Rank these thrash bassists


Apr 25, 2008
Spin off of the other topic about vocalists. Rank these bassists:

...scrap the list, rank whoever you'd like, I just wanna hear some opinions.
1 and 2 seem obvious to me, but maybe I'm alone there? The rest will take some thought...and several strenuous hours of listening, how terrible. :headbang:
Ranking bassists seems kind of redundant. None of these guys (to my ears anyways) can compete with Claypool, Flea (RHCP) or Victor Wooten - although I'm sure most if not all are quite competent bassists. Unless you've actually played bass along to these songs it would be hard to judge many of them.

Out of the list, my number one goes to Burton. I had never even considered bass being distorted until I heard pulling teeth.
I couldn't care less about these bassists, so I'll just put Jason as 1 for merely being in Voivod, and Cliff as 2 for Pulling Teeth.
Ranking bassists seems kind of redundant. None of these guys (to my ears anyways) can compete with Claypool, Flea (RHCP) or Victor Wooten - although I'm sure most if not all are quite competent bassists. Unless you've actually played bass along to these songs it would be hard to judge many of them.

Out of the list, my number one goes to Burton. I had never even considered bass being distorted until I heard pulling teeth.

I don't think Wooten, Les or Flea could hold a candle next to Cliff, but other than that pretty much agree. I play a little bass, that's why I asked. It didn't occur to me that people who aren't pretty familiar with it, wouldn't be interested, but it makes sense. Maybe more people would be interested in guitarists, should I give that a try?

I think Cliff is a lock as #1. I would say Ellefson is the only guy that comes close to him. The others are tougher to decide, for a lot of reasons, mainly because bass isn't seen as a necessity in thrash and a lot of them didn't get many chances to show what they could do. Still, I think most of them are pretty good bassists.
None of these guys (to my ears anyways) can compete with Claypool, Flea (RHCP) or Victor Wooten

WOW! Victor Wooten mentioned here, never expected that! It's not fair to compair anyone to him, I don't think he is even from Earth! That guy is so "outside the box" it's scary. I once saw an instructional dvd he did where he was playing this mind melting shit and then slowed it down so "YOU TOO can play it" and it was still so complicated all you could do was laugh and say "Yeh, RIGHT"!! Before I saw Wooten I always thought Claypool was the best, and for Flea, he's just another good funk guy to me, nothing special.

As for thrash bassists, I'd vote for Cliff... of course.
I don't care who is the best bass player in thrash.. but then again, I don't really care who is the best guitarist in thrash either.. thrash for me is about riffs and sound. For instance, I love the overall sound on Mortal Sin - Mayhemic Destruction. It doesn't take an awesome bass player to play those bass lines, but it sounds good together with the guitars, drums and vocals.
I think Greg Christian has a pretty trebly bass sound (Practice what you Preach comes to mind) that I dislike. Other than that I can't really recall the bass being all that audible on any Exodus or Forbidden album :)
I should go back and listen to Bonded by Blood and Forbidden Evil and see if the bassist plays something other than just a stripped down version of the guitar riff, which seems to be the case of most bass players in thrash (Tom Araya for instance)..

So.. in conclusion.. Cliff.
I don't think Wooten, Les or Flea could hold a candle next to Cliff,

You obviously aren't a musician. Cliff was a very good bassist, but as Greeno said, Wooten is from another planet. It's not fair to compare them (death and all) but Wooten is on a different plane of technicality and playing ability.

Greeno, as for Flea, he's a brilliant bassist. I doubt he's as good as Wooten, but still a VERY talented bassist who can do some mesmerizing slap stuff.
Spin off of the other topic about vocalists. Rank these bassists:

11) Tom Araya (Slayer)
5) Frank Bello (Anthrax)
1) Cliff Burton (Metallica)
6) Matt Camacho (Forbidden)
3) Greg Christian (Testament)
2) Dave Ellefson (Megadeth)
10) Jack Gibson (Exodus)
9) Rob McKillop (Exodus)
4) Jason Newsted (Flotsam/Jetsam, Metallica...and Voivod if you want to include what he's done with them)
8) D.D. Verni (Overkill)
7) Jason Ward (Flotsam/Jetsam)

Where the hell are Steve Di Giorgio (Sadus and Testament), John Emery (Anacrusis), Mike Jastremski (Heathen) and Ron Royce (the almighty Coroner)?
Not necessarily in the thrash category, but I'd take Markus Grosskopf over those listed. I think that Helloween relly knew how to work the bass into the mix... at least back in the day.

I saw a Victor Wooten concert several years ago. The only thing I remember from it is Victor walking through the crowd on the floor playing the bass what was different.
Where the hell are Steve Di Giorgio (Sadus and Testament), John Emery (Anacrusis), Mike Jastremski (Heathen) and Ron Royce (the almighty Coroner)?

Beat me to it! I was going to ask how they could forget THE 2 best thrash bassists....Digiogio, and Royce. Steve DiGiorgio is one of the most recruited musicians ever. His resume in the metal world is impressive for a reason. As for Royce, just the song Masked Jackal alone will help people understand.
Beat me to it! I was going to ask how they could forget THE 2 best thrash bassists....Digiogio, and Royce. Steve DiGiorgio is one of the most recruited musicians ever. His resume in the metal world is impressive for a reason. As for Royce, just the song Masked Jackal alone will help people understand.

Agree on both counts :kickass:

Billy Sheehan, Rev. Jones, Cliff Burton are three of the best that I have heard....They aren't all thrash just skilled.

I want to add Sean Malone, Geezer Butler, Phil Lynott, Geedy Lee, Jonas Reingold, Stu Hamm, Matt Bissonette, Bunny Brunnel to your list of very skilled bass players.

Not necessarily in the thrash category, but I'd take Markus Grosskopf over those listed. I think that Helloween relly knew how to work the bass into the mix... at least back in the day.

He still have it and he's a very underrated bass player and composer IMO. Although his Bassinvaders project didn't catched me.
John Myung, and Percy Jones. I could add a few others, but this is a thrash bassist thread, so......
John Myung, and Percy Jones. I could add a few others, but this is a thrash bassist thread, so......

add tony levin to the other greats mentioned like claypool,sheehan, flea and wooten.

i think she left out steve digiorgio on purpose because he's the best bassists in a thrash band.

also what was up when she said cliff burton is better than wooten and the others mentioned? she must not play an instrument or maybe never even heard a few of these people we mentioned. i always though cordell crockett was crazy good, maybe i'm wrong?
add tony levin

How could I forgot the great Tony?

I didn't mention Myung because I never found him astounding nor in DT, Platypus, The Jelly Jam or Gordian Knot. But I like all those bands and therefore his work in it.

And by Jupiter how could I not mentioned Lemmy? He may be not he most technical bass player in the world, but he surely know his business
How could I forgot the great Tony?

I didn't mention Myung because I never found him astounding nor in DT, Platypus, The Jelly Jam or Gordian Knot. But I like all those bands and therefore his work in it.

And by Jupiter how could I not mentioned Lemmy? He may be not he most technical bass player in the world, but he surely know his business

you like the stuff levin did when he was in the original BLS (terry bozzio, tony levin, steve stevens) not to be confussed with zakk wylde's BLS?

anyways like i said obviuosly the thread starter doesn't play bass because most of the people we named in this thread are better than anyone in a thrash band
you like the stuff levin did when he was in the original BLS (terry bozzio, tony levin, steve stevens)

I love his work, those albums are astounding. Also I like his work with Liquid Tension Experiment and the wild improv of Liquid Trio Experiment.
Did you know he played for Alice Cooper after the original line-up disbanded? He's on "Welcome To My Nightmare", "Goes To Hell" and "Lace & Whiskey"?

anyways like i said obviuosly the thread starter doesn't play bass because most of the people we named in this thread are better than anyone in a thrash band

That's a bit unfair. She started a thread with an specific goal, we drifted it apart (I'm to blame too), but it's all good in a sane discussion , we're UMOS!