RC (un)official share your art thread


Went Out for Smokes 13 Years Ago
Jul 19, 2004
south of washington
i've been meaning to scan in a few of my drawings to share...i've been drawing a lot lately and i figure a few of you must have some other stuff to share. i'm sure there are a lot of artists around here and i've seen some cool photoshop paintings and things like that here before, so everybody post some of your cool visual art stuff. no photos, there's plenty of that in the photo thread. unless it's a photo of a piece you did.

susperia, before you even post in this, fuck off and die :mad:




my scanner bloze and i haven't had time to finish/ink this yet so i couldn't photoshop out the annoying shadowy area...i think i'm hitting a higher level of gruesomeness with the zombies though:

someday i'll be able to do this with spraypaint...

"someday i'll be able to do this with spraypaint..."

And hopefully, i'll be there to put my boot in your ass when you attempt it! :mad:

but yeah, cool stuff and all...
nice work Cthulu and ~Neurotica
Blah, tired.. I was going to wait until tomorrow but I'll throw some up now and finish up tomorrow if you guys want to see the rest. A few suffer from jpeg compression unfortunately. Some of these will have been seen already by some of you:
Random thing I made in Apophysis

Also made with Apophysis and doctored in Photoshop. All of my avatars have since evolved from it.

Apophysis + Photoshop again, unfinished

Slapped together with some custom Photoshop brushes

Apophysis + Photoshop

Photoshop "painting" of g/f, unfinished (obviously). Hair was giving me grief and will have to completely rework it at a much later date.

Old ass drawing from around '92-'96

Another old drawing from around the same time period with some heavy handed shading :/
I'm no artist but I do stuff for shits and giggles.

If I had a black metal band, I'd make this my album cover and have no other art or text.

Word burning is fun.


Something I did 7 or 8 years ago. 145,475,382,001 internet cool points for anyone that knows what it's from.

Finally you get to see the glory that is me.