
Krigly Bigly Balls said:
the U.S. of A.

60 years ago, America was proud.
Im not proud to be an American at all. Theres nothing to be proud of.

Be proud that America was what it was 60 years ago, and someone from your family may have been here to enjoy it. Be proud that your countrymen revolted against the strongest military power in the world, and won, despite lacking numbers, armory, and training. Be proud that you come from a land where, at least for while, there were no gods, and no masters. The direction or country takes now is troubling and hypocritical, and indeed a a far cry from what the founders intended, but, if there are enough of us who actually care enough to try, things can yet be changed.
Thrymfal said:
Be proud that America was what it was 60 years ago, and someone from your family may have been here to enjoy it. Be proud that your countrymen revolted against the strongest military power in the world, and won, despite lacking numbers, armory, and training. Be proud that you come from a land where, at least for while, there were no gods, and no masters. The direction or country takes now is troubling and hypocritical, and indeed a a far cry from what the founders intended, but, if there are enough of us who actually care enough to try, things can yet be changed.
Right, a nation is not its government, it is not its warfare, it is not any one single thing... and more than anything else, it is first and foremost its people and its history.
Yes Darcy, you do inherit stupidity, extremism and violence. At least to a certain extent.

Often, I tend to prefer the alien who spits upon my culture and is an outright enemy to the "nice" alien (the "genteical enemy"). My sister is probably more likely to fall in love with one from the second category. Ofcourse I am absolutely outraged when I hear about the crimes commited by the "bad" ones, especially rape. But not respecting my culture? I could care less. It's like when you have a running competition in school, and you finish second, and the fat kid whos been sitting on his ass the whole PE lessons comes up and says something in the lines "haha, aren't you the slow one". Or something. You really can't take that seriously. Also quite many Europeans are angered by Islam and the old middle-eastern ladies with their headscarfs, or men reading the Talmud and so. From personal experience, these aren't the ones that unprovoked will start fighting - sure, they still consider us inferior and would like to kill or convert, but they rarely put thought into action. Coming back to my first point - I always say that true freedom of speech shows you who your friends are and you your enemies are. And that's quite a positive thing, innit?

As Belgar asked, what is a country without it's soul? During Midsummer's Eve, by most considered the most Swedish of holidays, the biggest newspaper in sweden published a huge article entitled "Identity" where they interviewed a number of "Swedes" about what sweden meant to them. Ofcourse noone ever mentioned anything remotley close to what I, or a quite a few number of people would have answered ca. 60> years ago. One view that was put fourth in the article was that it was totally useless to say "this is how the vikings used to do things", and there's nothing saying that one day we wont be able to say "the swedes, they come from all over the world" (it's contradictory, I know) That made me think that if the name of a country wont actually mean anything, why not just call it a number? We could give every country a number, as there will be lno soul of it left. It will just b e a bunch of geographical areas with similar forms of - not multiculture - but a homogeneous mixture monoculture. (On a side note I can also mention that in the same issue there was a a big article about how the vikings were "multicultural" - the reasons for this, if you bothered to read the article, was that they had possessions from wherever they travelled - such as russian - bear-cunts (hats), arabic coins, byzantine fabric-clothes and what have you. The most brilliant blogger Manarkon, who 'dissapeared', wrote an article about this which I didn't manage to read, but where he mentioned the obvious: by attacking and distorting what most people see as a *swedish Identity', it will much easier to destroy it.)

So to all people everywhere, using the example of my own people - the scandinavians/germans/northern indo-europeans/Jarl's family, I ask YOu: do you want people in a couple of hundred years to say things like "Back then, some people had blue eyes and even golden hair? Isn't that strange?" That example because that is one of the most obvious unique traits to my people, as there are other unique traits to other people. And really, is it sensible to say that if you bastardize the swedish people with negro blood - will our culture continue to exist and develop the same way it would if the population was pure?

Races exist, an our new prime minister is directly descendant from a black man 5 generations ago I think. Ask me if there was anything I forgot or did not give my my view on.

Good question I am white and proud of it, here in America our race is the only one not allowed to publicly be proud of our race like the others do I guess that makes me racist but all I ask is to have the white entertainment channel, the miss white america contest, the white arts awards and so on, the black, latino and asians all get there own, but if whites try to do this we are labled as racist.
So I say it's become time to take our heritage and our land back and quit letting our kids dress and talk like the other races, we are only losing who we are when we allow this to happen.

So I say it's become time to take our heritage and our land back and quit letting our kids dress and talk like the other races, we are only losing who we are when we allow this to happen.
lmao zedong. Native Americans should take their land back and kick everyone else out.
I'm coming from Germany!
I am white and proud of it, too!
And when I see what is happening in our country at the moment I become fucking angry!

