JayKeeley said:
Hey spikes77, do you have a top 10 list or recommendation list? I know you and I agree on a lot but I bet you have a bunch of recommendations I've yet to hear.
For example: Ildjarn.
Well i have the Ildjarn avatar because i like that album cover

(it's really an extremly ambient release, just ok if you like that kind of stuff) As for the recommendations.....This is what i have been recommending to people around here.(mostly doom)
Unholy - Rapture/gracefallen albums (so underated imo)
Mortifera - vastiia tenebrd mortifera (french black metal)
Alcest - le secret (some people around here also know of this band, great black metal ep)
Aarni - bathos (weird doom metal, you might like it)
Umbra nihl - gnoia (see above)
Nightly Gale - ...and jesus wept (black/doom from poland, keyboards/clean vocals recommended!)
Ningizzia - doom from sweden (sounds alittle bit like forest of shadows in the vocals but different sounding, alot of acoustics.. good stuff)
Fallen - a tragedys bitter end (doom metal with clean vocals that may be an acquired taste but recommended)
Skumring (doom metal with alot of acoustics/female vocals good stuff)
The gault - (doomish/sludge with some isis type stuff from califorinia..quite unique)
Panthiest -amartia (not getting the credit it deserves around here (but from a few

)...miles ahead of their last...amazing album)