Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

It sends shivers down my spine how much loath a commercial COB track would trigger in the fanbase. Skateboarding with an American sound no matter how good is exactly what people nag about, and they do exactly that. It better be a good song at least. Should they maybe release two singles, it would do some serious good for selling if they also published a track that's old school Bodom at Myspace before the leaks are out. What do they lose, at least they could release it themselves with honor a week before some fag uploads the leaks illegally to youtube.
It sends shivers down my spine how much loath a commercial COB track would trigger in the fanbase. Skateboarding with an American sound no matter how good is exactly what people nag about, and they do exactly that. It better be a good song at least. Should they maybe release two singles, it would do some serious good for selling if they also published a track that's old school Bodom at Myspace before the leaks are out. What do they lose, at least they could release it themselves with honor a week before some fag uploads the leaks illegally to youtube.

While it's true that even if the song ends up being good, that sort of thing is what people already bitch out. But Bodom also doesn't seem to care at all, which I think is great. They just do whatever the hell they want.

As for releasing music early, that's not under their control, legally. The label/management decides that.
It sends shivers down my spine how much loath a commercial COB track would trigger in the fanbase. Skateboarding with an American sound no matter how good is exactly what people nag about, and they do exactly that.

Would you prefer everyone being a mindless follower who loves absolutely anything OMGALEXI puts out? A lot of people seem to think CoB + skateboarding is lame. I personally dislike the new Bodom thrashy riffs. So what's so wrong about calling the band out on what you dislike?
Would you prefer everyone being a mindless follower who loves absolutely anything OMGALEXI puts out? A lot of people seem to think CoB + skateboarding is lame. I personally dislike the new Bodom thrashy riffs. So what's so wrong about calling the band out on what you dislike?

You've seriously misunderstood me..
How much label dictates how will sound album? Whats your thoughts?

They did 'force' them to hire a producer.. but it was COB's idea to take Matt who's known to americanize music. It's complicated because an artist doesn't want his work to be dictated, still both the artist and especially the label want money. The problem is music that doesn't really come from the heart kind of reeks. Maybe if Alexi suddenly felt like doing a Cradle Of Filth style Bodom album the label could ask wth are you doing, we're supposed to tour in America. Never heard anyone from any band talk about if album music styles are controlled and if they're forced to always say the new album is best even if they don't really think so, but it's a very interesting subject.. When Roope stated "'IT'S SO MASSIVE EVERYONE WILL SHIT THEMSELVES'"" you could almost see the add sign. Maybe WIWI is partly commercial, but I kind of understand that if the rest of the album is true Bodom.
Can't imagine Roope saying that :D Ofcourse you have to say that the newest material is best so far etc. it's first condition in marketing. But in recent interviews Alexi have said that they can say it's the best and so on... but listeners should judge themselves.And in one of interviews Alexi said that they had pressure from label to work with Matt Hyde.
All I can say is it's weird they don't feel enthusiastic talking about it, but luckily we'll find out soon enough.

And in one of interviews Alexi said that they had pressure from label to work with Matt Hyde.

Are you sure? Never seen that. He said they had pressure to take a producer and they were most convinced with Matt. Nothing about the label wanting him.
dude in all of the interviews ive seen about the album they seem very enthusiastic talking about it, it just seems like they want the music to speak for itself. they also seem to be happier and more laid back than normal so i havent gotten any negative vibes about RRF i dont know why everyone else seems to
Well. I guess there's no reason to be downhearted as a COB fan when they're "promising" the best COB album, even if they're not shaking with excitement. Can't believe we're only a few weeks away.
They don't feel enthusiastic? They've done nothing else than saying they're super happy with the new album, all of them.
That's the impression I've gotten, too.
They just don't want to "describe the sound", as so many interviewers keep asking them to. Which, I wouldn't want to, either - that would be the most annoying question ever.
They don't feel enthusiastic? They've done nothing else than saying they're super happy with the new album, all of them.

How often do you see an artist say "This album thing we recorded is kinda shit, but we still wanna make lotsa money so y'all go buy it anyway"? :lol: Also, they could be happy cause they think it sounds good, or happy because they think it will sell...

On a completely different note, I decided to pop in BD late last night, to remember what Bodom actually sounds like these days, maybe to find sth new and refreshing in the album since I last listened to it. What happened instead is I was surprised how uninspired the whole thing sounds compared to numerous other bands and releases I've listened to in the last 2+ years. I'm expecting to generally dislike the upcoming album, unless they completely change their approach to how they write music.