Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

The black album isn't just bad, it's got a couple listen able songs.
But everything after that is crap beyond everything.

Well looking forward to COBTV 3 and a kickass Bodom record. The hatecrew will prove that they listen to us fans and make music that isn't just for themselves.

cobtv 3 is already out there.. janne must have been talking about TV-4 than:headbang:
So how do you think the new single will be? Just a couple weeks away.
'Not typical Bodom-sound, heavy as hell, party metal song with skateboarding', sounds hilarious.

Maybe it'll sound like a 69 Eyes song. The very statement about that song just reminds me of statements that were said regarding the 69 Eyes last album before it was released.
Same producer, right? :loco:

(If we're talking similarities between the two bands, both have been regarded as getting progressively 'worse' as they appeal to a wider American audience. Something about appealing to North America almost guarantees some alienation of the older fans and some sub-par music compared to older material... Not a fact, just an opinion. Haha. )

Of course, I'm joking about it sounding like a 69 Eyes song, but still...
Probably Janne with crew at this moment are sitting, having drinks and listening to new album at jannes place. fuck im going after some booze too! :D
Those who make factual claims, by default hold an opinion that that fact is true. Facts are proven wrong all the time, but until it is, that fact will ring true in your mind. The question isn't whether something is a fact or opinion; that could be debated endlessly (it still is). It's simply whether one holds the opinion that any given fact is indeed truth. If you're making a statement of opinion in itself then that's pretty simple and doesn't require much else, but all facts must be backed by opinion to some extent.

And yet it IS still bullshit to claim something as fact without providing very strong evidence to support it as such. It can be opinionated in some cases, true; but think of it this way: you may think ("opinion") that the earth is flat, yet it doesn't make it less of a fact that it is actually round. Which, for the purpose of the discussion, separates "fact" from "opinion". And, when it comes to reviews of cultural expression (i.e. non-scientific topic), very little can be claimed as "fact" at all.

'Not typical Bodom-sound, heavy as hell, party metal song with skateboarding'

So, will it sound like Slipknot or something? :err:
You mean to tell me you DON'T want Bodom to sound like Andrew WK + Slipknot? :yow:

Ah i was just getting ready to say that i can't help but imagine the 'We Want Fun' video with the Jackass crew when i think of the new Bodom vid. I like that vid though so wouldn't be too unhappy about it being like that :)
Are you retarded, or are you retarded? Or maybe both?

No, but obviously you are since you have to mention your disease twice in one post and can't tell the difference. OK, enough with the personal attacks? This belongs in kinder garden or off-topic.

Topic: Andrew WK with slipknot riffs and rhythms = :puke:
Apparently some of us have gypsy magic up the ass which can predict the sound of the new album. How far do I have to shove this ladder up there so I can climb in and grab some magic for myself? 'Cause I can't fucking wait to hear Relentless.
Some fresh Bodom is nice to me in any form, because I love all the albums.

Oh and there will be a new COBTV episode before the release.
Yes! Good news to hear.
Maybe in this episode Roope will figure why there's so much wood in that room...
Yeah, I asked Roope what was going on with Sinergy the last time I saw Bodom play in LA. I think it was last October. And anyway, from what we heard in that one track, there wasn't any Sinergy-esque guitar work in there. Seriously disappointed me.

Also, I totally agree with you about Bodom music being close to my heart. No matter how progressively bad their albums get, I'll always cherish their early music. Bodom and Sinergy, both of them. No other bands touch my heart the way they do.

Did you really expect Bodom to take anything from Sinergy? If they were to take anything would be melodies or parts that wouldn't be too "Sienrgy style", because I don't see Alexi singing Venomous Vixens while Janne solos over there.

Also, wtf disapointment? What's so bad about that bit besides not being FTR pt.2 (which btw I think would be the real dissapointment, meaning the band has no new ideas)?

So how do you think the new single will be? Just a couple weeks away.
'Not typical Bodom-sound, heavy as hell, party metal song with skateboarding', sounds hilarious.

I expect it fast (maybe not super fast but definitely not slow), with "happy" sounding melodies and in the lines of Shovel Knockout. Speculation time much tho, but that's my feeling. I don't think when he says heavy he means IYF kind of heavy.

Let RRF to be released and let "Ugly" tour Be done , and then he will prob start XD :)

No, he said in a recent interview that in the break between finishing the BLS tour and the release of the new Bodom he wants to go into the studio and record a new Warmen album.

party metal with skateboarding? Excuse me while I puke.

I thought you were a bit more open minded. Way to go judging an album before hearing it. Also, please stop the "it's not FTR ergo it's bad" argument, if you don't like the heavier sound of BD or AYDY it's ok, but they're good albums. I don't know why you want them to copy themselves and keep making Hatebreeders and Follow The Reapers. They're good but a huge part of their "goodbeing" is their uniqueness to me. The moment there's two or three of them the'd totally loose it for me.