Really Official UM´s Member Pictures

Originally posted by Hiljainen
:D ok ok, i have only one other pic uploaded now, i was imitating a friend so i have a weird face, and it's dark because of the lack of light, anyway:

:D Nice Picture Hiljainen! ;)

[edit] :eek: You bear a resemblance to Katie Holmes! :D
Originally posted by Papa Lazarou
I thought you could only have one first 'anything'. It seems there's either a kind of super genius which posts in this forum, or a super idiot.
Tell me if there's something that's above you, Sexualist Death. I'll be happy to explain it :D

i dont understand are you trying to say..
Originally posted by Sonnenritter
tara, where did you get the Bethlehem hoodie? I have the LS shirt, but I want the fuckin' hoodie!

I got it from Red Stream. Apparently they don't sell them anymore though. I wanted to get a new one since mine is all worn out from wearing it all the time.
Originally posted by Papa Lazarou
*Condescendingly pats Sexualist Death on the head* Of course you don't, dear.

Why don't you pick on someone who has a better understanding of the english language. :p
Originally posted by tara
I wanted to get a new one since mine is all worn out from wearing it all the time.

Ive got the exact same problem with my Homer Simpson t-shirt ;)
Wanted to get a new one, but it seemes they dont sell it anymore :mad:
I wasn't "picking" on Sexualist Death, but answering her absurd accusations.

And again, Sexualist Death: can you please show me where I've been an idiot? Really, I'm not here to argue; I think that a good dose of honest debate can be interesting. Now, show me your pov and I'll reply. But - as you can understand - "from your posts" is not a good reply.