RC, when will it end?

Reign in Acai said:
Yea I don't think I could ever leave this forum "permenantly" like Man Is Robot did. But not having the urge to stop by the pc to see "who has replied to what threads" would be a step in the right direction.

I've pretty much lost the urge to read everything posted here, especially in the marathon threads and some of the more personal ones, but I don't see myself ceasing to visit this place daily...and we should make the recommendation threads a permanent thing, anything to increase the ratio of music discussion, not that we don't love the threadjacks...
"I've basically cut off all human interaction to people I know on the outside world." Was what you said. Not "I've decided not to associate with certain people that arn't very rad."
No I know plenty of good respecting individuals. And those are the people I wish to deal with from here on out. There's a handful 4-5 shitfucks who at one time I considered "friends". These are people I no longer with to confide in, nor associate. Yet the thing is, they are part of a huge grouping of friends which include honest, kind, intellectual people who I have nothing but admiration for. These friendships can no longer exist in the current frame as the "good" is attached to the "shit". All avenues of friendship must now be pursued on an individual basis with the good ones. Although it will probably be less frequent.
ahhh, in which case. duh.

I did that years ago when some friends shanked me in the spleen. [ metaphorically]

I'm a pretty picky fucker, but I've got a good tight group of good friends and it grows slowly.
Alright I've decided to take a hiatus from this lovely forum. I need to do a little soul searching with the least amount of distractions. Take care, I wish everyone the best. :wave:
Demilich said:
I've never felt like I needed to stop posting here. Fuck that, this is just something to do in spare time. There are a lot of great people on here. Waste of time? Not for me! When I'm busier I just don't post as much and sometimes don't post for a few days.

jimbobhickville said:
I think the recommendations died because nobody responded to them. At least one person appreciated my Symbyosis recommendation. I thought this forum of all places would dig it, but I guess it didn't have enough black metal.

Yea, I tried recommending some Power Metal.....bad idea. Most responses were "lol, silly old power metal."