The thing that makes me cringe is that some take the phrase "I prefer *insert singer's name*" to mean "the other guy fucking sucks." Not true. I love Anthrax with Joey. I love Anthrax with John. I prefer John, but dig Joey also. What the fuck is wrong with that? My slight preference to John Bush does not mean I hate Joey or am a "Joey-basher."
Oh, and I happen to like Rob's beanie. So there.Remember kids, it's a hat, not a self-aware demenoid item boring into Rob's brains and controlling him like a zombie to play solos that aren't "trü-thrash" while stabbing Danny Spitz with a sharpened frozen chorizo.
Or maybe it is. I dunno.
But, remember. IT'S. A. HAT.
Ah, I've been victim of this; you state an opinion, someone else accuses you of saying it's a fact and then saying your opinion is wrong.
I accepted John Bush era Anthrax for what it was and I knew that he wasn't responsible for the music; that Scott and Charlie were writing it. My distaste for him grew out of things he said at two different shows. But, at the same time, I don't piss all over people for liking him and I try to stay away from putting him down as a person. What pisses me off is when others on this board insult Joey or the "John will be back soon" shit just to get a rise out of the Joey era fans. These same people complain about what IMF09 has to say. They say that, he says this (I get accused of being him) and pretty soon the thread disintegrates into being the same old fight.
I wholeheartedly admit that I would like most of this album to be more like songs such as "Earth On Hell" and "Fight 'Em" but, they're not. I'm also still willing to give the rest of those songs a chance. I've had enough negativity in my life over the past ten years and I'm trying to rid myself of it and one of those ways is to not shit on the things that other people love. It's not my parade to piss on. At the end of the day, nobody here is changing anyone else's mind over what's great and what's shit. No one can ever convince me that WCFYA is good and I'm not going to convince them it's not. Debate is good, outright blasting someone for their taste is a waste of thought and energy.
Oh, and the "if you don't like it get off the board" shit is old. It's the equivalent of "It's my ball and I'm not going to let you play" except none of us run this board. It reminds me of the people who complain about seeing stuff on TV or hearing something on the radio that offends them and they feel the need to be the morale barometer of the country and try to get it removed from the air. If YOU don't like that other people have different opinions and you can't handle it...shut the fuck up about it. Seriously.
That's my 2.5 cents. Sorry for getting serious on some of you with this but it needed to be said. I'll try to make a dick joke in my next post to lighten the mood.