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Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon was really badass and funny.

I gave it a 9.0/10 http://metalarcade.net/2013/05/far-cry-3-blood-dragon-review/

Really want to get that one. I actually bought FC3 last week and love it, but mainly got it to play BD...then I find out you don't even need FC3 to play it. LOL it was worth it anyway, fun game for a shooter. I wouldn't go as far as to call it a RPG but still pretty involved and vast.

I also bought Dishonored but haven't installed it yet. Looks cool from the previews I've seen.
Just cause 2 7,5/10 I almost deleted the game in the beginning because it didnt knew how to open the missions. The game was quite funny to play, a bit repetitive but good overall.
Age of Empires 3. Used to play the second one all night with my friends when I was younger, just amazing.
Hitman absolution 8/10 I liked the game but playing how it´s supposed to be, I mean using disguises, it´s near impossible, everyone recognizes you and that instinct shit doesnt help much. But the levels, story, graphics are good enough.
Got a game called State of Decay on steam's Early Access (which means I'm basically beta testing it) and it's a pretty good mix of The Walking Dead scenario and GTA graphics/gameplay. The controls haven't been implemented for the mouse/kb combo yet so it's a bit weird controlling it, and there's no mouse smoothing so the movements are jerky but otherwise it's a pretty good little game that has people and resource management mixed into the shooting/stabbing part.
Got a game called State of Decay on steam's Early Access (which means I'm basically beta testing it) and it's a pretty good mix of The Walking Dead scenario and GTA graphics/gameplay. The controls haven't been implemented for the mouse/kb combo yet so it's a bit weird controlling it, and there's no mouse smoothing so the movements are jerky but otherwise it's a pretty good little game that has people and resource management mixed into the shooting/stabbing part.

yeah dude, i was waiting for this to hit and i am very happy with it even it it's early form. it's a lot of fun and i never read a review of when it came out for xbox a while back. very cool ideas in this game and i hope they get to make their multiplayer version in the future as it is very promising.
The Last Of Us. The game sports great graphics and characters but falls short when it comes to gameplay.
GTA 5 9.5/10

Awesome game, like i expected it to be. Pretty choppy performance on ps3 though. I'll be buying and playing the PC version or next gen again.
Yeah, it's really just the story and art design that are great IMO, I too found the gameplay really tedious

Yeah the Bioshock games are a bit overrated in my opinion, I've tried to get into all three of them, got the farthest in 1 but still only a few hours before giving up.

Been playing GTA 5 and Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate for review this last week, both games are awesome. GTA 5 is a pretty easy 10/10, huge improvement over 4.
Yeah, it's really just the story and art design that are great IMO, I too found the gameplay really tedious

Good to know that I am not the only who thinks that. I played a few hours more but erased it today. Boring game is boring, good guns and good graphics dont make a good game IMO. My note would be a 6/10 and I am being generous!lol
Need for Speed Most Wanted 2012 9/10 Probably the most awesome racing game I have played in years.

Saints row 4 - 7/10 it´s a funny game but gets quite repetitive after a while.
Well but a great story doesnt make a good game. The game looks good and the visuals are quite well done but there is no excitement at all, the interaction with the levels is quite tedious, the enemies very uninteresting.

I know that my opinion is not shared by most of people but I found the game really overrated.