

Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
So my girlfriend of a year finally broke up with me. Took me off guard, since I thought we were doing pretty good.

Kind of sucks, since This is the second time she broke up with me. After a couple months, she begged me to take her back, so I did, against my own advice, knowing this exact thing was going to happen again.

I like to think I took her back because the sex was good, but I think really it was because I missed her. Oh well.

Anyways, to top it off, I've been off taxable work since April with a back & neck injury, with no money coming in. I was on Medical Employment Insurance, which is only handed out for the first 15 weeks, which has now expired. I tried hard at getting a job, but there is no such job that will cater to a gimp who can't work full time, can't stand or sit for prolonged periods of time, and has to take frequent breaks.

Another stressful situation is my grandfather and parents. He's got dementia, and, like my grandmother who is in a home for Alzheimer's, he's getting completely forgetful and is no longer making sense. My parents have to try and move him in to their current residence, which causes for even more problems since he can't climb stairs, and that's the only location of a big enough room for him. I feel quite useless.

So there yar be. My rant.

Realistically, I could move into my grandfather's house, however the place is so run down, that it's already extremely unhealthy for him to live there, and it would cost too much to try and have the place up to living conditions, whom no one is willing to pay. Plus, I don't think I could handle taking care of him.
Meh, relationships are (frequently) a form of entertainment for evil deities. They laugh at our misfortune. Never take them back, I have learned in my own suffering. Sorry it had to work out that way.

As for the rest, that's seriously harsh. I can dedicate my beer to you, I hope that there is some improvement, on any front, because that's a whole truckload of shit to have to swallow.
Oh well, life isn't fair. Everyone has their ups and downs.

It just sucks when the worst possible situations all happen at once.
Yeah, pretty much I've learned you can never take them back. It just doesn't work.

Sorry to hear about the injury stuff, that can be a really tough situation. Like you said, who wants to hire the gimp?
I feel for you. I remember when my grandpa had dementia, it was scary/sad.

It was a little funny though. At the hospital he kept demanding to speak with the head of command.
I feel for you, but hang in there. Life's a series of shit storms. I know it's been said before but don't take that girl back again. This is going to be an ongoing pattern with her. She will break up with you every time the things are not peachy or if she finds the "bigger better deal" I know her kind, I dated a guy like her many years ago. Tell yourself that it's better to be alone then to deal with that kind of bullshit.

Sorry to hear about your Grandparents :(. I used to take care of a woman with Alzheimer's for many years from her first onset until the end, and it was very hard to deal with and I wasn't even a family member. The whole family has to get in there and take responsibility, you will drive yourself insane to try and take care of him by yourself. You may have to bug the crap out of your parents if they are unwilling. It will make it easier on everyone if all is involved.

Hang in there.
Focus on your family, dude. That's the most important thing ever. If anything, being out of that relationship will make it easier to do. Love and be there for your family and yourself before anything and everything else will fall into place eventually.

Good luck!
Love and be there for your family and yourself before anything and everything else will fall into place eventually.

Yes, but how will that get him laid? Unless he has a thing for taking advantage of related 80 year old men...

Sorry to hear about that, I'm sure you'll find a better shiner vagina, just keep looking.

And yeah help the old guy out, you would be surprised what a can of paint and a weekend of debauchery can do for a shithole. Truth be told it usually ends up looking like a Jackson Pollack painting but it's fun :kickass:.
I was made for lovin' you babyyyyyy
you were made for lovin' meeeeeeeeeee
And I cant get enough of you babyyy
Can you get enough of meeeee?!

do do do do do do do do dooooo
do do do do do do dooooooo
Tyler... sorry to hear about your back and neck.... what happened?
and are you going through some physical therapy right now to improve it?
Hurt it at work lifting too much in a weird position, and I was doing physio, then chiro, but I can't afford either anymore, because my insurance was up middle of August.

Sorry about the gf. She is crazy to break up with you.
That's what I told her. :p
Yea, I've been dealing with Disability, work, EI, the physiotherapy offices, Worker's Compensation, and there's really nothing I can do.

I had to pull money out of my Mortgage to pay off bills that have been a bit of a pain in the butt. I also was able to extend my mortgage so that the payments are lower. Can't afford it otherwise.
My grandmother took about three-quarters of my life (at the time) to die of old in a retirement home. Some days she'd be fine, others we'd spend most of our visits reminding her of who we were. The fucking place smelled like death, the people were depressing, and it didn't seem like there was anyone in that old, failing body that we kept functioning year after year. At least it gets you to think about things (like how you're going to be taken care of when it's time to die), but there's no really good way out of this one. Pull through it, you'll outlive all the bullshit.
