Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

^There we go a-fucking-gain. For fucks sake would you people drop the stupid bullshit of "Blooddrunk is uninspired shit" crap? What's so wrong about them making the music they want to make which, btw, is NOT bad as most of you claim it to be. The melodies and the leads and their stuff is there, it DOES sound Bodom, it's just (luckily) not a FTR rip-off. If they were re-doing FTR or HB all over the place you'd bullshit them for that, but since they change you crap on that. What's your fucking problem? You keep saying about those amazing bands that sound so much better and are so original all the time, yet you fail to recognize Bodom have managed to produce 6 great albums that don't sound like a copycat of each other, but since the sound's kinda changed and now it's somehow more thrashy while, don't forget about that, maintaining their trademark keyboards and melodies and great solos, you start bashing them all over the place and criticising albums you've not even heard. Get the sand out of your fucking vaginas, there will never be a FTR pt.2 and I don't see where the interest in that would lay, so wait, listen to the new album and if you don't like it just drop COB out of your iPod, but stop bitching about it all the time with the same old shit. If you people at least gave some new arguments or something it may be interesting, but it's always the same crap.

Sorry Crzy_Aus, this is not for you but for all the "new style sucks there's no neoclassical", you just happened to be the last drop and I just got sick of the constant spam of the new album discussion thread with the same bullshit.
Man, take a pill. Any time someone says an opinion against the band you shit yourself them smear it across the keyboard for others to read. Don't take it all so serious.
Man, take a pill. Any time someone says an opinion against the band you shit yourself them smear it across the keyboard for others to read. Don't take it all so serious.

I think you're missing his point, which is that it seems to always just be the same arguments over and over again, which also end up usually being vague or skewing fact for personal taste.

Also, I think another point he makes, which I agree with, is to NOT take it so serious. If you don't like it, just stop listening and move on. Especially when the last album you liked was HB or FTR. It's been about 10 years since those albums came out, sometimes you just have to let it go. If you still like those albums, great, keep listening to them. If you don't like the newer albums, you still have the old music and no one is forcing you to like or listen to the new ones.
I think you're missing his point, which is that it seems to always just be the same arguments over and over again, which also end up usually being vague or skewing fact for personal taste.

Also, I think another point he makes, which I agree with, is to NOT take it so serious. If you don't like it, just stop listening and move on. Especially when the last album you liked was HB or FTR. It's been about 10 years since those albums came out, sometimes you just have to let it go. If you still like those albums, great, keep listening to them. If you don't like the newer albums, you still have the old music and no one is forcing you to like or listen to the new ones.
Man, take a pill. Any time someone says an opinion against the band you shit yourself them smear it across the keyboard for others to read. Don't take it all so serious.

+a million

Also, I think another point he makes, which I agree with, is to NOT take it so serious. If you don't like it, just stop listening and move on.

You should apply the same concept to posts. If you don't like them, don't read/reply and move on. Kthx.
^No. Why would I go to Burzum's forum (I don't know if they have one but it was the first thing that came into my mind) to bitch about what I consider their retarded music and how much I hate it? I don't, I wouldn't and it'd have no puse and would be stupid to do so. Same thing here. If you like the band, great, if you're not sure, great, if you don't like it but are here to bring some new points or a somewhat interesting discussion to table, great, bring it on. But if you're just a butthurt "old shit" fan and haven't liked anything they've put out in the last 10 years and are going to say the same shit all over again, fuck off. This is NOT the Off-Topic section to bitch at everybody and be all retarded, this is the On-Topic section, here is where people that likes the band goes.

Also, it's really funny that two guys like you two (Chamet and Joe) who are never here happen to pop out always to point out how we jump at people saying things against the band when that's not true, but never to discuss actual things about COB and their current stuff.

Thankfully some people DOES read the posts and doesn't just go black or white. Yes those two are my points.

