Rate this sound - specially 006

I think it's the swing or groove of it.... and maybe some velocities... it just dont think it's posible to get a really good sound this way... a good sound yes... but really good.... it's personal taste i guess

Took me ten minutes to recreate that. The fills were the hardest part. :p I didn't mess with any velocities, all 127 across the board, you can probably imagine what it would sound like with some tom foolery on the velocity bar though. As far as the seperation...I thought that was the point of metal, especially for drums? Whatever the case, I would like to hear the guy put his guitars over it to see how it sounds with guitars on top. Then we could really compare, yanno?

yeah man good work, about the separation i'm sure that's just me it's all taste... i guess i'm just a fan of inconsisnecy... that human element y'know... same reason why i never trigger snares more than 50%... beauty in chaos and all that

I recently did a track for a band and someone else tracked the drums... but they didn't mic the botom of the snare because it was "like a baby's rattle".... but when it came to the mix i really needed the random buzzez and rattls off the snare.... chafes me every time i think about it because it could of been that extra 10% better....and it just sounds like i'm making excuses if i explain it to folk!!!!! GrrrrrrRRRRrrrrr (i always pop a valve condencer under)

DKFH has to be the best demoing tool out there tho.... have you ever triggered it from triggers and the midi from a brain? say like v-drums etc... would love to hear that

carl@laruso.com said:
yeah more like it, much better groove.... still sounds very faux to me... i think it must be the extream separation or something.... DAMN fine programming tho man


You are right. It's probably because drummers don't play patterns like that (without velocity).

For comparison: here's a little recording of a Tama Starclassic Performer Custom Set. It's not recorded that well, but it sounds much more real - because it's being played by a drummer.

006 said:
Took me ten minutes to recreate that. The fills were the hardest part. :p I didn't mess with any velocities, all 127 across the board, you can probably imagine what it would sound like with some tom foolery on the velocity bar though. As far as the seperation...I thought that was the point of metal, especially for drums? Whatever the case, I would like to hear the guy put his guitars over it to see how it sounds with guitars on top. Then we could really compare, yanno?


I´ll do it... put that crappy guitar sound on top of it to compare.

Do you work in Toontrack or something? :)
Smy, to be honest, he just sounds like he has a bad sense of timing, to me. I've worked with a lot of drummers that just blew my mind on how fast they were playing and how incredibly well they kept in time without any help from a click or other bandmates even. I've already said with this clip i didn't do any velocity work, all 127, and the stuff is all quantized, robot style, so I did two things differently than I normally would to make it sound realistic: I didn't mess with the velocities, and I didn't shove things over here and there to create that human effect.

On to other things...I do not work for ToonTrack, although I think I should be rewarded for my relentless representation of their products, :lol:. I used Cubase as the host to program the drums in.

We haven't used an e-kit with DFHS in a long time, we use to have one here (one of the really nice Roland kits) but my boss got rid of it and we got the nice DDrum triggers for snare, kick and toms instead. We run those into either the DDrum module, or straight into the DAW and then trigger the signals with DFHS or Drumagog (which is loaded with DFHS samples). It sounds the same as this stuff, but merely more natural because of the off-timedness that humans have. Which is where I got the idea to nudge things over here and there just a tiny bit, it really does add a lot of human-ness to the tracks.

006 said:
Smy, to be honest, he just sounds like he has a bad sense of timing, to me.

No offense, but you should be checking your sense of timing. When you look at all the hits in the clip compared to a grid - they are very much on the beat. A few snarehits got a bit lost in the endfill due to my mixing skills.

Here's the drumtrack only: http://www.faderhead.com/blogs/mp3/tama_starclassic_drumsonly.mp3
Really good work! :)
If you want, you can share the project or at least the DFHS part here, or in the Toontrack forum :)