RC members with similar musical tastes...


Apr 24, 2003
Toronto, Canada
...to your own.

So, who around here do you think has the most similar tastes to you? Do we all fit neatly into little groups upon which we can base our complete dismissal of certain groups suggestions? Where do babies come from?
Me and Crimson Velvet are practically identical except I guess I like doom a bit more

Also fotmbm is pretty close, and Doomcifer is close except all that really old stuff he's gotten into recently. MFJ is fairly close too
Ellestin , he has been reliable at 98% at least . If he likes something there is a great chance I'll find it interesting , I share 65%++ of his all-time list if not more . Apart from that maybe a mix of Doomcifer , BWD , Nate and Crimson Death o_O
There are pieces of many members who have very similar tastes to my own, but no one is all that similar.

JayK, lurch, Dark One, Gen. Zod, J., and Erik all share some identical tastes to me.
On average, it's Demonspell for me (which is odd since he loves his conventional prog so much, but all his non-prog likes are practically identical to mine).
I would say Jay, Erik, Snowfall, Thanatopsis (we like anime soundtracks :tickled: ) and demilich (im pretty sure he likes some neo folk)
no clue. i'd guess erik, crimson and tranquilian... simply cause they've been in my audioscrobbler neighbours list non-stop since i started. :p
i decided to use it so I could have a better idea as to what my favourite bands were, plus its now gonna be used for my buddies to know what to download off my FTP server :p