Ragnarokkr 2015 Wish List

Grim Reaper had an arseload more commercial appeal and exposure than any Tony Martin era Sabbath album did. Trust me, I am a Martin fanboy, but I would not say with 100% certainty that it would be a home run.

though there certainly are a lot more people interested in Martin era Sabbath now than when those albums were first recorded, so who knows.

Is he even doing anything musically these days?

There is ,ore interest now yes, but Grim Reaper is a name that broke out of juat a cult following, while some people still have no idea Sabbath ever had a singer beyond Ozzy and Dio/ Hell Dio has really just been recognized in recent years.
But Martin and Grimmett in no way can be compared. That era of Sabbath is so over shadowed.
I know they played three songs this year, but I think it would be cool to bring the Skull in and play a whole set. Seemed the crowd were into them.
This is something of a dream of mine, but I'll be damned if I don't do everything in my power to make it happen:

Breaker (Canada)

Singer Rik Anthony is still singing and sounds incredible in this Iron Maiden tribute:

As I understand it Kevin Bradley reunited with Witchkiller recently (though nothing seems to have come of that reunion):

Don't know about the other members.

Witchkiller has been tried...even the big euro fest can't get that band to play. Odin even tried last year with no luck.
Titan Force
Angel Witch
Atlantean Kodex
Dead On
Grand Magus
Jag Panzer
Liege Lord
Medieval Steel
Pagan Altar
Running Wild
Sacred Guardian
Sinister Realm
Stone Dagger
Titan Force
Tony Martin
Twisted Tower Dire
Winters Bane

But mainly Titan Force.

Angel Witch will never play the US. Main guy cannot come to the states.

Medievil Steel wanted wayyyyy to much money.
Tony Martin would be awesome, but I he wants a butt load of cash from what I hear. A local club owner has turned him down repeatedly because of his asking price.

I say,
Annihilator It's a damn crime they can't get a gig anywhere in the US
Sacred Reich
Armored Saint
Mandroid EchoStar
Tygers Of Pan Tang
Vicious Rumors
Icon They have supposedly reunited with the original singer but I haven't heard squat since then.
Hes said that the past 3 years but Volture has yet to play anywherre else in the states besides Virginia, New york, and LA. And now they have the lower quality singer. Wish they wouldve come around when brent hubbard was still the vocalist.

I think theyre just a shitty pipe dream.

I actually like the new singer better. Lots of energy live.
Tony Martin would be awesome, but I he wants a butt load of cash from what I hear. A local club owner has turned him down repeatedly because of his asking price.
What if they just flew in Tony Martin, and got a rad band of talented locals to back him up? In Canada, festival promoters have been doing that with the Japanese band Barbados. They just fly the singer in, and they get a local band (who sound a lot like Barbados) to back him up. Saves a bunch of money, you get the rad singer to do his material, plus you give locals a chance to make a great connection
What if they just flew in Tony Martin, and got a rad band of talented locals to back him up? In Canada, festival promoters have been doing that with the Japanese band Barbados. They just fly the singer in, and they get a local band (who sound a lot like Barbados) to back him up. Saves a bunch of money, you get the rad singer to do his material, plus you give locals a chance to make a great connection

Di'Anno did that with Icarus Witch.
I can tell you now mike won't do this. He heard enough people bitch saying he got "cover" bands playing this year. I am compiling a list of the bands posted here that are reasonable and giving it to him so your suggestions are being heard....some mentioned were bands in the running already and a few were asked and are already out of the running.
If Pagan Altar plays, I will immediately grab a ticket. My favorite fucking band of all time. I have them fucking tattooed on my body I love them so much.

As for euro bands, get that fucking Cirith Ungol cover band to play. Finger of Scorn. I'd lose my shit to see them live. But I'd say just stick with good US bands.

Fuck you doom haters. We should get some more Baltimore-style doom at this fest. I say give John Brenner a call and get Revelation to play. Fucking incredible band.

Also, the dudes in Angelust are totally down to play Barbatos songs if you guys fly Yasuyuki only in.