Recording TERRIBLE bands

sounds like you're marketing yourself to the wrong crowd. you need to get on the wagon train with bands like deadsea (columbus), the coast (columbus), skeleton witch (athens), and ringworm (cleveland). my buddy's band (the awkening/black dove) is from the cinci area, but they typically do the DIY thing and shoot for low-budget production (but they jam). what you're describing sounds like second rate mallcore; not sure how you got on that wave to ride.
what you're describing sounds like second rate mallcore; not sure how you got on that wave to ride.

Because that's what the "kids" are playing these days, especially here in the midwest?

Aside from my own band, I've yet to record a band that can track to a click, either. NONE of them have been able to do it.

Usually when a band contacts me about recording, I try to be as honest as I can. i tell them I'm not a drum editing wizard, because what I charge is not enough for me to spend the hours fixing their mistakes...I, do, however tell them that IF they want that extra time to make it ultra polished, I give them a per hour quote...And, again, not one of them has taken that option. Usually the bands say "oh yeah, man, we won't need that, we're tight." OOOOkay!

Kicks are usually the worst IMO...There aren't many drummers who have good double bass skills. Usually what I do to try and fix it quickly is just take the track (trigger), detect hits in Cubase, and then quantize by section. This way even if they aren't using a click, the hits are evenly spaced PER PART and even if the tempo gets off, its usually each section that drifts, not single measures (in my experience anyway). Doing this with "no click" bands has sped up my editing time immensely. Scooting fills is easier, too. Also, because of the lack of skills by drummers, I've just gone to all triggers on the kit, and then miking OH's. Again, speeds up everything. The only negative is I don't get to hone the needed skills in miking drums. Now that I'll be working out of a real studio, that will change.
sounds like a lotta work. I feel for you guys!

on another note, I'm thinking it was probably pretty similar 20 years ago, but since there weren't the cheats of triggering and quantizing, it was probably more like: "ok, here's your crappy demo guys...guess what, you suck!" now, bands probably demand the manual computer fixes to correct their mistakes. what a nightmare.
haha sadly enough i toured in a deathcore band on Metalblade and recorded a cd with them.

I find it STAGGERINGLY ironic that you're making this topic.
YOU PLAY IN ROSE FUNERAL, one of the world's most awful fucking bands, listened to solely by mallcore cunts.
And we all know mallcore cunts love forming mallcore bands. And you're surprised you're getting nothing but talentless bands coming to record with you? Jesus fucking christ
Im so glad...
i havn't had a bad band in YEARS
sure some need a little more encouragement/editing, but nothing to make me cry.
Ahh i remember those days.
editing bad metalcore drumming, programing kick tracks. Lordy its been a while.
I find it STAGGERINGLY ironic that you're making this topic.
YOU PLAY IN ROSE FUNERAL, one of the world's most awful fucking bands, listened to solely by mallcore cunts.
And we all know mallcore cunts love forming mallcore bands. And you're surprised you're getting nothing but talentless bands coming to record with you? Jesus fucking christ

....mallcore bands?

and so what if his band sucks
you shouldnt just bring it up like that dude.
i havnt listened to his band but still
it doesnt matter how good or bad your band is.
everyone here should have a decent enough respect to not get told like that.

so what the fuck? :Smokin:
....mallcore bands?

and so what if his band sucks
you shouldnt just bring it up like that dude.
i havnt listened to his band but still
it doesnt matter how good or bad your band is.
everyone here should have a decent enough respect to not get told like that.

so what the fuck? :Smokin:

... It's Rose Funeral
i dont give a flying fuck if its gwar (i love gwar, but people bash em for some reason)
if you want to be treated as an adult
then act as an adult
like, we all make mistakes
but cummon!

i know your just trying to be funny and your just having fun
its cool, but what do you think hes going to feel like when he reads that?
alot of musicians take pride in their band. i did when i had mine
and when some fucking douche bag told me my band sucked cause he was envious
i felt like shit. so you shouldnt make someone feel like that
your profile says your 18
well, if you are, then act like it

dont give your good recordings a bad name
thats the last thing the world needs
a guy with a good talent and smarts with a bad attitude.
Any musician worth his salt wouldn't give a fuck about what some cunt on the internet says about his band.
sounds like a lotta work. I feel for you guys!

on another note, I'm thinking it was probably pretty similar 20 years ago, but since there weren't the cheats of triggering and quantizing, it was probably more like: "ok, here's your crappy demo guys...guess what, you suck!" now, bands probably demand the manual computer fixes to correct their mistakes. what a nightmare.

