Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

This is the final album version. What are you guys talking about? The only possible different version is a demo recorded ages ago. It is possible however MAYBE that part of the solo has been cut/edited for a shorted video/radio version like IYF and HOMT, but I haven't looked into it, too boring solo.

Remember the talk about WIWI being the bands biggest and best song? You be the judge.

It's not a bad song but the repetitive riff and lame solo is an insult against my ears who were waiting to hear Bodom...

Can't wait for the other songs tho!!!

Hmm, maybe. But the song, gosch.. will maybe change my mind later, it's not horrible but the first 20 seconds is the best. That's why I had so much expectations after the trailer.. =/
First when Alexi vocals came in i was like wtf?
Agree on that "very repetitive" bu what you can expect from commercial song ?
Solo ? Can i even call it solo? After Janne stating there will be BEST SOLOS EVER! weak.
But somehow drinking with my buddys and listening to it will work.
And now we have to wait so long for next songs after hearing nothing bright.
This is the final album version. What are you guys talking about? The only possible different version is a demo recorded ages ago. It is possible however MAYBE that part of the solo has been cut/edited for a shorted video/radio version like IYF and HOMT, but I haven't looked into it, too boring solo.

Remember the talk about WIWI being the bands biggest and best song? You be the judge.

It's not a bad song but the repetitive riff and lame solo is an insult against my ears who were waiting to hear Bodom...

Can't wait for the other songs tho!!!
When I said final album version I mean the tone not the song itself so sorry for misunderstanding but what?!? "... It's not a bad song" Haven't you wrote a few pages back that this is the worst Bodom song ever?
So this is a song that you will put on a video and claim it's so cool -_- ? Fuck Europe, let's wave the American flag and yeeeeey! If it's more of the same I'm not gonna buy the album. I'm sorry this song had nothing good to offer. Now I might be wrong, but imagine if the rest of the album sounds exactly like WIWI. Then you have all those people that said "YEAH IT'S GREAT ALBUM" (you know, the reviewers and the people from the meeting etc.), but like I said let's make believe all the other songs are like this one. Then they obviously did not care or have the balls to say "no it sucks bad, what the fuck are you doing?". Son... I am disappoint. (for now)
And about the solo, I was hoping for COB to show the skater world what they can do with the guitar. Why settle for a tame one like that?

Same here, not in a showing off manner, but you know, in their usual manner of playing cool solos, not that.

Just noticed it airs on BBC Radio 1 at this second.

Same quality though.
edit: actually, it seems like the lead guitar is more present during the chorus. Might be my ears though.

It may be, BBC may use different effects or modules in their sound chain hence changing the sound in a different way than the finnish radio. What we know is that the album version will sound better.

No prob, was the first joke I've been facing in Stratoforum, so I'm used to it already :lol: I always keep saying it could be worse, considering the translation of Lauri's last name :p

Haha yep, here in Spain is not exactly that, but yep, I get what you mean :lol:

I don't know how to describe better what I don't like in the sound, it's tinny and shaky... maybe I'm too critical about it.

Yeah yeah, the sound is not the best, but that will definitely improve once you play it from the album.

This is the final album version. What are you guys talking about? The only possible different version is a demo recorded ages ago. It is possible however MAYBE that part of the solo has been cut/edited for a shorted video/radio version like IYF and HOMT, but I haven't looked into it, too boring solo.

As in what's been recorded yes, but quality is always lost in radio airs, so once you get the real deal, the album, it'll most likely sound better.

Remember the talk about WIWI being the bands biggest and best song? You be the judge.

Who and when said that? Reviews have said it's the weakest and more comercial, and they've just said that it's really different but still Bodom (which is true) and that they like it. But I don't recall anyone saying it's their best song.
Alexi said that this song is a different one, like a party song. I mean WIWI is not that bad, but really the Vocals and Solos are Weird.
Let's wait for the other Tracks, i'm 100% Sure that they will be Kickass. ;)
This puts the pressure on the rest of the material. Is it just me when I think the band hasn't really seemed as thrilled about it as these flashy comments. Can't imagine Alexi saying 'you know, it sucks so bad, what the fuck are you gonna do.' This is alright as one of the weaker tracks on the album, but not as one of the best, the keyboard atmosphere is great but there's too many things that miss. Still hoping/trusting the other songs to crush our fears so this won't end in sellout shitstorm. Bring back the true Bodom metal.
Don't be Too Sure.

