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I never tried The Last of Us' multiplayer until a few weeks ago and now I'm hooked to it. Waiting for some craziness to settle with a paycheck issue before I pick up MGS 5, the wait is killing me.
The Witcher for me is an 8/10 after 10 hours of game. It's great and very well acted and dubbed, but it's linear and repetitive as fuck. Which in my opinion is not bad, because Skyrim is dominating the "real" open world solo game of that genre. It's a must have AAA game though, I barely scratched its surface and I might change my mind when I will have finished it :)
The Witcher for me is an 8/10 after 10 hours of game. It's great and very well acted and dubbed, but it's linear and repetitive as fuck. Which in my opinion is not bad, because Skyrim is dominating the "real" open world solo game of that genre. It's a must have AAA game though, I barely scratched its surface and I might change my mind when I will have finished it :)

Linear? I really thought the sidequests where excellent. I had trouble knowing what was the main quest line from time to time. I think the game will grow on you :)

The Witcher 3 was 10/10 for me. Probably the best game ever made, atleast in the RPG genre. I played Dragon Age Inquisition afterwards and although that was a good game it was nowhere near The Witcher.
BloodBorne 10/10

Never played the Dark Souls game but I was kind of expecting a super hard hack n' slash. At first I didn't like it that much but damn this one was addictive haha. I never experienced a game before that affected my pulse in that way, the whole body really. You know when you got allot of blood echoes and you don't want to lose them! Great atmosphere and super scary!
if for you the witcher 3 is a 10/10 and probably the best rpg ever, what should we say about Baldur's gate saga????
Or the great Pillars of eternity?

I love Baldurs Gate! Had such a blast playing it when it first came out. It was really revolutionary :) Some of my best gaming memories comes from that game.

But the Witcher really pushed the gaming experience to a whole new level just as Baldurs Gate did some 15 (17!!!) years ago.

But comparing Witcher and say Biowares Dragon Age it was very clear that The Witcher had much more depth, better graphics, well really everything was better.

You should try Dark Souls 1. I've been hooked on it recently - 65 hours already. Level design, game design, atmosphere, attention to detail - 10/10.

Cool, think im definitely gonna dig into the Dark Souls saga :)
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain


Fan-fucking-tastic game. I'd give it a full 10, but the way they fleshed out the story was a bit of a pain in the ass. I'm wondering if that had anything to do with Konami and Kojima's falling out.

Moving on to Metal Gear Online now that it's out, but it needs some work. 7/10.
Went back and got the last steam achievements in The Stanley Parable. I really recommend it.
I think it's a great game that is narrated with funny commentary and many, many different endings and easter eggs, but it's a exploration game and you have to be prepared for that.
Dark Souls and Bloodborne are both brilliant and are both much, much better games than The Witcher, IMO.

Are the saving/drop-your-souls-when-you-die mechanics in Bloodborne less dickish than they are in Dark Souls? I thought Dark Souls was overly frustrating for that reason, but I've heard amazing things about Bloodborne.
I feel like all I ever play is Dota 2 if I've been drinking alone and Smash Bros if I've been drinking with friends, wish I had more time to play games these days, I don't even know what I should be looking forward to (battlefront I guess?). :/
Are the saving/drop-your-souls-when-you-die mechanics in Bloodborne less dickish than they are in Dark Souls? I thought Dark Souls was overly frustrating for that reason, but I've heard amazing things about Bloodborne.

It's about the same, though sometimes, there are specific monsters that you have to kill in order to obtain them. So it's not like there's always a spot where you can walk up, grab, and go. Still kinda dickish, actually. :lol:
Are the saving/drop-your-souls-when-you-die mechanics in Bloodborne less dickish than they are in Dark Souls? I thought Dark Souls was overly frustrating for that reason, but I've heard amazing things about Bloodborne.

I don't think it's dickish at all. I haven't yet encountered a single "cheap" death. You can usually see all the ambushes if you keep your pace down and pay attention to your surroundings. Besides the "respawn and pick your stuff from your corpse" mechanic is taken straight from 20 year old Diablo so it's nothing new.
I don't think it's dickish at all. I haven't yet encountered a single "cheap" death. You can usually see all the ambushes if you keep your pace down and pay attention to your surroundings. Besides the "respawn and pick your stuff from your corpse" mechanic is taken straight from 20 year old Diablo so it's nothing new.

I agree with this. It's meant to be that way. It's part of the charm. It's supposed to be punishing and brutal to force you into learning the mechanics and making each encounter more rewarding by not holding your hand at every turn like most AAA games.
Wolfenstein - new order 9/10 Great game, graphics, gameplay, even the story its cool. The only thing that I can point my finger it´s for the final boss, it´s so fucking hard that almost ruins the experience but I mean really fucking hard, so hard that´s ridiculous. Besides that is probably the best FPS that I played last year.
Fallout 4 - 8/10: loading screens occasionally interrupted by a future where nobody minds that they still live in a skeleton-carpeted shambles that has seen fewer structural improvements in the last two centuries than [anything political at all, really].

Come for the gameplay mechanic introduced solely for the sake of shoving an achievement in there somewhere (presumably in case someone incapable of spelling 'The Sims' wound up buying the wrong thing), stay for the thrill of finding some use for those three traits shoved in just because coming up with 70 skills is clearly mad.

The crafting systems are fortunately enough to keep early-game weapons viable throughout, but there's still a lot of game-breaking wackiness that interrupts real progression - it's already confusing when experience is all shoved into one pile, as if looking around town a bit really does anything to improve firearms handling, but when I can have a character with maxed luck and minimal intelligence gain experience because an incoming shot ricocheted off and killed my attacker (a real skill), get bonus experience for being an idiot savant (another real skill), and use the resulting points to gain critical hit damage I just can't explain the progression in any way whatsoever.

An energy weapons expert (my first playthrough) was harder to play and develop than a 10 CHA, 10 LCK, 1 INT goddamn reality TV contestant, so something somewhere shat the bed mercilessly... my favorite so far was accepting a minor quest, fast-traveling to a place I had discovered so that I had enough points to pick better locks, walking inside to try to kill someone, having him commit suicide by RNG when he shoots me with opposite-day consequences, turning in the quest, and lucking into an Idiot Savant bonus that wound up getting me two levels. I learned how to pacify animals by having a robot suck at shooting me. Yeah, the story's great and everything looks about as good as Boston could manage pre- or post-apocalypse... but I'm pretty sure nuclear war somehow irradiated the concept of cause and effect, because I can't figure out any other way to justify that sentence.

Far Cry 4 - whatever Far Cry 3 is rated, plus one: it is almost the same game, but with elephants and auto-driving (it really took us this long to figure out that sometimes players want to grab a beer while going across the map?) instead of an obnoxious frat twat appropriating someone's culture. It would have been nice to have more obnoxious spoiled rich douches die just for the schadenfreude of it all, but at least opening with 'hey, your mum's dead, have a sarcastic sociopath or two and some torture just for funsies' gets partway there.

Payday 2, re-reviewed - $2.50 per point: dear sweet Satan did they screw the pooch with drills and safes, but the Point Break remake tie-in started off as a shit-eating brain-damaged puppypunt of a bad idea and actually led to two good heists. I think the developers must have the Idiot Savant perk from Fallout 4.

Elite: Dangerous - 10/10: I am in space.
