Recabinet 3 - Out Now

Yep, maybe a false positive.

Whatsoever, I installed the demo and loaded it into I the only one with a EXCESSIVE cpu load? Without Recabinet3 I have 4% CPU load in Revalver, after loading Recabinet3 it's >90% and therefore impossible to use :cry:
looks cool.. so basicly recabinet 3 is mainly about making it easier to find a impulse or is there a sound change compared to recabinet 2 while using lecab?
looks cool.. so basicly recabinet 3 is mainly about making it easier to find a impulse or is there a sound change compared to recabinet 2 while using lecab?

It makes everything way easier and gives you a cool interface to look at! :)

The way I used to use Recabinet was to track a guitar and then duplicate that track and have Voxengo Boogex with different impulses on each track to try to achieve that double mic kind of sound. It was always a hassle to raise the volume of one or the other and get 2 sounds that fit well because I had to go between tracks. Now I can just have the 1 track and do it all inside the interface because there are output controls for each cabinet and the comparison happens much faster.

I also like how the sound is a little darker with more of a roar and there is some nice fizz on the top. It should sit better in the mix than some of the older Recabinet impulses that I've been using.
Just a quick info: Norton internet security erased the windows installer immediately after downloading it. NIS claimed that there are network threats inside?! :zombie:

So far I alwasy was very satisfied with NIS, so I'm just wondering...

That's very strange, the installer doesn't do anything with networking whatsoever. We're using Inno Installer, a very common Windows installer.

I will say that Norton products are pretty famous for generating false positives though.
the demo consums 18-22% per instance. that's a LOT!

The performance on the Windows side isn't as good it is on the Mac side at the moment. A performance update patch for Windows will be released in the coming weeks to address this and put things on even footing. In the mean time, here's a few quick tips:

  • 64 bit bridging on Windows might suck with this version. Try the 32 bit version of your DAW.
  • Extremely old hardware/software has not been tested
  • Alpha or pre-release DAW builds are not tested or supported
PS - the Windows/RTAS version is on the way soon as well.
Tried the demo. It sounds too dark even on axis to my ears, I need to boost the hi's 5-7db. But it is still great, I have a fealing that there are some back of the cab mics blended to get that roar. And I have some issues with the demo. It does not respond to any changes some times. I click to change cab or mic or any other value and nothing happens, it changes after repeating the action 3-5 times )) And I am still curious about RTAS from windows..

Too dark? Surprised to hear that, what is your signal chain before Recabinet? What host are you using?

RTAS/Windows version will be released very soon.
I use PT8 on main machine. But since RTAS for windows is not yet avaliable I used VST version in Wavelab. I NEED RTAS guys hurry up please ))

RTAS for Windows will be supported within a month or less if all goes according to plan.

By the way - Wavelab is extremely dodgy with VST plugins and wasn't tested as a result. All the developers I've talked to have pretty much given up on Wavelab as a VST host, and Steinberg has (apparently) been very evasive about fixing the VST compliance issues in Wavelab to THEIR OWN specification, which works perfectly of course on the Cubendo side. It's very strange to say the least. It's too bad, really, because Wavelab is such a fantastic and unmatched app in every other respect.

But, let me know how things go with Wavelab. Are you running version 7? I'm not sure if they addressed the VST spec issues in 7 or not.
I use Wavelab 6. It has many issues with different plugs indeed, I use it for audio editing some times and for plugins testing because it takes so much time to load PT )) . I just dont have any other VST host to test anything on.
I tried this out last night and I'm totally in love with it. Great plugin! Money well spent! :D
I didn´t knew that buying at the first $15 sale week would put me out of the free upgrade list. Have you changed your mind?

LOL... fuck... you found it... :lol:

I wish I had never said that because I spoke WAY too soon... I chalk it up to the kind of excitement and inexperience that has come back to haunt other startup developers cursed with "over promising and under delivering."

Basically, the original plan was to release a freebie Windows/VST IR loader made in SynthMaker, get it out fast (by the time I wrote that stupid post I had a working prototype built that way), and keep iterating the library as the main product... then perhaps evolve into something more like what Recabinet 3 has become later on... but plans changed and I realized that there was no point in doing it that way and putting off more ambitious goals. I wasn't happy being stuck on Windows alone, and SynthMaker was very frustrating and limiting...

Recabinet 3 then evolved into a cross-platform, hard-coded, monster project - the most difficult thing I've ever done in my life, requiring a massive investment of time, money, resources, etc. - essentially re-investing any profits from previous Recabinet versions back into the business to make something better possible.

So, admittedly, yes, I changed my mind. However, a huge amount of the Recabinet user base actually is getting this upgrade free - it's been an insanely popular offer.

If there's any of you who feel burned by what I said last January and bought during the $14.99 sale because of it, I'll be happy to figure out a way to make it up to you, just shoot me a PM. I am a man of my word, but it's impossible for me to adhere to something I NEVER should have promised in the first place, because I'd be screwing over the folks who paid more than double what you guys did.