
... more complicated reasons then ‘’racial’’ cleanliness.
Conveniently, people tend to ignore such things when they get in the way of righteous hatred and xenophobia.

What bugs me the most is that it is assumed that because I don't support racism or ethnic hatred, it's because I'm a soft hippie who wants to pander to others and ignore my own people... when really I just see that the world is a lot more complicated than simply "those people from over there are fucking things up for us people over here." Racism is a convenient way to explain away problems and to blame someone for any ill fortune that befalls you.
I suggest that you update your France datas, as those in 2006 are much worse than 2000. France is a doomed country, plagued by old fashioned socialism where politics like to talk more than to act. France is the living proof that such system was bound for failure.
Your image of France with the good ol' french guy on his bicycle and his fresh baguette is a sign of post ww2 era. Now you might as well get used to a bunch of L.A. south central type hoodlums burning buses in the name of "we don't fit in french society". The best way they found to progress in society is by destroying other people's life and blaming the others.
The socialist system has failure written all over it. Society has given them everything, and they have proven to be worthless and not willing to work with the sytem but instead spend too much time blaming the system. They remind me of blacks in USA who instead of bettering themselves; like to sit at home and blame the rest of a nation for their own failure. They like to think that all of USA is going to live in 1800 forever waiting for reparation. People have moved on and the blacks have stagnated hoping to jump on the next lawsuit for discrimination. Funny thing is that asians, indians and even arabs are doing so well here.
It has nothing to do with racism, but more about facts that cannot be denied.

Sad enough because France is such a beautiful country. 1/2 of my family and many friends live in France and I can assure you that many don't have a good image of the 6 millions "northern african french" that are plaguing this country. Many are just fed up of the situation. I think it is very pointless to say France this , France that, wave the white flag, and immature jokes about a country you know nothing about exepct the bs you see on fox news... but until you have lived there or been there other than just on a fucking train ride to visit Paris (which btw is far from representing France) you should keep your mouth shut. Most of what Celtik is saying is the truth and I give him credit for speaking his mind openly.
France has become like the USA ... saying a white joke is tolerated but like in the USA if a white guy cracks an arab/black joke it is racism and all the fucking PC brigade will be right there to sue your ass ... fucking bullshit and this country is just now seeing the results of what they planted.
Trashhead said:
Pray tell, why can't he suggest some of the immigration flow to be diverted to a country with a lower native/immigrant ratio, a lower unemployment ratio and duely expected a lower ratio of people living below the poverty line?

Data courtesy of the cia world factbook
because you can't force people to immigrate to one place or another. well, i guess you can, but people have sort of frowned on that since the 40's.

I think i want to rant now too: I want to start by saying that i loathe organized religion, and that i think it has done nothing but stifle the human spirit, and slow our evolution since it's outset. Islam is a particular offender. It genuinely does bother me that Muslims feel the need to spread their faith by the sword, and i indeed consider this intolerable. I agree with Belgar when he says Islam will be the cause of WW3. That religion serves almost exclusively to keep people ignorant and angry, just as christianity did in the middle ages. And i do honestly resent the idea that any elements of any culture, be it French, American, or otherwise should be lost, particularly to appease a group of religious zealots. It's almost unbearable. The desert religions have wreaked havoc on the world for years, and we're long overdue to cast off the shackles of such foolish and violent superstitions.

I have no problem with people believing in whatever they want to believe, but i have a serious problem with any attempt to force me to believe it, and any attempt to regulate my behavior to make it more acceptable to, frankly, anyone, is an abomination. Religion has ruined the lives of humans for thousands of years, and continues to do so. People live in chains and slavery, in squalor and servitude, believing that they will be rewarded in "heaven", and so forego any attempt to make the world a better place. They allow themselves to suffer, believing that they will be rewarded in death, when in reality, they have wasted their only life on some bullshit about an invisible man in the sky, who loves everyone, but still wants you to kill those who don't believe in them.

I also despise the arrogance that is the framework for religion. How fucking arrogant are we humans to assume that since we are here, some all powerful being must have put us here, because we're that damn special. How arrogant is it to assume that we are all here as a part of some divine plan, bluntly, how fucking arrogant is it to assume that if there was an all powerful and all wise being that we are the best it could do.
Well, if they are gonna come over here anyway, living in social housing...

Might as well tell them which country to live in aside of which house to live in.
Trashhead said:
Well, if they are gonna come over here anyway, living in social housing...

Might as well tell them which country to live in aside of which house to live in.
You're right. People have no business deciding for themselves where to live. who needs freedom anyway.