I don't jump at anybody that says something against the band, I'm jumping at the retarded overdoing of "it's not the old stuff ergo it sucks" crap.
Aaaactually, my point wasn't really "old vs. new". Sure, it'd be nice if Bodom stayed neoclassical, but they obviously went the other way right after SW. My favourite album from them is HCDR by far, it's their peak but they've gotten worse since then. It feels like they're afraid to experiment, and just go with the safest bet - songs built on accessible riffs and trademark solos you mentioned. That's the road to stagnation, and I'd hate to write off yet another band I've followed for a while because they "crapped out", like what happened to a few others (Therion, In Extremo, etc.). Now, we obviously haven't heard the new album yet, but all the info thus far suggests that this is exactly the direction the band it going, and I don't like it. Which is sad because you can still here the band has what it takes - an occasional amazing riff, or even a song, but for some reason most of it is just left undeveloped and is mixed with a pile of something generic.
^There we go a-fucking-gain. For fucks sake would you people drop the stupid bullshit of "Blooddrunk is uninspired shit" crap? What's so wrong about them making the music they want to make which, btw, is NOT bad as most of you claim it to be. The melodies and the leads and their stuff is there, it DOES sound Bodom, it's just (luckily) not a FTR rip-off. If they were re-doing FTR or HB all over the place you'd bullshit them for that, but since they change you crap on that. What's your fucking problem? You keep saying about those amazing bands that sound so much better and are so original all the time, yet you fail to recognize Bodom have managed to produce 6 great albums that don't sound like a copycat of each other, but since the sound's kinda changed and now it's somehow more thrashy while, don't forget about that, maintaining their trademark keyboards and melodies and great solos, you start bashing them all over the place and criticising albums you've not even heard. Get the sand out of your fucking vaginas, there will never be a FTR pt.2 and I don't see where the interest in that would lay, so wait, listen to the new album and if you don't like it just drop COB out of your iPod, but stop bitching about it all the time with the same old shit. If you people at least gave some new arguments or something it may be interesting, but it's always the same crap.

Sorry Crzy_Aus, this is not for you but for all the "new style sucks there's no neoclassical", you just happened to be the last drop and I just got sick of the constant spam of the new album discussion thread with the same bullshit.

^No. Why would I go to Burzum's forum (I don't know if they have one but it was the first thing that came into my mind) to bitch about what I consider their retarded music and how much I hate it? I don't, I wouldn't and it'd have no puse and would be stupid to do so. Same thing here. If you like the band, great, if you're not sure, great, if you don't like it but are here to bring some new points or a somewhat interesting discussion to table, great, bring it on. But if you're just a butthurt "old shit" fan and haven't liked anything they've put out in the last 10 years and are going to say the same shit all over again, fuck off. This is NOT the Off-Topic section to bitch at everybody and be all retarded, this is the On-Topic section, here is where people that likes the band goes.

Also, it's really funny that two guys like you two (Chamet and Joe) who are never here happen to pop out always to point out how we jump at people saying things against the band when that's not true, but never to discuss actual things about COB and their current stuff.

Thankfully some people DOES read the posts and doesn't just go black or white. Yes those two are my points.

I don't jump at anybody that says something against the band, I'm jumping at the retarded overdoing of "it's not the old stuff ergo it sucks" crap.

I love you.
I originally didn't like the AYDY or Blooddrunk albums but after learning a few songs on guitar I realise that they are really fun to play and now like the albums haha. To me the riffs on the newer albums are more complex then on the first few albums, but the solos on the older albums are more complex than the newer ones.

Blooddrunk though would have to be my least favourite albums mainly cause I only like 3 songs on the record (the others still aren't bad though) and for me the guitar tone sounded like what every other metal band's using, unlike their other albums which to me have that unique chorusy tone.

The main difference I noticed though apart from the neo-classical influence is that the first 3 albums tended to have several melodies in each song where as HCDR, AYDY and Blooddrunk still have melodies just they are more riff driven.

Anyways I really like what I've heard from the new album and can't wait to hear it all.

Does anyone think they will use the Something Wild/Beware the Heavens C# tuning again? I think it would be cool as they've pretty much stuck to drop C tuning for the past 2 records.
True. It's really hard to say, but Shovel Knockout sounds like echoes from the old albums mixed with the heavier style, that's what we want, something new, not a straight return to past and certainly not a continuation of AYDY/BD. It's just nobody really wants a generic sound. I hope WIWI is a one-off. We don't need another superficial generic riff ridden album as they could make music that goes deeper under the skin. My firm opinion is the band's two best albums are FTR and HB. That's because of the level of creativity. Even if they tried to make a FTR 2 or HB 2 they couldn't necessarily do it. A Blooddrunk nr. 2 maybe easier because the atmosphere is not so involved. I wanna see the trees and lakes.
It feels like they're afraid to experiment, and just go with the safest bet - songs built on accessible riffs and trademark solos you mentioned.

Wtf?!? How can they be afraid to experiment when AYDY and BD were 2 totally new kind of albums???

Let me explain you how they DID experiment after HCDR:

- drop C songs
- chorus' with "real" melodies behind the voice
- riffs are more complex
- songs are heavier
- other style of solos (more pentatonic)
- more guitar oriented
But wouldn't you rather hear them experiment by taking their personal style to new reaches instead of changing to more mainstream.
But wouldn't you rather hear them experiment by taking their personal style to new reaches instead of changing to more mainstream.