thats pretty much how I work....if you dont wanna play to a click track, thats fine. if you have to do fifty takes, thats fine. that clock is ticking and as long as at the end of the day you pay me what you owe me we are good. it's not my job to teach you how to play, and it's not my business to tell you whether you should have come to the studio unprepaired, and knowing your shit. i used to be a perfectionist, but these guys start learning guitar or drums and a week later they wanna be "in a band" once they get all the members of this band together....a week later they wanna get into the studio. so yeah, if they wanna put out that shit...go right ahead.
Ok, so where I come from (Cincinnati Ohio) it seems like all we have out here is shitty bands. I'm decent at recording and with the right band I've gotten some pretty killer mixes, the problem is though that most are terrible and waste my time. I spend hours fixing mistakes and it's driving me crazy. My biggest problem is drummers (sorry guys) as I've yet to meet a single one that is good enough to play to a click and they all have these super huge ego's and refuse to let me program them. I try time and time again to tell them that after editing their tracks and sound replacing I've pretty much achieved the same sound as if I would have programmed, only now nothing is on time. Basically what I'm getting at is how the hell do you all go about telling a drummer they suck and need to be programmed, or do you all just let them by with a shit recording and let them learn for themselves? Most times I've just let them go by with their shitty playing (after taking hours just trying to get them to get a usable take) and then spent even further hours trying to line hits up to make them work well enough. I just fear that in letting them leave with a shit product (playing ability-wise, not production quality-wise) that it's gonna look terrible on me as a recording engineer, and even worse most of these bands are HAPPY with their terrible playing. I don't get it. Insight anyone? I'm tired of working my ass off doing unnecessary edits.

before booking recording dates with these fucks
ask to see one of their little jam sessions where they use a 10 watt amp as a p.a system for their vocals. ( and if he dares to use amp distortion. shoot his with this )


but seriously
before they record with you
have to to tell them your "requirements"
they HAVE to be good at a click

why should you bust your nuts for crappy ass chugs?:lol:
Any musician worth his salt wouldn't give a fuck about what some cunt on the internet says about his band.

thats not a great assumption
your not in a big band
so you wouldnt know exactly how it would feel
but whatever

lol and you never told me what "mallcore" means
care to elaborate?
thats not a great assumption
your not in a big band
so you wouldnt know exactly how it would feel
but whatever

lol and you never told me what "mallcore" means
care to elaborate?

whether i was in a big band or a little band, anyone else's opinions of the music im involved in creating is of no matter to me, as long as i enjoy it. make music for yourself, if others enjoy it, added bonus. this guys already in a successful band, my words arent gonna do a fucking thing to him.

but seriously, either way, it makes perfect sense. he's in rose funeral and he gets nothing but deathcore and death metal bands that cant play their instruments? does that not seem like a bit of an incredible coincidence to you?
and theres your mallcore definition.
Well haha, the term seemed to have been coined back when Slipknot was big, the definitions just involved from referring to nu-metal cunts to deathcore cunts ;)
no offense taken to whether or not anyone likes Rose Funeral. I left that band, it wasn't totally my cup of tea, but I'll be damned if I'm not proud of what I accomplished with that band, just because people may not like a band do you think I'm gonna be shy to say that I was part of something that I can go to almost any store in the world and see my cd? I got to travel the world playing music on a major label, boo hoo, thats so terrible. Ha honestly nobody's opinion matters on my former band and more off I'm not here to talk about my bands but my recordings, and yes I do realize that's why I always get the bands I do, and realize that the success of bands like RF, Miss May I, Sea of Treachery, TDWP, etc have everything to do with the local trend here, but fuck it, it makes me money, I'm just here trying to get recording advice.

Oh and btw, to the guy who grew up in Cincy, I remember all those bands when I was younger, Based in Theory was one of my first shows, but back then they were called Forefront
Usually what I do to try and fix it quickly is just take the track (trigger), detect hits in Cubase, and then quantize by section. This way even if they aren't using a click, the hits are evenly spaced PER PART

i FANTASIZED about this feature back in the day, recording 5000 breakdowns with no click. i can't believe this whole time it ACTUALLY EXISTS :mad:

+1 to being the kid in that local band that learned to record by recording his own band which then got big and now opened his own studio which caters primarily to said bands fanboys. it's really the best way to go about things. obviously kids want to have the guy that's in the band that's exactly what they sound like do their recordings. fuck the dude with the degree, or that 46 year old guy at joe shmoes recording shack that has aerosmith posters on the wall. right?!
I'll be damned if I'm not proud of what I accomplished with that band, just because people may not like a band do you think I'm gonna be shy to say that I was part of something that I can go to almost any store in the world and see my cd?

right on man.
unfortunately we all gotta deal with terrible bands, especially in the beginning, but they'll keep popping up even when you start advancing in your career. The trick to rising above all the other home "studios" these days is turning out a product that kicks ass no matter who or how good the band is. It takes a lot of work sometimes, but that's part of the job. Just stick with it and don't settle for anything mediocre and you'll be charging double soon enough. It doesn't feel as bad when you're finally getting compensated fairly. :)
You need to build a consistent portfolio so that bands and labels feel they can trust you to give them a good final product regardless of what you're working with. Labels don't care if the guitarist sucks... make him sound good so they can make money!!