Social housing, there's another problem. If you don't want immigrants to come and leech off the state, then don't give them a free place to stay and do so. Socialism is a flawed theory because it assumes that everyone will do their fair share. Obviously, they don't. Besides, it isn't the government's job to feed you, clothe you, and find you a place to stay, that's your business. It isn't the government's job to take care of you.
The best headline about the riot in France a year ago:

The French Surrenders to the French.
Larsson said:
Bullshit argument since we all originated from Africa anyway. And besides it seems to me that the blacks and whites are perfectly able to live together in democracy in America so why not in Europe.

because, as i said, america is a land of immigrants where all cultures meet and even many times they stay within communities. in europe the communities meet much more and it creates clashes. See the racial riots in england and in France last year (by the way its the anniversary of the riots now, so the immigrants started fucking around again in rememberance.. hence for no reason).
France had a culture before the immigrants arrived, so new cultures coming creates a clash. Its a social thing, thats even something you could learn in school.

Larsson said:
What is that though?

are you insinuating that france doesn't have a beautiful culture and glorious ancestry? if that is so.. please developpe, but my advice to you is :don't get me started.

Larsson said:
You want to force your way of life upon others? Personally I think as long as everyone follows the same law I don’t give a fuck if a portion of the population worships Allah on their freetime, or choose not to eat pork.

what you don't understand is that these arab and black immigrants force THEIR lifestyles on us, and they do that by crying racism so europeans obviously submit to that because of their remorce of colonialism and slavery (and WW2). immigrants should accept the lifestyle of the country they immigrate to (like what asians do.. asians are "good" immigrants) and not impose their lifestyle to the people of the country. don't forget that the first waves of african immigrants only came here 50 years ago. they should adapt to us, not us to them.

Larsson said:
Pathetic, the ‘’glorious’’ French people abandoning ancient traditions just because some Muslims didn’t like them.

Exactly. shame of colonisation and slavery is the cause of this ethnomasochim that you seem to be affected with too.

Larsson said:
IF WE GAVE THEM AWAY? Muslims are cattle to be driven around? Besides things don’t work that way, are you 5 years old? Finland wouldn’t be able to take 6 million immigrants because of much more complicated reasons then ‘’racial’’ cleanliness.

that was to give an idea of how many they are. and oh my god, i shocked you with the "giving them away" thing? lol. anyway if i had the power i would take all these arabs, blacks and muslim to the frontier, yeah. life would be so nice without them.

Larsson said:
So if you don’t have any understanding of the French language -which has nothing to be with IQ in the first place- you are an idiot?

*sigh* my post was divided in two.
first part to critisize his IQ
Second part to critisize how every american i've encountered on the net says "viva.." when refering to france.
get it?

PS: Belgar's post was divine, he put it right on the spot and seems to know the situation very well. i invite all you "non-believers" to come here and have a little visit, and see for yourself.
i could probably put links to dozens and dozens of videos taken here as examples to what we see here every day, but i'm kind of too lazy.
Hey Celtik ... I stayed at my cousin's this year. They live at "plaine St-Denis"
you know the place you have to zig zag thru burnt down cars to go to ... because that is the only affordable place they can find but both of them are working.
That place seemed in fact like it was not France and the walk from the subway to the apt with my suitcase was not like I did not feel observed all the way heheh you'll know what I mean .... cops don't even venture there but my cousins moved there over 10 years ago when it was still livable, now it's like a ghetto.
See, we're not even talking about racism now... we're talking about politics. I'm firm in my belief that the kind of cultural conflict that exists in France (as what seems like the most extreme Western example) can be resolved without resorting to ethnic hatred, as that only creates resentment and solves nothing. You can't just wish the world away.
@ Belgar : i don't know that town but i see exactly what you mean. the northern suburbs of paris are very shitty. and i feel bad cause the biggest parisian airport is in the north suburb, so all these tourists or business men who come here by plane already get a nice souvenir of the place. its not rare that they either get mugged or insulted.

darcy said:
See, we're not even talking about racism now... we're talking about politics. I'm firm in my belief that the kind of cultural conflict that exists in France (as what seems like the most extreme Western example) can be resolved without resorting to ethnic hatred, as that only creates resentment and solves nothing. You can't just wish the world away.

it became ethnic hatred not because of us real (white) french, but because of these immigrants. they create hatred. If all immigrants were like asian immigrants (which means that they don't fuck around, they accept the country's culture and are actually thankfull for the chance they are given) there would be no hatred in France. i'd prefer to live in a chinese neighborhood then in a "mixed" french-arab/black neighborhood.
but i still do wish the world away. The only thing the world brings us is the destruction of our culture. because the WHOLE world knocks on our door, and with 10% unemployement we just can't assume the world's poverty anymore.
i've never really considered myself racist really. but there are just facts that an intelligent eye can't ignore. and we whites must stop being afraid to at least admit it to ourselves.
Celtik Militia said:
@ Belgar : i don't know that town but i see exactly what you mean. the northern suburbs of paris are very shitty. and i feel bad cause the biggest parisian airport is in the north suburb, so all these tourists or business men who come here by plane already get a nice souvenir of the place. its not rare that they either get mugged or insulted.

