Raw drums, try mixing them

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
First off, apologies for the fucking AWFUL playing on this.

Secondly, these are the drums I'll be using to retrack the Paramore drums now that my drum room is 'fixed up'.

So, have a go at mixing these. Sorry for no toms. If there's any tips you could offer on the mic'ing/tuning before I track that could be helpful too.

Snare: 57 on top
Kick: e902
OHs: PG81's
rooms: KMicros. Yuck, but add some depth. One of them messes up.

My mix (no samples): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324723/Paaaaaaramoooooooooooooooooore.mp3
Raw files: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/324723/Paramore Drums.rar
What's the BPM? I'd like to practice editing the tracks.

No idea, sorry. I played along to the original track of Misery Business, but my iPod seems to play everything a touch faster for some reason.

mixing them with what?

I don't have anything to mix them to, but sometimes flaws in tracking only come out when you start processing the tracks, so this could be helpful for me. Plus not many people here get a chance to work with raw drum tracks.

Cheers bro!

whats the status on the Paramore covers?
I've just arrived home and have 4 days spare before I'm off again so i could track guitars/bass if needs?

Uhm, bass we need, for Decode and Thats What You Get. Would be awesome.
I gave it a shot mixing but there's twice as much drum in the OH as cymbals. My custom paramore trigs wouldn't sit like they should. :waah: Sorry, I tried!
Here is my try...


Always love to mix raw drums! The room mics were pritty good, but too much snare in the OH compared to the cymbals!

@Morgan C: can you tell me more about the drums you used? skins, snare, kick, etc...

EDIT: do you have the tom tracks too and can you upload them? :)