are too stuborn and don't listen so they still vote socialists.
and i don't have a beret nor do i have a poodle.. what stereotypes.. you racist.
Sorry 'bout the stereotype and racism. I'll join your cause by wielding my French bread and you can fart in their general direction.

Viva La Revolución!
Celtik Militia said:
thats fucking exactly what i'm doing.. looking forward... i don't want my country to become islamic (and hence go backwards by 500 years..).
if you'd only listen to people like me you wouldn't shit out that kind of remark. its all about the futur of our country and children; as well as the memory of the past.. "memory", its a recurrent thing in germanic mythology, be a viking, be proud of your ancestry and history :p.
But ancestry & heritage is such a personal thing, if you want your children to know and understand their background that's up to you to do for yourself.
sorry for the long post guys, i just had to precise things.

darcy said:
But ancestry & heritage is such a personal thing, if you want your children to know and understand their background that's up to you to do for yourself.

It is certainly personal in the states considering the country was made by immigrants, but its not the case of europe. Ancestry and heritage in europe is a national thing. France is a white country with celtic, roman and germanic heritage. Germany is a white country with germanic heritage. Spain is a white country with celtiberian and roman heritage..etc...
in europe its not a personnal thing, its national.
And yeah, of course i'll teach my children to appreciate their beautiful culture and glorious ancestry. the problem is that not all of my people do that.. many of them will teach their kids the "beauty" of interracial mixing (hence destruction of the white race and culture), immigrants will teach their kids their own foreign culture.. and the result will obviously be that western europe will be submerged by alien cultures and races and nothing will be left of it. Some schools in france are forbidden to have a christmas tree (because of the muslims). all schools in france have no porc at all (because of the muslims... although there are always two different meals for lunch at school.. they still take away all porc which is the basis of european meals, porc is one of the oldest culinary traditions in europe..).

anyway the situation is disastrous. you may have no racial conscience but i do. I've spoken to many people on internet about it and when they came to paris for a visit, they then agreed with me. they weren't expecting to see babylon when they came to paris.
we have 6 million muslims in france, if we gave them all to finland (there are 5 million finnish) these muslims would breed the finnish out in one generation.

i agree with David Lane's 14 words :
"we must secure the existance of our people and a futur for white children".
i find this sentence obvious.

Arch said:
Sorry 'bout the stereotype and racism. I'll join your cause by wielding my French bread and you can fart in their general direction.

Viva La Revolución!

wow, you surely must have an IQ at least over 5.

i dont understand why people (mostly americans) who talk about france always say a "viva.." sentence after. That's spanish..
I know it's Spanish. I'm mocking you.
Celtik Militia said:
It is certainly personal in the states considering the country was made by immigrants, but its not the case of europe. Ancestry and heritage in europe is a national thing. France is a white country with celtic, roman and germanic heritage. Germany is a white country with germanic heritage. Spain is a white country with celtiberian and roman heritage..etc...
in europe its not a personnal thing, its national.
Bullshit argument since we all originated from Africa anyway. And besides it seems to me that the blacks and whites are perfectly able to live together in democracy in America so why not in Europe.

Celtik Militia said:
And yeah, of course i'll teach my children to appreciate their beautiful culture and glorious ancestry.
What is that though?

Celtik Militia said:
the problem is that not all of my people do that.. many of them will teach their kids the "beauty" of interracial mixing (hence destruction of the white race and culture), immigrants will teach their kids their own foreign culture.. and the result will obviously be that western europe will be submerged by alien cultures and races and nothing will be left of it.
You want to force your way of life upon others? Personally I think as long as everyone follows the same law I don’t give a fuck if a portion of the population worships Allah on their freetime, or choose not to eat pork.

Celtik Militia said:
Some schools in france are forbidden to have a christmas tree (because of the muslims). all schools in france have no porc at all (because of the muslims... although there are always two different meals for lunch at school.. they still take away all porc which is the basis of european meals, porc is one of the oldest culinary traditions in europe..).
Pathetic, the ‘’glorious’’ French people abandoning ancient traditions just because some Muslims didn’t like them.

Celtik Militia said:
anyway the situation is disastrous. you may have no racial conscience but i do. I've spoken to many people on internet about it and when they came to paris for a visit, they then agreed with me. they weren't expecting to see babylon when they came to paris.
we have 6 million muslims in france, if we gave them all to finland (there are 5 million finnish) these muslims would breed the finnish out in one generation.
IF WE GAVE THEM AWAY? Muslims are cattle to be driven around? Besides things don’t work that way, are you 5 years old? Finland wouldn’t be able to take 6 million immigrants because of much more complicated reasons then ‘’racial’’ cleanliness.

Celtik Militia said:
wow, you surely must have an IQ at least over 5.

i dont understand why people (mostly americans) who talk about france always say a "viva.." sentence after. That's spanish..
So if you don’t have any understanding of the French language -which has nothing to be with IQ in the first place- you are an idiot?
c'est parce-que nous americains ne pouvons pas pronuncier "Vive le France" precisement...allors, ma Francais est horrible maintenant, j'oublie beaucoup de les mots et la grammaire. Putain conjugation. J'etais bilangue au lycee.
Larsson said:
Bullshit argument since we all originated from Africa anyway. And besides it seems to me that the blacks and whites are perfectly able to live together in democracy in America so why not in Europe.

Now that is a load off real bullcrap right there. There are still regions below the Mason-Dixon where a black guy is considered an animal and there are streets in NYC where a white guy better not show his face.

Not to mention that it's a completely different situation, since well 'americans' brutally slaughtered the native people of the land they invaded, whereas here they're just outbreeding us, forcing THEIR beliefs and traditions down OUR throats. I suggest you read better. The muslim's choice not to eat pork isn't taken away, it's the non-muslim's choice of -eating- pork.

Facts and figures:

Ethnic groups:
Finn 93.4%, Swede 5.7%, Russian 0.4%, Estonian 0.2%, Roma 0.2%, Sami 0.1%
Lutheran National Church 84.2%, Greek Orthodox in Finland 1.1%, other Christian 1.1%, other 0.1%, none 13.5% (2003)
Unemployment rate:
8.4% (2005 est.)
Population below poverty line:

Ethnic groups:
indigenous population: Swedes with Finnish and Sami minorities; foreign-born or first-generation immigrants: Finns, Yugoslavs, Danes, Norwegians, Greeks, Turks
Lutheran 87%, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist
Unemployment rate:
5.8% (2005 est.)
Population below poverty line:

Ethnic groups:
Celtic and Latin with Teutonic, Slavic, North African, Indochinese, Basque minorities
Roman Catholic 83%-88%, Protestant 2%, Jewish 1%, Muslim 5%-10%, unaffiliated 4%
Unemployment rate:
9.9% (2005 est.)
Population below poverty line:
6.5% (2000)

Pray tell, why can't he suggest some of the immigration flow to be diverted to a country with a lower native/immigrant ratio, a lower unemployment ratio and duely expected a lower ratio of people living below the poverty line?

Data courtesy of the cia world factbook