Bro, for real?

As much as I dislike AYDY and BD, you can't deny that they still sound like Bodom. They've lost certain traits, sure, and certain things like Alexi's voice have changed, but because of the change being so gradual, like the mix of highs and his more tonal vocals in HCDR, and the change to more of a heavy sound, they've managed to stay with their trademark sound.

At the end of the day, as much as it pains me to say, CoB have changed, doing what they want, and make music they love. Before BD, or just after it, it would've been fine to complain about their style change, but it's almost tiring to read it now. It's almost a given that people will prefer their old stuff, with obvious exceptions. I won't stop people saying their opinions, though, that's the point of a forum :P
The only exceptional element about Blooddrunk is the keyboard ideas fused into the songs to make them good. If they have done stuff like Shovel Knockout they'll be fine. But WIWI seems like a commercial. If I want to listen to heavy music I listen to Mortician or something. Maybe they just do what happens to sound good and don't think about styles like we do.
It remains to be seen whether the sample pieces are deliberately chosen to represent the album (if they're some of the best material on the album) or if that's the overall level of the album. When you compare this to Blooddrunk, everything's better.

Just 2 weeks or something till the single. Maybe COB TV 4 before that?
No, they only said CoBTV 4 before the release of the album. And if I where them I'd upload it early/mid February to spread the stuff.
^Hopefully COBOT 4 is out BEFORE the release of the single.

Aaaactually, my point wasn't really "old vs. new". Sure, it'd be nice if Bodom stayed neoclassical, but they obviously went the other way right after SW. My favourite album from them is HCDR by far, it's their peak but they've gotten worse since then. It feels like they're afraid to experiment, and just go with the safest bet - songs built on accessible riffs and trademark solos you mentioned. That's the road to stagnation, and I'd hate to write off yet another band I've followed for a while because they "crapped out", like what happened to a few others (Therion, In Extremo, etc.). Now, we obviously haven't heard the new album yet, but all the info thus far suggests that this is exactly the direction the band it going, and I don't like it. Which is sad because you can still here the band has what it takes - an occasional amazing riff, or even a song, but for some reason most of it is just left undeveloped and is mixed with a pile of something generic.

As Arcane said, what's generic and unimaginative about what they're doing? They could've stuck with neoclassical and Yngwie solos and some easy power chord lines for Roppe and some lead/melodic things for Alexi (SNBN, the song everybody loves and seems to deem as true COB, is merely power chords on one side and melodies on the other, does that make it bad?), instead they've gone to trickier riffs, more complex harmonies (sometimes all inside while riffing), some changes in the solos, more keys than just big warm filling sounds in the back... what's unimaginative about that? The easier road would've been to keep re-doing the same old ideas.

But wouldn't you rather hear them experiment by taking their personal style to new reaches instead of changing to more mainstream.

What exactly is so mainstream about Blooddrunk or AYDY? Everybody is saying they're mainstream, but I really don't see where you're getting that from.

Bro, for real?

As much as I dislike AYDY and BD, you can't deny that they still sound like Bodom. They've lost certain traits, sure, and certain things like Alexi's voice have changed, but because of the change being so gradual, like the mix of highs and his more tonal vocals in HCDR, and the change to more of a heavy sound, they've managed to stay with their trademark sound.

At the end of the day, as much as it pains me to say, CoB have changed, doing what they want, and make music they love. Before BD, or just after it, it would've been fine to complain about their style change, but it's almost tiring to read it now. It's almost a given that people will prefer their old stuff, with obvious exceptions. I won't stop people saying their opinions, though, that's the point of a forum :P

See people? This is the kind of anti-AYDY and BD people that I don't mind and I even enjoy talking to or discussing with, good to know that there's at least one, thank you sir.

The only exceptional element about Blooddrunk is the keyboard ideas fused into the songs to make them good. If they have done stuff like Shovel Knockout they'll be fine. But WIWI seems like a commercial. If I want to listen to heavy music I listen to Mortician or something. Maybe they just do what happens to sound good and don't think about styles like we do.

Joonas, why are you beating up on WIWI when you've just heard a 20sec preview of which you don't like 8secs? The intro melody is cool, and the second riff sure is heavy, but it still has melody on it, which is something I think people is failing to recognize. Melody doesn't just mean KTS verse style things, all in the higher strings and frets. Blooddrunk's 2nd riff (right after the double harmony of Alexi and Janne) is melodic too.
I'm not beating it down, it sounds nice but not Bodom metal like Shovel Knockout. Should be a good track with the video, but hopefully the other tracks are more in the vein of the other song.