Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Thanks for the rips, first of all.

Now then:
-vocals: SUCK! While Hyde said in that interview with SKO that it where great vocals. So why butcher it with this digitalizing shit?
-riff: like Joonas said; done to much. They could have added more variation.
-solos: not Bodom style, but to be fair, we knew that as Alexi said it wouldn't be your typical Bodom sound.
-mixing: it sounds like they upped the bass in comparison to the trailer. Other than that, my technical knowledge isn't enough to say anything decent. I have to admit that I love these catchy tunes like the higher pitched chorus so that's a nice thing about the song.

If you listen to it and you forget it's Bodom, it is an okay song (7/10) but unfortunately the standard of CoB is a lot higher (6/10 after 2 spins)
If they shortened the beginning part and added a bridge or something, it would be a lot better already.
Now it's definitely better than the average song on BD, but not good enough to beat the best songs on that album.

With that said, I still hope that this is indeed just a one off as they said it would be and that the rest will be like SKO.
So new plain song with a sketboard video.

Who wants to bet that this new song will be on a new Tony Hawk game? Or some game in general. SO basic and boring that it must be the song for the masses.

The only thing that made me go "sweet" was the fucking drums.

So far this song has been the biggest let down of the year. Only been 3 days though.
I wonder how they'll do this live though. Distortion on the mic? They never did it with Needled so it would be lame if they did it now. And you can guarantee that this will be played live.
Who knows. Maybe it will be like Smile Pretty.. I didn't like it at first, but it really worked live.
This fucking blew my mind. I'll let the overanalyzing be done by Joonas and the others. Great riff, great song. Hate me folks because I liked it.
This is as commercial as it can possibly get. One riff, one melody, simple enough for a musical retard. A fun exchange of a couple similar notes between different instruments on the video for a solo. It's "still COB". Putting this track out as single is a huge risk of losing massive amounts of fans. I would urge them to very soon upload a real Bodom track from the album to stop the packing fans from taking off.
Come on wtf is wrong with the huge negativity? It's ONE song, and they said it was going to be commercial so why did you expect a SKO-like song?

You're definitely overreacting guys. All I have to say is wait, you'll be pleasantly surprised. Okay I get that you might be disappointed, but no need to make 20 new separate posts about how you think it sucks =/

EDIT: I love the song. Especially the chorus.
^Well the beggining (first 40 seconds or so) sound promising, but when they keep with it over and over again it kind of wears off, I'm one of the hugest "fanbois" around and I see that too.

The more I listen to it the more I think that the song out of the album is going to sound better. The rips are pretty good and I guess this is how it sounded in the radio, but if you listen to it you hear that it lacks things that should be once the album is out. Like it has some extra chorus to the whole song that most likely won't be in the CD version, just like it happened with Blooddrunk radio version. Same with the vocals, they look like they are there behind the rest of the song, and I highly doubt they did so. In the SK bits the vocals look up front where they should be. And the gang vocals look also pretty distant, which is not the point of gang vocals, they're usually there to give a boost. The easier way to see the "chorus/all behind" effect I mean is when you have just the bass and vocals going on. Like if it had some extra compression/pack-all-the-tracks-together.
This is as commercial as it can possibly get. One riff, one melody, simple enough for a musical retard. A fun exchange of a couple similar notes between different instruments on the video for a solo. It's "still COB". Putting this track out as single is a huge risk of losing massive amounts of fans. I would urge them to very soon upload a real Bodom track from the album to stop the packing fans from taking off.

You are probably the most idiotic person I have ever come across. Just because it's not as complicated as some of Bodoms old stuff doesnt mean its "simple enough for a musical retard". Music is not about how complicated it is. It's about enjoyment and expression.

Fair enough... you don't like the song. Thats fine. But a few of us actually do. So leave it as that. (And I highly doubt Bodom are going to rush out another song for you Joonas because you didn't like the first!)

And Yeah I think the song is pretty awesome!
My first impressions were pretty bad. Was kind of expecting to be slightly disappointed and the lyrics kind of put me off a bit. Now have it on itunes and been on repeat for a while and really starting to like it a lot! Wouldn't be happy if the whole album turned out to be like that but as a one off it's pretty enjoyable.
Now let's get back to that one review shall we:
Ironic, really, as by this point you will be crying and declaring that it most definitely WAS worth it, especially when you’re recalling that you actually took the day off work to listen to this for the first time! The impression given by the producer was that the song was a departure from the Children of Bodom sound and was their “most commercial offering so far”. Now, I have seen stills from the new video shoot and the crusty commercial cheese is obvious; but fortunately, this isn’t the case for the song. I am not even sure that I’d have been able to pick this out from the album as being the first single if I didn’t know beforehand; it really isn’t THAT far from what we’ve heard before. Impressive.
yeah.. scary. Mostly because of the vocals

His conclusion
In mild conclusion, I would say that the most noticable thing, to me, that improved the whole album is that Alexi’s vocals seem to have been notched up a bar… Perhaps it was the quality of a studio environment but I was always disappointed that the vocals were ever so slightly less powerful on the recorded releases, but this helped shape their distinctive sound. I am keen to listen to this album again for many reasons, but to confirm if this is the case is definitely one of them!
Hmm.. We MUST hear another song before we can say anything, but it scares me now.
A huge thanks to the guys who took the time to rip the song for us!
I'm not really very fond of the song at the moment but maybe it'll grow on me.
I agree that this probably won't be the final version for the single/album. The vocals do sound like they are in the background for most of it, i guess it'll be another while of waiting to see if this is what it's really going to be like.
To me the vocals sound more old-school than in a little while, they also sound very powerful like he's ripping his throat out. I like iiiittt.
Also, I am not saying a lot of shit until I've listened a few times over a period of time... I've learned over the years that most shit you bash at first can grow on you and become something you really like. I can say the vocals put me off but the opening riffs are catchy enough to ignore it. Ionna what was up with the chorus but I didn't hate it. This sounds like a gym song to me.
You are probably the most idiotic person I have ever come across. Just because it's not as complicated as some of Bodoms old stuff doesnt mean its "simple enough for a musical retard". Music is not about how complicated it is. It's about enjoyment and expression.

Stop trying to argue with me. When did I say it makes you stupid if you like a commercial track? Never. I like some music that's way more simple than this. But it's easier for mainstream to like a less extreme track. I expect you to see the logic.

Certain other Bodom tracks also express themselves pretty good and are well enjoyable, just in a more... Bodomish way.

I like half of this song, other half is just not what I listen to.