Read This!!!


Aug 13, 2011
Hey, to all that fell the need to endlessly compain about the new stuff and "Bush Era Anthrax", don't you feel that the endless complaining ends up being counter productive?? Like it's gonna change anything. I get that you like what you like, totally respect your opinions, but once you have stated that, move on. All you are doing at the end of the day is generating more discussion, hence more interest in Anthtrax, counter productive to your cause really, so maybe I should thank you instead, keep pissing and moaning.............:rolleyes:
tl; dr,
You like Joey? That's Cool.
You like John more? That's cool.
Hate the new songs and want John back? Cool story bro.
I'm with you on this, but that brings up the question of an objective. What is it that we're supposed to accomplish here on this board? Call me an optimist, but endless bickering seems to be the only thing it's really good for.
I'm with you on this, but that brings up the question of an objective. What is it that we're supposed to accomplish here on this board? Call me an optimist, but endless bickering seems to be the only thing it's really good for.

What I'm getting at here is that some people want Anthrax to fail for the same reasons they wanted Metallica to fail because of the lack of "Thrash" (the song Through the Never is like a short Puppets but that's not good enough for some). It's not gonna work, counter productive..........:lol:
Look I don't mind people having different opinions and expressing them. What I do hate is those that feel the need to hijack every thread and turn it into a Bushthrax vs Joey debate.

I get it.

Some people prefer Joey
Some people prefer John
Some people prefer both
Some people are Everton fans.

Can't we all just get along?
Look I don't mind people having different opinions and expressing them. What I do hate is those that feel the need to hijack every thread and turn it into a Bushthrax vs Joey debate.

I get it.

Some people prefer Joey
Some people prefer John
Some people prefer both
Some people are Everton fans.

Can't we all just get along?

People cross the line when they become Collingwood fans..............LOL (Aussie AFL Team)

Exactly........either way though, Anthtarx stands to benefit from the interest, however I agree with you 100%:kickass:
The thing that makes me cringe is that some take the phrase "I prefer *insert singer's name*" to mean "the other guy fucking sucks." Not true. I love Anthrax with Joey. I love Anthrax with John. I prefer John, but dig Joey also. What the fuck is wrong with that? My slight preference to John Bush does not mean I hate Joey or am a "Joey-basher."

Oh, and I happen to like Rob's beanie. So there. :lol: Remember kids, it's a hat, not a self-aware demenoid item boring into Rob's brains and controlling him like a zombie to play solos that aren't "trü-thrash" while stabbing Danny Spitz with a sharpened frozen chorizo.

Or maybe it is. I dunno.

But, remember. IT'S. A. HAT.
The only thing that annoys me is when those who prefer Bush capitalize his name for emphasis. On sites like Blabbermouth or Facebook there's always some asshole who says 'this would have been better with JOHN BUSH'. I don't see that happening that much the other way around, though maybe I'm wrong. It's just really childish, like they almost think putting shit in caps makes you right.

I actually prefer John's voice but the Bushthrax albums were always about half good, half shit. Joey era is more consistent.
The only thing that annoys me is when those who prefer Bush capitalize his name for emphasis. On sites like Blabbermouth or Facebook there's always some asshole who says 'this would have been better with JOHN BUSH'. I don't see that happening that much the other way around, though maybe I'm wrong. It's just really childish, like they almost think putting shit in caps makes you right.

I actually prefer John's voice but the Bushthrax albums were always about half good, half shit. Joey era is more consistent.

Well put :cool:
There's nothing wrong with having an opinion. There IS something wrong with being a troll. Big difference.
Something to think about. Music to most of us, especially hard-core fans, is more than just the tracks themselves. We gravitate towards certain songs, albums and eras for a reason. It could have been a snapshot of a much better time, or the life preserver during a horrible time. Thus, there is a lot of personal emotion attached to these songs, albums, and eras by us, the fans.

What usually happens at that point is that when our particular attached era/song/album is attacked, it feels personal, and that we are being attacked, or ar memories are. So remember that these songs mean different things to all of us, but in the end we're all fans of this band. There are reasons that some of us prefer John or Joey, and I would reckon that it is for more reasons than just vocal stylings or "thrashiness," whether we want to admit this or not. For many of us old school fans, our youth was at that time, and this is the soundtrack to it.

Just sayin' is all.
Something to think about. Music to most of us, especially hard-core fans, is more than just the tracks themselves. We gravitate towards certain songs, albums and eras for a reason. It could have been a snapshot of a much better time, or the life preserver during a horrible time. Thus, there is a lot of personal emotion attached to these songs, albums, and eras by us, the fans.

What usually happens at that point is that when our particular attached era/song/album is attacked, it feels personal, and that we are being attacked, or ar memories are. So remember that these songs mean different things to all of us, but in the end we're all fans of this band. There are reasons that some of us prefer John or Joey, and I would reckon that it is for more reasons than just vocal stylings or "thrashiness," whether we want to admit this or not. For many of us old school fans, our youth was at that time, and this is the soundtrack to it.

Just sayin' is all.

Very True and well said. I would also say that us fans have a passion for the music, lyrics we can relate to and that make us stick up for our opinions, sometimes a little overeactive, myself included. We are all Anthrax fans and the end of the day, and share that common bond, whether we like the same stuff or not is irrelivent. I'd buy a beer for any of ya. :kickass:
IMF09 is not an Anthrax fan. He is an internet troll who enjoys stirring up shit on this forum, and enjoys the ego trip that threads like this --- and now unfortunately posts like this, provide.

Oh thats news to me. Apparently I am not an Anthrax fan.

I am not a John Bush era Anthrax fan. I am a Joey era Anthrax fan. So what ever you want to call that is what I am. 1/2 an Anthrax fan?
Oh thats news to me. Apparently I am not an Anthrax fan.

I am not a John Bush era Anthrax fan. I am a Joey era Anthrax fan. So what ever you want to call that is what I am. 1/2 an Anthrax fan?

I may disagree with you on many things Anthrax related, but I gotta say you're a definite fan. You don't like all the stuff I do, and hey, more power to ya, but you're a fan.

So I kind of need to back up IMfan here.