RBC updated with 7 rare LIVE audio files!

I still don't know what's so much a big deal with a fucking website. If you don't like it, don't go there. Simple as that. I know of too many websites which context I disagree with, yet I don't whine about it in their guestbook and don't insult those who run it.
johnnieCzech said:
I still don't know what's so much a big deal with a fucking website. If you don't like it, don't go there. Simple as that. I know of too many websites which context I disagree with, yet I don't whine about it in their guestbook and don't insult those who run it.

Advertising updates on this site is just not cool. I wouldn't expect to see Walmart ads on a K-mart website. The Great WV Trendkill's site is cool - it screams I support John Bush! The Reunion Bashing Club has less to do with support of John Bush and just wants to bash the band for what it is doing right now. Like I said - how can someone think Bush is a class act for not saying anything derogatory about the reunion and then to show their "support" their do exactly what Bush is not? Makes no sense.

You're right, I don't have to go over there. But just when I thought things had died down from the last post and put the RBC out of my mind, another post comes along saying hey look, I've uploaded music. Like I said, why not start a mailing list and email people when you have done something new to the site. Isn't that what websites do? I have a feeling there will be more updates too.

Leaving nasty message in the guestbook is childish and only fuels the fire of this continued argument.
The_Great_WV_Trendkill said:
You Joey supporters sure do like to insult us don't you? It REALLY proves your better than us.

Yeah, right. Grow up.
No disrespect but all this shit works both ways. Actually 90% of this board need to grow the fuck up. Real shame.
eighteeschick said:
You're right, I don't have to go over there. But just when I thought things had died down from the last post and put the RBC out of my mind, another post comes along saying hey look, I've uploaded music. Like I said, why not start a mailing list and email people when you have done something new to the site. Isn't that what websites do? I have a feeling there will be more updates too.
As far as I've been able to ascertain from the original post, it had nothing to do with bashing anyone. But whether you support RBC or not, I think most people that like John's stuff would be interested in finding rare bootlegs to download.
nafnikufesin said:
As far as I've been able to ascertain from the original post, it had nothing to do with bashing anyone. But whether you support RBC or not, I think most people that like John's stuff would be interested in finding rare bootlegs to download.

You know to be fair to the RBC, after writing my post last night I almost had a change of heart about the music post. But I'm back to my original thought now that it just isn't cool to be posting stuff over here. It has nothing to do with John Bush. If the "JohnBushIsGod" site posted that update, I'd be like cool, I should go check that out. If someone started the "Unofficial John Bush Support Club" and posted that update, I'd say let me take a listen. The reason I feel differently is that JohnBushIsGod is to support John Bush and NOT to bash Anthrax.

If me and my best friend get into a discussion and we start calling each other names, saying the other is a liar, saying that we don't support each other - whatever - any valid points we may have had in the original discussion are lost. Why? Because now we are spending all our time defending ourselves instead of discussing our points, which may have been very valid in the beginning. The Reunion Bashing Club, as the name implies, is out to bash the reunion. Therefore, don't you think that those that support the reunion are going to take some level of offense to it and try to defend it? I know I do. Any valid points that the RBC has doesn't really matter to me because of the way that it is coming off - not from someone who supports John but from someone who wants to bash Anthrax.

As you said earlier, to each their own. Its the fact that to get the point across, a club was started to bash the very thing you once supported AND its updates are advertised on the Anthrax board. I know the board exists. If I want to see whats going on, I can go check it out over there. I don't need to know when you have updates. If people want updates, they can join an RBC mailing group. If I want updates on Anthrax, I join the mailing group. Do you really think that other bands would tolerate advertising a club that bashes them on their own sites? I highly doubt it.

Unfortunately, there has been so much name calling and little comments made to get under each other's skin that as I said earlier, any valid points are getting lost. Under no circumstances do I think that if you support John Bush means you shouldn't be here. You can't erase history (or the present, whatever the case may be). He is/was a valid part of the band and should by all means be remembered for his contributions. I also don't like the die hard Joey fans that keep implying that this reunion happened because Bush sucks or that Scott and Charlie "saw the light" so to speak. No where did I ever read that was the case.

All I know is that I'm looking forward to seeing what direction the band takes because either way, die hards on both sides are going to have a hard time saving face for all the shit that has been thrown around recently.
My response to all this is that I can't sit back and worship the band and lick their sacks at everything they do, even if, deep down, I find it reprehensible.
I think the site is fucking childish and stupid, but I don't care that it exists. Whenever a band changes lineups, some people love it, some hate it. Personally if I'm not pleased with a band's direction I pay attention to other bands. If a band puts out shit I like then I'll support that band.
Drokk said:
My response to all this is that I can't sit back and worship the band and lick their sacks at everything they do, even if, deep down, I find it reprehensible.

Damn, I wasn't suggesting that. I don't agree with all their opinions - I can't stand sports, I'm not a fan of Kiss and I love a good John Grisham novel. Never read nor never will a Stephen King book. I'm just saying don't advertise the RBC here because its not the place. Bashing a band on its own site is not cool. Isn't it break one of the first rules of this board?
eighteeschick said:
Damn, I wasn't suggesting that. I don't agree with all their opinions - I can't stand sports, I'm not a fan of Kiss and I love a good John Grisham novel. Never read nor never will a Stephen King book. I'm just saying don't advertise the RBC here because its not the place. Bashing a band on its own site is not cool. Isn't it break one of the first rules of this board?

Thats why I have not posted anything recently about the RBC, you will get bashed back
spitzs lazy eye said:
No disrespect but all this shit works both ways. Actually 90% of this board need to grow the fuck up. Real shame.
Good point. But what do I know, I have the IQ of a faggots arsehole.... oh, and it also burns when I pee.