I think it is the Seine St Denis .... the area around the Stade de France. But I know there is Denis something in there :Smug:
I’ve been reading this thread and recently I’ve read a lot about the problems in Europe (not just France) with the Muslims. I’ve even read a few doomsday type predictions about Europe becoming a Muslim continent in 2050. The US obviously has some serious immigration issues as well.

IMO for the US, with regards to the Latin American immigration, the good will outweigh the bad. Ultimately Hispanics will make up a large portion of the US; already Hispanics are the largest “minority” group. Yes they’ll be sort term problems, but ultimately the majority will “Americanize”. Latin American immigration (both legal & illegal) will keep the US economy going strong for the next century.

As for Europe I’m not as positive. European birthrates are declining too fast. On the immigration issues I’m starting to see this as a clash of civilizations - west vs. east. This isn’t as simple as the immigrants learning the language and assimilating; I’m not convinced some of these cultures can or want to assimilate with their European hosts. It’s kinda scary but I’m starting to think that some of the predictions I’ve read for Europe’s future will become a reality.
Celtik Militia said:
it became ethnic hatred not because of us real (white) french, but because of these immigrants. they create hatred. If all immigrants were like asian immigrants (which means that they don't fuck around, they accept the country's culture and are actually thankfull for the chance they are given) there would be no hatred in France. i'd prefer to live in a chinese neighborhood then in a "mixed" french-arab/black neighborhood.
but i still do wish the world away. The only thing the world brings us is the destruction of our culture. because the WHOLE world knocks on our door, and with 10% unemployement we just can't assume the world's poverty anymore.
i've never really considered myself racist really. but there are just facts that an intelligent eye can't ignore. and we whites must stop being afraid to at least admit it to ourselves.
This, to me, is a statement that's much more rational at least than previous rantings about racial pride and ethnomasochism. I won't deny that there's a big problem there... and of course being next-door-neighbours with Quebec, I'm familiar with the French people worrying about the subversion of their culture. My main point is that whatever these problems are, even cultural ones... you can't simply blame that on someone's ethnic makeup, you don't just naturally inherit stupidity, extremism or violence.
Joemax said:
I’ve been reading this thread and recently I’ve read a lot about the problems in Europe (not just France) with the Muslims. I’ve even read a few doomsday type predictions about Europe becoming a Muslim continent in 2050. The US obviously has some serious immigration issues as well.

IMO for the US, with regards to the Latin American immigration, the good will outweigh the bad. Ultimately Hispanics will make up a large portion of the US; already Hispanics are the largest “minority” group. Yes they’ll be sort term problems, but ultimately the majority will “Americanize”. Latin American immigration (both legal & illegal) will keep the US economy going strong for the next century.

As for Europe I’m not as positive. European birthrates are declining too fast. On the immigration issues I’m starting to see this as a clash of civilizations - west vs. east. This isn’t as simple as the immigrants learning the language and assimilating; I’m not convinced some of these cultures can or want to assimilate with their European hosts. It’s kinda scary but I’m starting to think that some of the predictions I’ve read for Europe’s future will become a reality.

I more or less agree with you
The problem in Europe and it was pointed out earlier, is the huge decline in natality which has led many European governments to keep open door policies with immigrants; mostly to keep the work force up to par with the big numbers of people retiring and low birth rate.
Now the issue becomes that, yes indeed we are letting in an influx of workers but we are also letting in people of different cultures (mostly cheap labor). With the average European family in decline (having just one kid), you bring in families from countries in northern africa, Turkey, eastern Europe... who for some have up to 4-6 kids and decades later you start seeing an imbalance in population. Much like now the US is seeing minorities becoming more and more important.
Now, you bring these figures on a 25/50/100 years projection and in Europe, the average local autochtones and their ancestry will soon become a thing of the past.
True, we might let in whites, blacks, asians,... but all of them are not indigenous to their host country. They can embrace it (most of the time they don't and remain secluded with people of same origins) and live there in peace but the soul of the people who built up, died defending this country,... these values cannot be replaced by new people, these values proper to one nation cannot be embraced by people who have roots in another country.

Here is a good article from a Turkish site explaining the tension between Europe and migrant flux and racial tensions. Mix from several newspapers regarding Europe and immigration. http://www.lobicilik.com/Articles/ImmigrationDebateEurope.htm

So the question I ask ... beyond the fact of racism,... what is a country without its soul? I know this won't happen tomorrow but the numbers are there, minorities will become the majority.