
If the main hook of "Just" (which is the part I'm sure most people remember when they hear the song) is acknowledged to be primarily influenced by and almost identical to the riff in "Shot by Both Sides," then that's grounds to say that one song is based off of the other. I like both songs, but one song contains a large part of the other one.

That's okay, because Magazine's guitar player copied the guitar riff just a few months after recording it, in a song called "Lipstick" that he did with The Buzzcocks.
If the main hook of "Just" (which is the part I'm sure most people remember when they hear the song) is acknowledged to be primarily influenced by and almost identical to the riff in "Shot by Both Sides," then that's grounds to say that one song is based off of the other.

I disagree. Basing a song you have written on another song would infer that you have used the original song as a base and written the rest of your song around this base. Seeing as Radiohead have only admitted to being influenced by the song, any further theories regarding "Just" being based off of "Shot by Both Sides" would be merely guesswork, unless you happened to be hanging out with them while they were writing it.
Yeah, you know, aside from the fact that they took the main part of a song and used it as the main part of their own song, which is synonymous with saying that they based their song off of the other song.
Yeah, you know, aside from the fact that they took the main part of a song and used it as the main part of their own song, which is synonymous with saying that they based their song off of the other song.

I don't agree that that guitar hook is the "main part" or "base" of "Just". It's a guitar hook that Johnny Greenwood most likely made fit over the already existing skeleton of the song because he was influenced by the guitarist in Magazine. The underlying melody, the timing and the feel are completely different. The very first acoustic riff you hear in "Just" sounds much more like something that would have been the starting point when they wrote it.
I saw this band live actually with my cousin who is really into them...I personally I have mixed feelings about them (some of their stuff is good and some of it is just blah imo), but they put on a GREAT show.
Radiohead are in a way, a very influential band to me. But not in the way you might think. They inspired me to take my electronic beat ideas, and actually use them. I really do hope that people dont start assuming im some Radiohead rip off though.

also, from what Ive heard , In Rainbows seems more consistent, and Kid A is more experimental.
Well, most on here are younger than me. However, from what I've seen posted on various bands(and on this thread) Most have a good insight on bands which is a pre-requisite of excellent taste. Some have helped this "old dirt" learn more about good music. Being open-minded is a valuable attribute in this life. Just wanted to say thanx. Radiohead, are certainly one of the most interesting bands to come out of the 90's. I really dig "In Rainbows" and "The Bends" and "OK Computer" next visit for me will be "Kid A."
I find it hard to get into bands with vocals like Radiohead/M83/Coldplay etc.

I guess M83 aren't a band but still.

I think Coldplay don't really belong with those two. The other two are better I suppose.

anyway, I liked one song by them, I don't think it's a particularly noted song, but it had some reasonably interesting stuff going on, I can remember the title though, so I'm screwed now.