Reamping 2nd guitar tracks live


Jul 17, 2009
Port St. Lucie, FL
Is it a good idea?

I just joined a band that had 2 guitarists. One has already moved away and one is moving soon. They picked me to fill in and are looking for another one to retain a 2 guitarist setup. Well, I feel like it would be beneficial, as we aren't finding any serious people with serious setups, for me to track the second guitar parts, set up an amp live, and just reamp it. We'll play to a click, so it won't be a problem. I think we are going to have some samples and stuff intertwined in our songs, so in essence, it's just another sample in my daw, just a different medium.

Thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea?
Yeah why not? Even do stereo tracks for when you've got a solo, keep things sounding full.

Only issue is that if the foh guy needs to turn the other guitar up but not hte samples, you're SoL. Should be fine, though.
The reason your band thinks it's an awful idea is the same reason it is a stupid idea to just play your album through the PA and play air guitar on stage instead...

If the bands music is heavily reliant on two guitars, I would maybe do the reamp thing as a shitty unfortunate solution for now but still actively search for a second guitarist... Live music is supposed to be live.
do the live reamp, thats what gwenstacy and your memorial do live, also you can't trust the FOH guy because what if your playing a show at a house, or a small venue.
I know this is an old thread and most people nowadays know this, but if you wanted to use a comp to both play samples as well as send dry guitar tracks through an amp live, you would just need an interface with multiple outputs. In a das such as ableton you can easily send one track to an output hitting a reamping box>guitar amp, while sending another out direct to foh for other digital sounds such as samples or synths. Also doing this much through an interface at once I would recommend something through FireWire.