Racist Metal...

I could care less what a band's message is. As long as the music is good, who gives a blue fuck. The most racist band I listen to is Graveland.

If I actually listened to any band's message, I either
a) would have committed suicide
b) would be a serial killer
c) Would be a goat's blood drinking buffoon
d) would be a complete and utter moron

Luckily, I am none of those things. Goes to show how important a band's message is to me.

Hell, I can't even understand what the bands are saying these days. Just don't read the lyric sheet. Problem solved.
I couldn't tell you what the message is behind most bands I listen too. Let a band do their thing. However, if I saw a band doing or saying something racist to somebody I knew, I'd kick their asses. I like Burzum, but if Varg wasn't in prison and I had a chance to talk to him, he'd probably piss me off so much I'd have to kick his ass. Most people with racist views could use a good ass kicking. I'd be glad to do it. Other than that, I don't care what they say in their songs. I believe in free speech, no matter what the subject. If somebody doesn't like a bands message, don't support them.
Originally posted by Profano
g) would cum blood...
That's Cannibal Corpse!

Well about the subject........ I don't care if some bands what to make such statments........ if the music is good it's ok with me
That's why I hail Burzum although i'm not a facist.......
I just don't get why some bands "choose" their audience by race, religion, etc.......
I find that a bit stupid.....
Yes, you’re right, I was inspired in Cannibal Corpse's “ I Cum Blood”

About the subject:

I´d like hear a band with good sound, interest and inteligent lyrics, but is very difficult to find all this elements in one band. Do you know some ones? I start with Summoning…
I continue with Arcturus, Ved Buens Ende, MonumentuM, In the woods... it's exactlly
"good sound, interest and inteligent lyrics"!
but not so "black" though.........
The "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" of Emperor has incredible lyrics and the music is awesome, especially "With Strength I Burn", very interesting lyrics.
i have worked in the metal underground for some time and it never ceases to amaze me just how racist a large amount of these people are. in the end i think that it comes down to ignorance, these people have never been exposed to different cultures and different ideas, so they are frightened of what they don't understand.
i would however like to kick their arses in a big way, i have a lot of ethnic friends and they would cop a lot of shit from these people when i was not around.
Salve Guys,

okay Profano, i have read the text and my opinion is: FUCK RACISM!!!!!!!! Incredible, really!!!

I'm from thuringia (middle of germany, formally known as DDR) and we have a really active blackmetalscene. So i know some guys who are normal guys and good friends on day, but in night this guys are fucking NAZIs. They play in bands which are named with synonyms of the NAZIs. Lyrics are incredible and with this lyrics they will not get any contacts to any label on this planet (i hope so).

The result of my thoughts is, that this guys are the extremists of today. Like Black Sabbath in the 70ies. Like SLAYER + VENOM in the 80ies. Cannibal Corpse in the 90ies.
They will be harder and stronger than all other peoples, they will shock!!! They will be different from millions of other peoples. Nothing more is the reason for the most of this people. They are searching for recognition of their friends or their models (maybe their parents?).

But that's only my explanation for the great part of the racist scene, of course in this scene are enough people who are only dumb and blind!

And what's the problem with a message like: e) would be a church burner???????????
Religion is no fun!!!! And on this planet we have enough religious fanatics (christs, jews, moslems). Christs have killed enough other civilisations!!! Christians, jews and moslems (pope, church, organisation, not every single person) deserves no supporting!
Originally posted by Warmaster
Salve Guys,

And what's the problem with a message like: e) would be a church burner???????????
Religion is no fun!!!! And on this planet we have enough religious fanatics (christs, jews, moslems). Christs have killed enough other civilisations!!! Christians, jews and moslems (pope, church, organisation, not every single person) deserves no supporting!

There´s no problem with this message, I agree with you. This is only a example of what you did if follow the most of lyrics. Religion is crap, here in Brazil there are some cases of pedofilie at the churches.
Originally posted by Warmaster

And what's the problem with a message like: e) would be a church burner???????????
Religion is no fun!!!! And on this planet we have enough religious fanatics (christs, jews, moslems). Christs have killed enough other civilisations!!! Christians, jews and moslems (pope, church, organisation, not every single person) deserves no supporting!

With this statement, you are being just as intolerant as the bands we are discussing. sheesh
For the people that say they don't care about what the bands say and as long as they do some good music they still would suppord them,Iwonder if it was the other way around meaning a bunch of black guys in a band saying whites are stupid,ignorant ..etc would you still support that?I know metal is not known for having great lyrical content in their songs,bands like the ones mention before(cannibal corpse,some black metal bands...etc)are a perfect example but for christ sake you can't compare the two.I know you're not going to go out and rip sombody to pieces or start a satanic church or do whatever they sing about but racist bands have more of a political agenda and when a message and image like that is been given you just can't turn your head and look the other way unless you think like them.Like I said before what if it was the other way arond?sure most of the time you can't even make out what they're singing but fuck I sure hope you know how to read and know some song or album titles to what you are listening to.I think when a politicaly inclined message its been given we all should be aware,weather is good,bad,if you agree or don't,and have a clue at least of what the artist is saying.We all know gore bands and some black metal bands are way too silly and not to be taken seriously as they don't even take themselves seriously but racist bands do take themselves seriously and thats something we should all watch for.FUCK RACISM.