Rambo, and other good movies.

Dark One said:
but did you ever see Copland?

never saw it. in retaliation, allow me to bring up "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" :goggly:

Dark One said:
Agreed - though I would limit Conan to just the "Barbarian" film thanks in large part to James Earl Jones' portrayal of Thulsa Doom and Schwarzenegger's seriousness in the role.
I agree. I have always believed that JEJ is a titan of an actor, and that if he wasn't a fat black guy, would be much huger a star. That voice is amazing. Field of Dreams.
lizard said:
never saw it. in retaliation, allow me to bring up "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" :goggly:

Please, please don't, I surrender I surrender!!

Seriously though, check out Copland if you like a good drama - it's well worth tracking down.

lizard said:
I agree. I have always believed that JEJ is a titan of an actor, and that if he wasn't a fat black guy, would be much huger a star. That voice is amazing. Field of Dreams.

LOL, you're probably right. He has a commanding presence to say the least - he even made "Best of the Best" enjoyable.

Field of Dreams - I love the part where JEJ goes on the rant about what he wants in life, when Kevin Costner finally says...."no..... I mean, what do you want?"

JEJ - "Oh.... Dog and a Coke please."

A Perfect WOrld was golden. I've liked a lot of COstner films over the years, Field of Dreams wbeing the best. Heck, I even get guilty pleasure from watching Waterworld and The Postman.

But his A#1 underrated film has to be For the Love of the Game. Seriously, if you want to impress the wife with your sensitivity and shit, rent it. It's got lots of sport (baseball) wrapped up with a solid love story. My wife liked it and even started crying. Then she made me dinner.
But his A#1 underrated film has to be For the Love of the Game. Seriously, if you want to impress the wife with your sensitivity and shit, rent it. It's got lots of sport (baseball) wrapped up with a solid love story. My wife liked it and even started crying. Then she made me dinner.

what was crazy about that movie is that Sam "Evil Dead" Raimi directed it ...
Waterworld isn't a bad movie. What is unenjoyable about that movie to a sci-fi fan? I don't get it? If your not a sci-fi fan...sure it probobly sucks, but why watch it in the firstplace? Sheesh.
You are all forgetting the most metal movie ever.
Death Race 2000
It has blood, it has nazis, it has Stallone starring as Machine Gun Joe Viturbo. What more can you ask for?
i liked waterworld. dennis hopper god dammit!

dances with wolves rules, of course.

i haven't seen the postman, but i sorta want to. :loco:
Vilden said:
You are all forgetting the most metal movie ever.
Death Race 2000
It has blood, it has nazis, it has Stallone starring as Machine Gun Joe Viturbo. What more can you ask for?

And it is the title of my favorite metal song ever.