Re: that "Opeth sucks" thread (or whatever it was)


unus spiritus est
Oct 10, 2001

what happened to it? i can't seem to find it right now but i'm assuming it was disposed of by the mod/admin. heh, 48+ hours down for a server migration? :lol: sorry, Mark. :\

i knew there was a reason i don't come around here much to this part of UM, you SiCK FuCKS!
i'm sorry. didn't mean to be so vague. i've been feeling hangover effects from last night's Nile (et al) show all day and posted the above just before i went out again to see a friends band play... in a club nearer to my home than Chicago. i probably wouldn't have gone out if my friend's band wasn't playing but i promised i'd show up. i'm glad they were up first, too, because now i'm back home. after one more beer tonight i feel reaaally bad. yeap, i'm an alcohol lightweight (featherweight actually).

so now i'm back and i realize my post was completely vague and i apologize.

preface: this board's traffic moves at the speed of light. last Thursday i was surfing this forum at work (before the shut-down). i stumbled upon a rather sick porno pic and some other trivial banter that was posted in a thread which i think was called "Opeth sucks". anyway, the pic was disgusting, as was the banter. i didn't get to finish reading the rest of the threads that i wanted to read during my break at work that day and then i couldn't again when i got home guess it. the shut-down. was there some notice posted about this somewhere? if so, i missed it an again, i apologize.

now, i realize i have not monetarily supported UM yet but if i did i don't think i'd be too pleased with a 48+ hour shut-down. i didn't mean anything derogatory about that in my comment. i simply meant that the amount of wonderful quality content that has to migrate must be HUUUUUGE! a testament to a successful site i suppose. :)

but, i still think you Opeth forum lot are a bunch of SiCK FuCKS! :lol:

-rh (back to my headache/stomach ache misery :ill: )
Haha, boy you sure missed alot.

Let me tell you what happened.

Over in the Anathema forum a thread popped up there called 'The Opeth Board', in which this guy provided a link to a thread here in the Opeth forum called 'Opeth sucks', which he had made. They decided to make it because I guess they were bored or something, and flooded onto the thread posting a heaps of disgusting pictures and all this nonsense about how crap Opeth is.

Myself and a bunch of others retaliated and it turned into a bit of a mess. I thought it was kinda fun actually, some good, clean disgusting nonsense can be good for you if your in the mood for it. :D

ALL of the aforementioned 'disgusting pics' were from the madmen at the Anathema forum who were obviously trying to fuck people off, and all the Opeth fans who posted weren't too sick about it.

So ya see, you should have posted this in the Anathema forum, because its their fault, not ours! :p
Right Static

So get out of your Fragile Dreams and Empty all your Forgotten Hopes at our Kingdom! (does this makes sense anyway?)

so try, watch out for pictures though :eek:
Ill be ready for it :devil:
Originally posted by Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral
They made me laugh because i'm pretty sure it was the same person posting under a million different names. Either that or they are all clones.

They didn't seem to like it when i pointed out the anathema growl too.

Besides, opeth haven't turned into a crap indie
hehe, well, we can always discuss about both bands in a serious way. I'll do so

Laughing with Anathema growling :bah:. since Eternity (1996) there is no growling anymore, and lots of death/doom fans quit with listening to them. Because they are/were not openminded :p :p :p
Since Eternity they are only making boss albums, so I guess your comment is a bit misplaced.

BTW Opeth is grunting instead of growling.
Oh and it were all different persons you know, or do you really think people with more then 500 posts are just posting under different nicks??? Anyway. Its odd you think like that.
"Besides, opeth haven't turned into a crap indie"

exactly. opeth have'nt turned into a fukking thing..they've released the same album over and over...I put my opeth albums on in the cd changer and hit all sounds like one album (except for my arms perhaps). Still , towing the same line has its rewards ..loads of american fans over the last few years.

*bought orchid around 96 and feeling very righteous just now*
come on, its like you guys are afraid to discuss in a serious way!
or do you agree, or at least you can say 'okay, but...'
Well, let me see, *consults dictionary* grunting is non verbal communication ie NO WORDS, so Mikeal can't be doing that for starters.

second point: Well, the decerning guitarist will tell you, that the way opeths songs are written has changed somewhat since orchid, theres a lack of guitar harmonies, for i'm failing to see that opeth songs are anything but aesthetically alike. Aesthetics is image after all, so your judging the songs on the image... ah well now...

