Recommended Symphony X album...

Jun 17, 2013
United States
As old as I am and as much as I love metal, I have missed out on Symphony X over the years. For whatever reason, I never gave them a chance and continually skipped out on there music. Thanksgiving weekend I got a discounted coupon for a download on Google Play and decided on getting a Symphony X album. I chose V: The New Mythology Suite. Needless to say, I started to bang my head against the wall in agony as I couldn't believe how incredible this music was and could not believe that someone had never tried to force-feed me this album before. So, I thought what the heck and downloaded The Odyssey next and once again, my mind has been blown. Basically in less that a week, I have been turned into a Symphony X fan. Michael Romeo may be one of the most technical guitarists I have ever heard. Sorry to sound so long winded, but now I'm in the process to pick up a couple more releases. What do you recommend? Go back to earlier material or go forward to the newest material? Feel free to give me some opinions. I will eventually get them all, just don't have the funds at once. I would like to note that I prefer the insanely fast guitar riffs and solos, in case there is an album that stands out as spectacular.
The fact that you mentioned that you like fast guitar riffs and solos and on top of that have Malmsteen album cover as avatar, I would suggest Damnation Game and Divine Wings of Tragedy. And from the newer albums, perhaps Paradise Lost.
Yeah, Divine Wings ought to be the next one to check out. Great album and one of the most popular ones among fans too.
All of their albums have a pretty solid balance between the fast stuff, mid-tempo stuff, and slower groovier stuff. Of the older works, I'd recommend Divine Wings, as others have mentioned. As the band has aged, their work has gotten more metal and less symphonic and orchestral. Of their newer work, you may like Iconoclast the best - it is the most intense and is higher in the "frantic riffs" department than other albums.