I am always surprised by how much taste varies. I really love this album. I love the direction they're going. They're less of a metal band, but I like the music they're making. I can't really tell you why I like it--it just makes me happy that they're making music. My kneejerk reaction to posts that hate (or are less-than-thrilled) has to be restrained because I honestly cannot fathom how someone can hear Watershed and feel differently than I do. I can intellectually understand that we're different, but it still amazes me that everyone doesn't love it the way I do. And I feel sort of bad that you're not as happy as me. I know what it's like to be disappointed by a favorite band.
Yep, it sucks hard. I wish I liked it, but I just can't get into it, there's barely anything inspiring on it. I really like some of the new aspects to the sound, like the wind stuff on Hessian Peel is great, I just am bored by the actual songs, very severely in the case of some (Hex Omega, Porcelain Heart). I'll keep waiting for their next album and hope that one's more solid, I guess. At least this is nothing close to the disappointment that Scarsick was, with one of my very favorite bands releasing an album that wasn't just boring but absolutely ungodly awful and deserving of the utmost scorn and making me not even look forward to whatever they do next.