Also i notice you didn't deney that your all therefore clones, if you aren't the same person? And also didn't deney that anathema were a crap indie band now?
Originally posted by Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral
Well, let me see, *consults dictionary* grunting is non verbal communication ie NO WORDS, so Mikeal can't be doing that for starters.

second point: Well, the decerning guitarist will tell you, that the way opeths songs are written has changed somewhat since orchid, theres a lack of guitar harmonies, for i'm failing to see that opeth songs are anything but aesthetically alike. Aesthetics is image after all, so your judging the songs on the image... ah well now...

Also i notice you didn't deney that your all therefore clones, if you aren't the same person? And also didn't deney that anathema were a crap indie band now?

bout the growling. it doesnt make sense to discuss that one anyway. I thought growling=moaning and grunting is more like hardcoresingers do. whatever
2nd point, i like Opeth in a certain way. for me (sorry bambi) they evolved. I like em since Still Life. True its all pretty bout the same, but thats ok, knowing they made their own sound.
Anathema isnt crap. Thats why I said the openmindedthingy. If you really think theyre bad i feel sorry for you. Mind there is a difference between not liking/being bad.
and i dont understand that clone/same person comment. ah what would it like to be an Englishman :rolleyes:
": Well, the decerning guitarist will tell you, that the way opeths songs are written has changed somewhat since orchid"

I don't care much for the opinion discerning guitarists, even less for those of decerning guitarists. Perhaps you should consult that dictionary a bit more son. I listen to opeth, I like 'em I just don't ever expect them to hit me with something unexpected or radically different than what they've done before. the longer they plow the same furrow the less inclined i will be to buy their records. Maybe the next one will prove me wrong.

"Also i notice you didn't deney that your all therefore clones, if you aren't the same person? And also didn't deney that anathema were a crap indie band now?"

why DENY anything?? if thats your opinion fair enuff, I don't think you even understand the term indie (opeth are indie too did you know that??) and most metal heads are nothing but clones these days..the last opeth gig I was at it was full of longhairs dressed like brandon lee in the crow and nodding their heads trying to look cool, no stage diving, no moshing just ppl worrying about how underground they look.
Originally posted by Bambi
": and most metal heads are nothing but clones these days..the last opeth gig I was at it was full of longhairs dressed like brandon lee in the crow and nodding their heads trying to look cool, no stage diving, no moshing just ppl worrying about how underground they look.

Originally posted by Bambi
"Besides, opeth haven't turned into a crap indie"

exactly. opeth have'nt turned into a fukking thing..they've released the same album over and over...I put my opeth albums on in the cd changer and hit all sounds like one album (except for my arms perhaps). Still , towing the same line has its rewards ..loads of american fans over the last few years.

*bought orchid around 96 and feeling very righteous just now*

So what!? They uphold a similar style throughout most of their albums...most bands do. Just because songs are stylistically the same in no way means the songs are the same. The may sound similar, yes. But if you think they all sound like the SAME album, then mate, you obviously haven't put enough time or effort into discerning the quirks and songs of each album. Anyways, they are actually quite different between each other.

Orchid/Morningrise - The one's that sound the most unique apart from the others, as to the style of counterpoint melodies.

My Arms, Your Hearse - Stands out as you said for its completely different style from the first two and added brutality.

Still Life - Has a much warmer, nicer feel to it that My Arms, Yor Hearse, has a sort of 'southern rock' type vibe to it. More mellow sections and the acoustic sections are warmer and the mood completely different. Much less brutal as well.

BWP - Has a much more bleak feel to it than the others. The fullest production as well. Songs are more structured and go through less changes. Single notes hang over the acoustic parts and the whole thing, I see, as the most depressing Opeth album. I see it as a sort of 'depressing' companion to Still Life, whereas that album was quite a bit warmer and nicer, although I would be hesistant to call it 'uplifting'.

Deliverance - Songs go through more changes. More brutal than the others. Less acoustic sections. Dryer sounding guitars. All of the songs are much more progressively structured than BWP IMO. MUCH more rhythmic as well, and it feels much different than the others as well.

I'm basing most of this on moods. But once you learn the in's-and out's of all the albums, its clear they all have a different vibe to them. Not to mention the myriad amount of melodies that stand out from each song. They all have their amazing riffs that set them apart from the others.

It's just like when someone tried to tell me all of Tool's albums sound the same. Tool are FAR from one of my favourite metal bands, but anyone who can tell me Undertow and Lateralus sound the same, or Aenima and Opiate sound the same, or Lateralus and an idiot, to be blunt. Even if you don't like the music the difference SHOULD be clear. The same can be said for Opeth.