Rate Watershed on 5

Rate Watershed on 5

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    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 0.5

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1.5

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • 2

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • 2.5

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • 3

    Votes: 15 8.5%
  • 3.5

    Votes: 15 8.5%
  • 4

    Votes: 51 29.0%
  • 4.5

    Votes: 59 33.5%
  • 5

    Votes: 27 15.3%

  • Total voters
I'm relatively new to Opeth, I have only been listening for about 2 years, and it has taken a while for me to get into them (not due to dislike, just I like way too many bands.)

I rated them 4.5 mostly in comparison to other band's new albums, as well as their previous stuff. My favorite album was BP, but I don't know if that has changed now that their new album is out. I'm not going to go into describing what I like about their sound in this album--because I know I suck at it-- but for some reason they both seem to have a similar feeling to me, but Watershed seems "cleaner" if that makes any sense.

I love it though, its definitely good, and definitely Opeth.
I went with 3/5. I've spent more than enough time with this album, but it just never grew on me. Whenever I start to get into, a song or part of a song just takes me right out. And there's just no atmosphere to this album. All their other albums have a definite atmosphere (usually cold and dark), but I don't feel anything with this one.

I love Opeth and I'll be seeing them tonight in Worcester, but I don't like the new album.

Thats a pretty good way of stating it,

It is the atmosphere :ill:
4.5 - Coil a nice soothing song. HA is the best heavy and most evil sounding song they´ve made. TLE great skitzophrenic song. especially the start and the nintendo part. Burden sounds like an Opeth cover more than Opeth song and kinda ruins the flow of the album. Its not a bad one but it doesnt fit in IMO. PH actually a really nice classic type of Opeth songh except without growls and with lullabye vox, a nice touch. HP I love the first part and the solo but heavy part seems a little forced I would prolly have prefered a build up to the growls. HO I like the song overall but maybe I miss a little growling IDK.

Overall good album (Better than GR) with true highlights but it lacks the cohesiveness and high bottom level that defines a masterpiece like SL.
Gave it a 2

Can't stand the flow of the album and I only like 4 of the tracks. Since I'm the kind of person who would rather hear an album as a whole instead of standout tracks, I find myself rarely listening to this anymore.

+1, but I was nice enough to give it a 4 because the songs I liked, I liked lots.

But who gave it a 0? It is far from that.
well i guess its the same with 5, who would give any album a perfect score? i doubt very much that a perfect album exists, and even if you liked it that much, what then? if another album comes out you cant give it a 5 as well because watershed is already the best, unless somehow both are completely equal at the top
speak some fucking sense.

in that case the highest score you could give to any album could be 4.5; but then you couldn't give any album 4.5 either because if another album that's better than it is released then you have to give that album 5.0, but you can't give an album 5.0 because there can always be a better album than that.

same with 4.0, 3.5, 3.0... and everything you can vote. so given that you're correct (which nobody expects anyway) you aren't gonna be able to vote ever.

but the difference is, 4.5, 4 and the rest of them are not perfect scores. and i dont care if you are the worlds biggest opeth fanboy, NO ALBUM IS 5. if any album was 5 that would be the only album worth listening to because itd be perfect. the only problem is the out of 5 system is too approximated and rating an album out of 100 would be much closer to its actual value

oh, annihilator (oh i mean annihilat0r, i guess its much more badass to spell words with numbers now) doesnt expect me to be right? oh sad vuashke
thanks noel i value your opinion very highly

i will attempt to change my ways in the future
No seriously, you sound like a 5 year old kid trying to "win" by pointing out things that have nothing to do with the actual conversation.
I gave it a 3

At first I gagged on this album's cock, and I usually don’t fuck around with my opinions, but now that the excitement about the album release is over, I just don't have a strong desire to listen to most of its songs. Still a decent album I guess, but quite honestly, Deliverance and Ghost Reveries were much better imo.

Reasons for my rating:

-Mike's normal singing sounds artificial in many parts of Watershed. It’s good most of the time, but I think that it lacks the simplicity and introspection that the other albums had. Some parts really annoy me, the ''pushing ur spirit awaAaAyyy'' and ''when their mother DIiIes'' bits are fine examples of this problem. It feels like Mike is trying some singing styles that don't suit him or aren't natural to him.
-Not enough powerful riffing. The majority of the riffs lost that demonic, phantasmagoric edge of before. Now just a few riffs are actually memorable.
-Somehow Opeth has always managed to write big songs that had big climaxes and reached peaks of emotion, but I just can’t find a lot of it in Watershed. The banal guitar solos (there are some exceptions, like that badass one from Hessian Peel) and dull, misplaced growls don’t help very much.
-Some keyboard/mellotron work on the album reaches the elevator-music level of boredom. “Lonely piano” and other cliché stuff only work if there is some reason for them to be there.
-The Acoustic guitar feels very secondary, there are some beautiful moments, like on “Coil” for example, but it looks like there are some simplistic parts in the songs just to fill some space. I can’t explain it very well tbh…

To me Opeth just shot in all directions with Watershed without bringing the best of the results. I could’ve rated it a little higher, considering that I only don’t like Porcelain Heart, but even if the rest of the songs are good, they are all too flawed, and the flaws are considerably distracting. It’s a confused album.

All in all, Watershed is a disappointing album by Opeth, but not a bad one. There is some good music to be found in it.

but the difference is, 4.5, 4 and the rest of them are not perfect scores. and i dont care if you are the worlds biggest opeth fanboy, NO ALBUM IS 5. if any album was 5 that would be the only album worth listening to because itd be perfect. the only problem is the out of 5 system is too approximated and rating an album out of 100 would be much closer to its actual value

oh, annihilator (oh i mean annihilat0r, i guess its much more badass to spell words with numbers now) doesnt expect me to be right? oh sad vuashke

Nah, it's not badass, it's just what you have to do when "Annihilator" has already been taken.

You didn't quite get my point, actually. If you can't vote an album 5, you can't vote an album 4.5 either. I think you need to study my original post to find out why, I'm sure you'll be thrilled!