Ragnarokkr 2015 Wish List

I'll play.

Running Wild would certainly be a home run.
Nasty Savage reunion
Icon (to capture attention from a difference audience, and I think everyone would be surprised how well it would work)
Fifth Angel
TTD (seen they way many times, still they would work well)
Solitude Aeturnus ( it is doom that can hold non-doom people's attention)
Jeremy, you have been like a loaded gun with that photo, ready to shoot when the time is right!!!!! LOL.....

In my opinion, I would stick mostly with non-overseas bands.
there are PLENTY worthy bands that are high on most folks wish list that would make for a humdinger of a lineup.

I am speaking mostly from a cost perspective.

Sure, we would all love (insert random NWOBHM band) to play, but euro flights are not cheap!

For a quarter of that cost, you could land one of MANY in demand cult metal bands from the States.
Jeremy, you have been like a loaded gun with that photo, ready to shoot when the time is right!!!!! LOL.....

In my opinion, I would stick mostly with non-overseas bands.
there are PLENTY worthy bands that are high on most folks wish list that would make for a humdinger of a lineup.

I am speaking mostly from a cost perspective.

Sure, we would all love (insert random NWOBHM band) to play, but euro flights are not cheap!

For a quarter of that cost, you could land one of MANY in demand cult metal bands from the States.

I agree with this too, though I think if the right band came along like Satan, it would be worth the cost, and that's the thing. To fly an overseas band, they have to be a band that's going to draw people. Sadly, I don't think Headless Cross will.
Hmmm... I think most of this has been mentioned already, but:

Tony Martin/Headless Cross (I would love this, personally)
Jag Panzer
Armored Saint
Solitude Aeturnus
Grand Magus
Saint Vitus
Victor Griffin's In-Graved (may not draw; but it was really good live)
High Spirits
Metal Church

On the "wishful thinking" front...

Dream Evil (probably wouldn't draw and expensive from overseas but I would love to see them one day)
King Diamond (Lee and I were going to see him back when Candlemass was touring but they cancelled the tour due to his back)
Astral Doors (they'd be a bring in from Sweden and I doubt they have a big draw, but they're solid afaik)
OK, thinking about overseas bands I agree that people shouldn't just throw out every band they wish they could see, but obviously having a couple European bands that don't normally play in the US is one of the draws of Ragnarokkr. With that in mind, here is my first suggestion:

- cult appeal (I definitely saw a few Stormwitch patches last weekend)
- currently active (in the process of recording a new album)
- still great live

classic tune:

recent footage:
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If Steve Grimmett's band will draw, so will Tony Martin.

Grim Reaper had an arseload more commercial appeal and exposure than any Tony Martin era Sabbath album did. Trust me, I am a Martin fanboy, but I would not say with 100% certainty that it would be a home run.

though there certainly are a lot more people interested in Martin era Sabbath now than when those albums were first recorded, so who knows.

Is he even doing anything musically these days?
This is something of a dream of mine, but I'll be damned if I don't do everything in my power to make it happen:

Breaker (Canada)

Singer Rik Anthony is still singing and sounds incredible in this Iron Maiden tribute:

As I understand it Kevin Bradley reunited with Witchkiller recently (though nothing seems to have come of that reunion):

Don't know about the other members.
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