Stand uo and fight for your culture!
I' m proud to be a German, we have a great history and many important persons were german. But the Dickheads of Nazis ruined everything, so in Germany its not very "cool" to be proud of Germany, if you are, and you say it the most of the people will say that you' re a Nazi (as a german).
I like people from everywhere and it doesnt matter which skincolour they have or which gender they are etc. but Im proud to be a german (fuck the time between 1932 - 1945 :D )

Fimbul-Winter said:
And when I see what is happening in our country at the moment I become fucking angry!

If youre thinking of some people from southern Europe I totally agree...
mostly everybody from other countries thinks a german is a nazi
but we aren't ok there are still thoose stupid bastards like NPD or other people
i'm a german got blond long hair and blue eyes and.. i got a good german name
but i like poeple from other countries but not people which come in our country bully GERMAN people and kill them !
and the neo-nazi's how stupid are they?! they got a shaved head why?!
hitler want's his "german" with long hair not this crap
but ok :loco:
and i hate it that every celtic and nordic symbol or name is automaticly equalt with nazi's
common only cuz hitler liked norway sweden and so on we are not allowed to like this too?!
i wear the german and swedish flag on my jacket and everybody immediatly "nazi!"
once there was a american exchange student and he looket an me and asked his exchangepartner is tha a nazi?!
and what is with "hip hop"???
they are the real racist they don't respect women and take drugs
say something like "when you come in my neighbourhood i fuck you and you mother"
thoose freaks
the oldskool hip hop was ok like run DMC they weren't against metal so here in germany it's so
a hiphopper calles a metler freak or "zecke"(google it for translation)
and wanna attack them
we are strong but there are so many Hopper(Hopper=hip hop listener)
you can't beat them all cuz they take knifes and pistols were is the battle honor
1 on 1 no weapons ?! cuz then i gonna win ^ ^ (play rugby and so on)
ok i think i posted a lot so read it and write repost's or Messages to me ^ ^
yours Ghaldez
(sry for wrong spelling or something i'm 14 and not so good in english:erk: )
Arch said:
lmao zedong. Native Americans should take their land back and kick everyone else out.

With that said you can't have anything against anyone else in any other country saying the same thing.

True story: I got my communist(no exxageration) english teacher to admit to that race mixing is a form of genocide. We were reading this pretty good african book, can't remember the name, it was about the conquer of the Ibo tribe by the Brits, and he pointed out that the way people from all over africa were taken as slaves to America and pretty much lost all of their culture on the way was a form of (cultural, identity) genocide. I agreed, and pointed out in a subtle way that the same happened to the native americans when the Spaniards etc came - and how there are no Aztecs, Incas etc left. He agreed to that - and in effect -to my point of how race-mixing is a identity-murder.

Another story: I was watching a documentary about the Red Hot Chili Peppers and their tour in Japan, and on a press conference, the band was asked if they had anything to say to their Japanese fans. One answered that they have a beutiful, nice etc culture in Japan and how they should take care of it and protect ir. Nothing wrong with that, I agree 100%, but I also feel that the Europeans have a beautiful, nice etc culture and that we should take care of it. Expressing such views, however, raises eyebrows with the mainstream at best, more often "racism" is the word that comes to mind.
So I say it's become time to take our heritage and our land back and quit letting our kids dress and talk like the other races, we are only losing who we are when we allow this to happen.
What, in those colourful robes and big necklaces?

I think that's just north american pop culture for you... white people don't come up with a whole lot of "cool" stuff in NA. that's why most american bands suck.
Bring it on, what you want to live forever?
I have large fonts too!

Good question I am white and proud of it, here in America our race is the only one not allowed to publicly be proud of our race like the others do I guess that makes me racist but all I ask is to have the white entertainment channel, the miss white america contest, the white arts awards and so on, the black, latino and asians all get there own, but if whites try to do this we are labled as racist.
So I say it's become time to take our heritage and our land back and quit letting our kids dress and talk like the other races, we are only losing who we are when we allow this to happen.

:err: Yea... there are predominantly white channels. Take USA and Oxygen for example.
White arts awards? What the fuck is that shit? Because obviously people paint differently because of skin tone. If you walk into a mosque, you don't see physical representations of god/allah. If you walk into a Hindu temple, it's everywhere. Does that mean you can't compare them?
White Art Awards: Golden Globes. The Emmys. Denzel Washington got an award for Training Day but not Malcolm X??? White judges right there.
And since when is Miss America NOT a blonde haired blue eyed white woman?

And by "take our land back", I hope you mean taking your ass back to England. White people in America is not a general term. Irish pride, German pride, English pride, and so on. There is no such race as 'American'.

And finally, you aren't losing the kids to anything. When there is a mix of cultures, even when people meet each other, they take something away with them. Kids today should be allowed to play with their look. People mimic their passions. I will say however acting 'ghetto' shows a lack of character. But wearing baggy clothing and being an insightful, thoughtful, mostly grammatically correct person just means the person likes baggy clothing.
What and your canadien bands rock :lol:

Yes, they do, and not only do we learn to spell "Canadian" complete with a capital C and and a in school, but we even get to learn to spell the names of other countries, too.