RC members with similar musical tastes...

Yeah i forgot you were a fellow unicorn fan demilich. I doubt alot of people on this forum would like them.. (maybe someone?) I actually like Ever since the best, but favorite track would be hiding again. Demo's are great too, in a more adventurous way. Looking foward to Second sky, my expectations for that may be too high :hotjump:

3 years later and Second Sky isn't even finished being recorded yet!
swizzlenuts, Hell Mike, Erik, Doomcifer, possibly Ass Magma 15 years ago since he apparently listened to a shit-ton of DM
^^^ I think I'm one of those now, I bought like 3 albums you recommended this past year.

Overall probably Npearce the Great because when it comes to filthy erections, we play swords.

And to be honest Doomcifer is responsible for up to 26.49% of my music collection. Thanks, yo.