Anybody knows what gear they used? The lead tone is definitely much cleaner as it was on BD. The first solo has something from Alexis lead tone in downright dominate which was the best tone I've ever heard so far
"Not My Funeral" and "Roundtrip to Hell and Back" will be in the same style as "Shovel Knockout" if I remember correctly from a review, so at least three songs will be above average for most COB-fans;)
I like both "Shovel Knockout" and "Was It Worth It?" so I'm sure I will like this album!
After years of lurking i finally decided to join this forum to give my $.02 on the new single/album

I really enjoyed the single for the most part as well as the shovel ko samples. However, i feel like i may enjoy this album for different reasons than previous albums. I have always loved bodom for the amazing guitar work and melodies created by alexi, and i dont know if he has run out of inspiration or what but in recent years (post hcdr) the majority of the riffs he has written just seem dull and uninteresting to me.

I think that this single has the same dull riffs i got used to on AYDY and blooddrunk, but I am almost able to overlook them because of the incredible keyboard work. Jannes synth parts add much needed melody and atmosphere to the song which is really what makes it great for me. So in a sense, i feel like I will like this album for the keyboard work rather than the guitar work. For me it seems like Janne has taken Alexi's place as the one who makes bodom's music so awesome. I feel like WIWI would be just as dull as AYDY without the keys, but they allow it to be on a completely different level. (however still nothing close to the old stuff)

On the other is up with those weak solos? It kind of concerns me that Janne said in an interview that the solos on RRF were the best part of the album...also i cant seem to get used to the vocals they remind me of the mixing on BD
Still hoping/trusting the other songs to crush our fears so this won't end in sellout shitstorm. Bring back the true Bodom metal.

Wasn't AYDY the "sellout shitstorm"? *grin*


Thanks a lot to Epi for the rip. The song was basically as crappy as I thought, but a lot worse than I expected. You know, it's kind of like when you see a great trailer and go see this movie, but then it turns out that the trailer pieced together the best moments, and the rest is uninspired crap. The same here, the earlier 30-second preview was the best this song has, and the full version is utterly disappointing. I mean, forget the great melodies and whatnot from old Bodom. WIWI doesn't even sound as catchy as some of the recent songs off BD and AYDY. The whole thing is built on 3-4 chords and is completely forgettable; doesn't even sound like Bodom at all - more like some juvenile pop-rock band. So forget the earlier argument for and against Bodom becoming more "accessible" and "watered-down" - "uninspired" fits way better with this one. I'm definitely not buying the album in
March unless they get out more material that can turn my opinion around. Doubt that'll happen though.

@chrisg7: I agree on the keyboards, they're moving in the direction I like. Sadly, that alone isn't enough to make up for everything else, especially since there's so many bands out there who use keys better, and in a more inventive way.

When you think about it this is how it is with a lot of music, you need to reflect something to them before it feels like anything. Before that it's just musically analyzed, and not every song fares excellent simply under musical observation.

Great music is great because it fares well under any angle of analysis. Anything other is subpar, and going as far as prescribing emotion and atmosphere that makes a song good is simply making dull excuses. Good music should create both the feeling and the ambiance, not vice versa.
wasnt this the song that everyone was freaking out about when recording the video that it was so amazing and one of the best cob songs ever...
:lol: Yeah that is what I am saying... kinda funny.

And to that Chris guy, glad to see you waited so long to join and the first thing you do is go on about how bad AYDY was... glad to have you here :rolleyes:
I haven't listened to Bodom in a very long time. I just stopped listening to them after the early fanboy years.

I just have to say this song was a surprise to me. I really like it. It's a solid track. The sound has much more kick than before and the melodies and riff work well together. This time around the material just "works" better in my ears and It doesn't sound as unnatural as I remember my experience with Blooddrunk was (although I do think that album is okay too but I just don't listen to it for some reason).