Really wishing you liked a band, but try as you might, you just can't get into them.


Nov 9, 2001
The one that sprngs to mind right now is Cornershop. I keep listening to their CDs, and I find them boring, and I don;t like them that much. But I really wish I did like them, for some reason. I don;t know why.

What bands do you all have this notion toward?
For a while it was KISS. All my buddies were into them and talked about them all the time so I figured I should know something about them. I finally came to the realization that I just don't like KISS. Actually, I hate KISS and everything they stand for (well, maybe not everything but most things).
Well, I think if you try hard enough, you can learn to like anything. Some things require so much effort, though, you don't want to bother expending the willpower. I could like Matchbox 20, but it would require a Herculean push.

I can't get into the Boredoms. They're amazing, fabulous, blah blah, I know. But I just don't ever reach for a Boredoms CD.
I kind of agree with the KISS pick; a friend of mine in high school was a HUGE KISS fan, and I always failed to see the appeal. Even now, I've bought a couple of the remasters and apart from a song here and there, I really don't get it. But I'm okay with it because I don't even necessarily want to like them.

gotta think of some that truly fit this idea though...
Originally posted by xfer
Well, I think if you try hard enough, you can learn to like anything. Some things require so much effort, though, you don't want to bother expending the willpower. I could like Matchbox 20, but it would require a Herculean push.

I completely agree with this, although I find personally that this is less true depending on how insipidly mainstream or gimmicky an album is.

Right now the only thing I can think of is my Miles Davis _Live at the Plugged Nickel_ box. I'm a Miles fanatic and love almost everything from the late 50s onward, but this box never fails to elicit zzzz's from me. But maybe eventually it will click...

Originally posted by LoboUivante
I tried to like Opeth too... some songs are genius, other's just sound like a bunch of riffs put together... i wish i liked them :rolleyes:

i'm in part agree with you...
which songs do you think are a bunch of riffs put together?
kiss sucks. i was going to say opeth too. i've downloaded a few songs from them to see what all the hoopla is about, and theyre ok. but i don't care either way if i like them or not. im not going to force myself to like a band just because a lot of other people that like a lot of the same stuff as me likes them. there's plenty of other great bands out there and who cares if you don't like a certain one?
I fall asleep on the third song from morningrise... black rose immortal has a really good acoustic riff, let's say, in it's 9th minute. I also got Blackwater Park, the first music is just awesome, then i fall asleep and the Harvest wakes me but because it's so long and uses way too much times the same riffs (the opposite) it fails to keep me awake , so the rest just makes me want to listen something else. (MY OPINION!)
yeah i agree w/ ezekial i dotn give a fuck if i ahte the abnd i ahte it, i feel thatn their buzz doesnt mean shit its if i like their music that determenes whether i liek them or not, the only band comin to mind is opeth cumi ahve an opeth shirt and i think their boring
well, it's a matter of taste...i like opeth but yes some of their songs make me get tired...the real problem for me it isn't the song' length but their musical my opinion they're doing the same album since My's like this: heavy parts followed by acoustic interludes...always like this.
now they're going to give us two heavy and another mellow...for sure i have more interest in the mellow one which i think is the one they'll try something different as i have read in the interviews
black rose immortal for me is perfect up to 5:50...the rest is just random riffs glued together
yes, that's what I really, if a music has some heavy parts and eventually one or two acoustic ones it's ok... but if in the whole albums structure its always the same incessant obsession, always doing the same stuff... that gets completely boring and linear… although they do some good riffs that can’t counterweigh the entire albums…

im not waiting for their next album, I’ll rather get some In the Woods or Solitude Aeturnus, i gave up on them.
This is probably just early bitching, but I must say that I can't get into any of the new songs I've heard from Porcupine Tree's new album, although I very much wish that I could like them. they just seem to sound like "bad impersonation of a tool song", "bad impersonation of industrial", and so on, while all of the "metal" parts sound like bad nu-metal. And I really like all other PT albums too.
Originally posted by Stultus
This is probably just early bitching, but I must say that I can't get into any of the new songs I've heard from Porcupine Tree's new album, although I very much wish that I could like them. they just seem to sound like "bad impersonation of a tool song", "bad impersonation of industrial", and so on, while all of the "metal" parts sound like bad nu-metal. And I really like all other PT albums too.

I got the whole thing (only as mp3s) and I love it. If you like all of the other albums by them, I can assure you that you'll find some stuff there you'll like.

(I can send it to you if you want)