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Grovesy said:
Hey all,
I'm doing music extension at school next year, which basically requires me to write a 3000 word essay about..well something to do with music.
So I was thinking that it would be best if I did it on avante-garde metal, because for one thing i'm very interested in it, and also because there's many areas to explore like minimalism, the influence of nationalism, genre-fusion (jazz metal, folk metal, etc), extended techniques (like the weird stuff gorguts do with guitars) etc..
I'm already thinking of exploring the music of bands like Gorguts, Drudkh, Emperor, Cynic, Kayo Dot, Ulver..and that's all i can think of now.

Can anyone reccomend me a few bands that may be worth studying or listening to that seem to fit my purposes? Should I even persue this topic?
Thanks heaps.
Write a 30,000 word, monotonous, plodding essay about Sun000)))))))))) :lol:
ok, listening to scald. its ok. it might grow on me if i listen to it more, but nevertheless, it wasn't what i was looking for.

me said:
ok, im looking for funeral/epic style doom, in the vain of mournful congregation but preferrably with [clean vocals (if that is even possible).

im going for the slow, heavy, accoustic instrumental passages and subtle melodies that mournful c. have. any other recommendations?
byrne said:
ok, listening to scald. its ok. it might grow on me if i listen to it more, but nevertheless, it wasn't what i was looking for.

im going for the slow, heavy, accoustic instrumental passages and subtle melodies that mournful c. have. any other recommendations?
What about the bands I spoke of, also Morgion.

Btw, if you are interested in a doom metal compilation with mostly unknown (good) doom bands, I can upload it. pm me i guess :Saint:
Grovesy said:
Can anyone reccomend me a few bands that may be worth studying or listening to that seem to fit my purposes? Should I even persue this topic?
Thanks heaps.

Ephel Duath, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum, Virus, Ved Buens Ende, any of Mike Patton's fifty billion projects, Unexpect (even though I don't like 'em)...there's probably more
Well, I got Forever... from Quo Vadis and the drumming is pretty solid. Good album... Great opener.
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