RC members with similar musical tastes...

everyone shares some musical love with Doomcifer.

BWD for general shitz, snow2fall for non-metal shitz, JayK for air guitar shitz, Demonspell for weird shitz, Demilich for stoner shitz, Chromatose for 90's shitz, ummmmmmmmmm like several more. Max Fucking Johnson for drug and stoner shitz, blah blah blah
me: "hey i got some gin and tonic!"
friend: "is it Schwepps!?!?!?"
me: "yep."
me: "what's quinine?"
friend: "i dunno, but I NEED IT!!!"
the other bands look good too ,but i cant remember what they are.

why the aversion to public transportation? don't make me go out there and drag your ass down to the show!
Forgot Chromatose... If I remember correctly, he likes Marillion's "Miscplaced Childhood" almost as much as I do.

He also reads good books.

And likes squids.
Dick Sirloin said:
Marillion's "Miscplaced Childhood"

you don't like Unicorn then too do you? i know Marillion and "Misplaced Childhood" in particular were some of Swano and his bandmates biggest influences back then, along with mid-period Floyd and Genesis and such.

misplaced childhood mp3(s) please sir! i just realized i haven't heard a marillion album in like 2 years
No shit. I thought Unicorn were like death metal or something.

Sorry bro, no mp3s on this comp... :(
Dick Sirloin said:
No shit. I thought Unicorn were like death metal or something.

Sorry bro, no mp3s on this comp... :(

nah, more proggish stuff. not too hard, not too soft, but I FUCKING LOVE IT. haven't listened in a while. but be warned: it's probably cheesier than Marillion. the demos are their best stuff, especially "A Collection of Worlds" both part I and II.

i'd provide mp3s, but i don't have them anymore since i got the ubar-limited-to-34-copies demo collection on cdr.
Yeah i forgot you were a fellow unicorn fan demilich. I doubt alot of people on this forum would like them.. (maybe someone?) I actually like Ever since the best, but favorite track would be hiding again. Demo's are great too, in a more adventurous way. Looking foward to Second sky, my expectations for that may be too high :hotjump:
i do love the albums as well, but the demo songs that got re-done on the albums are quite different. the demo version of "After Before" for example, owns the album one. maybe it's just me, but i like the saxophone better on the demo.

actually, the demo and album versions of the songs are pretty distinct, i can appreciate each individually.

you're right though, i don't think many here would like them. my girlfriend outright laughed at me for listening to them. then i made her buy me the demo collection. HA.
I honestly have no idea, no one for the most part. However nad and chromo listen to the good shit :kickass: so ill go with them