Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

People, I found the best example of the "hollownes/chorusy" thing I was talking about. Listen to the drum roll at 1:07. That CAN'T be the final version. I can record more powerful drum rolls drumming my fingers on the back of my acoustic guitar. I say look at the ideas but wait to the album version.
Vocals aren't bad at all, it just got a fucking shitty re-verb effect with a filter over it and is put in the background for most of the song.
And Undefined; why didn't you like the chorus? I think it's the best part of the song. Very FTR-HCDR chorus'ish.
It was a little off to me, like the song has a nice build up to it then it was kind of anti-climactic. I like that style of chorus but the power was missing to me, I dunno. I didn't NOT like it though, it just has to grow on me I suppose. I shouldn't say too much more, this is all just initial feelings.

But I really don't see how this is gonna fit with Skateboarding... I used to play a lot of Tony Hawk games as a kid and I don't remember any songs like this being on the soundtrack :lol: but I guess they made it fit.
Was It Worth It?

The only "good" thing in the song are the chorus, and keys (IMO).
The "Solo" (if it is, cause it's lame) sucked, but as they said, it's just a party-song, so don't take this so serious.
I thought this was going to make my day, but just the opposite
But I really don't see how this is gonna fit with Skateboarding... I used to play a lot of Tony Hawk games as a kid and I don't remember any songs like this being on the soundtrack :lol: but I guess they made it fit.

Perhaps the solo will fit with the skateboarders fucking up their tricks, cause most of the solo is just recap of shit he's done before (epic fail) and is nothing near what Alexi likes about solos, it's not very melodic and it doesn't fit the song at all. xP
People, I found the best example of the "hollownes/chorusy" thing I was talking about. Listen to the drum roll at 1:07. That CAN'T be the final version. I can record more powerful drum rolls drumming my fingers on the back of my acoustic guitar. I say look at the ideas but wait to the album version.
But the guitar and keys do sound good (or at least more normal) don't they? It's almost like they just didn't mix the song correctly yet.
Am I the only one that likes the solo? It's not face melting but it has feeling. I just don't like the note that it ends on.

I think everyone's eventually going to like this song, because it's catchy. After only one listen it was repeating in my head for a while. Pretty cool song imo, it's pretty much what they said it was going to be.
Good to finally hear some new stuff. Probably gonna listen it again tomorrow from Radio Rock before forming any opinion.
So far, and after several listens, the only thing I'm not liking much is the solo; not saying it would ever become a huge favourite, and I'm glad this
apparently isn't representative of the album as a whole, but it's certainly pretty damn catchy, even after just the first time of hearing it, so
I guess that makes it more radio- and mtv-friendly, if that's what they wanted. I'm still really excited to hear the whole album (and to get COB tv 4 -
wonder when that will make an appearance?)
My first impressions were pretty bad. Was kind of expecting to be slightly disappointed and the lyrics kind of put me off a bit. Now have it on itunes and been on repeat for a while and really starting to like it a lot! Wouldn't be happy if the whole album turned out to be like that but as a one off it's pretty enjoyable.

I actually agree you. it sounded crap first but after 5 listenings it gets good
Listened to it during the last hour. Didn't like it the first time, but it grows after a few rounds! Had a hard time to ignore the bad radiosound-quality :yuk:

So, let's see: Catchy beginning (one could say I like the intro most), main riff and ending, and a nice sing-along chorus and distinct synths. Can't get warm with the solos really. Somehow weak, not to say a bit lame.

Overall impression is, by far not the best they can do, and a little bit too "easy" composition somehow, OK if this is the way they wanted it to be I guess... But Lord! how I long for a good album sound quality after mistreating my ears for more than an hour.
Why is Marilyn Manson on vocals :erk: ? Anyways, the keys sounded good, the solo was... well wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. And same riff over and over again. Not impressed to be honest.
moco , did you download Epi's rip ? its the best quality of the rips (but all of them are great) and the quality itself doesn't sounds like radio rip except for few parts.
But the guitar and keys do sound good (or at least more normal) don't they? It's almost like they just didn't mix the song correctly yet.

Nah I think the actual tone is good, but the radio version just got screwed by whatever effects they have on, I predict all will be tight and good in the album version.

(and to get COB tv 4 -
wonder when that will make an appearance?)

I think you're not alone on that one :lol: It's been long since Janne said it's actually coming. I just hope it doesn't happen like with COBTV 3 when Blooddrunk was on. COBTV 2 ended up with a Yngwie impersonation by Alexi under a "in the next episode.." text, but we never got that. I hope we do get COBTV 4 soon though.
^^ Moco, eh? :( Are you Spanish?

Yeah I dl'd his rip and it is the best available right now, but still I think it's a bad quality. I know I don't have to blame my speakers, they're not that bad. Just sounds very unbalanced to me, dunno.
^^ Moco, eh? :( Are you Spanish?

Yeah I dl'd his rip and it is the best available right now, but still I think it's a bad quality. I know I don't have to blame my speakers, they're not that bad. Just sounds very unbalanced to me, dunno.

:lol: made me laugh for a bit but wasn't gonna coment on the shortening haha.

Well on my speakers it doesn't sound really unbalanced, just that radio reverby/chorusy effect like it took some punch out of it, but we'll wait and see in a month :kickass: