Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Jannes synth parts add much needed melody and atmosphere to the song which is really what makes it great for me. So in a sense, i feel like I will like this album for the keyboard work rather than the guitar work. For me it seems like Janne has taken Alexi's place as the one who makes bodom's music so awesome.

Yeah, can you imagine this song or the Blooddrunk album without keyboards. It would suck. I don't know why Alexi doesn't compose catchy guitar work anymore, like Follow the Reaper & Hatebreeder. Why is always either riffs or solos. (To exaggerate in my usual way.)

"Not My Funeral" and "Roundtrip to Hell and Back" will be in the same style as "Shovel Knockout" if I remember correctly from a review!

Actually he didn't say that, he just put the songs in HIS order of preference which was basically grouped:

The best: Cry of the Nihilist / Not My Funeral
Other greats: Shovel / Roundtrip
Another "gem": Ugly
Nothing particular mentioned: WIWI, RRF, NPTD
Worst: PMS

Something I find common about what he loved about the album:

Not My Funeral: "keyboard layers the ferorious drum patterns"
Ugly: "bass gallop that forms the backbone for the song"
Cry of the Nihilist: "glorious gallops"
Longtime lurker, infrequent poster. I don't post often because you guys, for the most part, are immature and it bothers me. Not all of you. Let me make it clear that I am not speaking to all of you, but to a few certain people that should know exactly who they are. That being said, I think you're all a bunch of sheep. The first 3 or 4 people absolutely loved it, then ONE PERSON says "it sucked" and you all jump on the bandwagon and say it's the worst fucking thing ever. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If you were in the artist's shoes, look at it this way: You just painted something that you're very proud of and you think it's better than anything you've done before, but before you even SHOW it to your fans, they continually say "Hey, remember that one painting you did a few years ago? Yeah, can you just paint that one over and over again? Oh, but don't just photocopy it, make it brand new and exciting! BUT MAKE SURE IT'S THE SAME AS THAT OTHER PICTURE." You're all doing the same fucking thing to the band about their music. Kicking them down before the fucking album was even done, and now they're starting to show their work to us, and instead of being excited you're just flat-out INSULTING it! And insulting the band to boot! If I was in a band, that would discourage me from ever trying to outperform myself and improve. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Now that that's off my chest, I loved the song. I'm really excited that I finally have something new from CoB after so long. It's refreshing to hear something new from my favorite band. Bodom's never let me down and I know they won't this time.
Longtime lurker, infrequent poster. I don't post often because you guys, for the most part, are immature and it bothers me. Not all of you. Let me make it clear that I am not speaking to all of you, but to a few certain people that should know exactly who they are. That being said, I think you're all a bunch of sheep. The first 3 or 4 people absolutely loved it, then ONE PERSON says "it sucked" and you all jump on the bandwagon and say it's the worst fucking thing ever. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If you were in the artist's shoes, look at it this way: You just painted something that you're very proud of and you think it's better than anything you've done before, but before you even SHOW it to your fans, they continually say "Hey, remember that one painting you did a few years ago? Yeah, can you just paint that one over and over again? Oh, but don't just photocopy it, make it brand new and exciting! BUT MAKE SURE IT'S THE SAME AS THAT OTHER PICTURE." You're all doing the same fucking thing to the band about their music. Kicking them down before the fucking album was even done, and now they're starting to show their work to us, and instead of being excited you're just flat-out INSULTING it! And insulting the band to boot! If I was in a band, that would discourage me from ever trying to outperform myself and improve. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Now that that's off my chest, I loved the song. I'm really excited that I finally have something new from CoB after so long. It's refreshing to hear something new from my favorite band. Bodom's never let me down and I know they won't this time.

Oh, the irony.

EDIT: But for on topic:

That song sounded actually pretty decent, though it had too much usage of that annoying vocal effect. But you probably shouldn't make too much speculations of the whole album just by looking at this song, if it's indeed going to be "the party song" of the album.
Ok, now I have listened the song couple of times and I'm really starting to like it. I really like if the song needs to be listened more than once before I like it since that usually means I'm not going to be fed up with it anytime soon.
I wasn't whining; I was stepping up to defend the band, which someone really needs to fucking do around here.

Why? This is a forum for people to tell their opinion, whether it's negative or not. And if you have read enough of this discussion you should have noted, that all whining is not necessarily pointless.
Why? This is a forum for people to tell their opinion, whether it's negative or not. And if you have read enough of this discussion you should have noted, that all whining is not necessarily pointless.

Yet you jump right on me for having an opinion of my own? I didn't say that you guys can't have your own opinions, but for the most part, a lot of you are immature about how you express it. I'm not directing at at you. If people would just express things maturely instead of just going ahead and saying "this fucking sucks, make Follow the Reaper again or I won't listen anymore" I think this forum would be a much happier place.


I don't know if that was targeted at me since I'm a love or hate person, but you can't jump in and call anyone immature who was disappointed by this song. You need to understand this is not just something COB does for hobby anymore, it's as important as life to many people, otherwise they wouldn't be paying to go to their shows. And I can honestly say I wasn't happy hearing a nu-metalish riff being repeated over and over again in the song and I was bummed by the soloing which was weak on COB standards. Even if they came out saying it had nothing to do with intended commercialism, and some people still love those aspects after that, good for them. It's my honest opinion and not intended to insult anyone, if that saddens someone I'm sorry. I did however say I also love half of the song which I do. It's hard for COB as good is not enough for their fans, instead they get pissed if they don't make the best album in the universe, but that's how it is.
Well atleast this forum is living up to its hatecrew-name. And I still like the song. It also sounds a little more professional than BD. But the way the song ended was kind of odd, like they didn't plan it all and just decided it ends there. Well I'm waiting for more.
I don't know if that was targeted at me since I'm a love or hate person, but you can't jump in call anyone immature who was disappointed by this song. You need to understand this is not just something COB does for hobby anymore, it's as important as life to many people, otherwise they wouldn't be paying to go to their shows. And I can honestly say I wasn't happy hearing a nu-metalish riff being repeated over and over again in the song and I was bummed by the soloing which was weak on COB standards. It's my honest opinion and not intended to insult anyone, if that saddens someone I'm sorry. I did however say I also love half of the song.


You know dude, honestly, it was not directed at you. Some things you say do piss me off but in the end I just laugh about it and move on with my day. I don't think you're a bad person and I think you catch a lot of shit and it sucks because you are just really passionate and I respect that (even if you do say some ridiculous things). COB is very important to me, the band and the music have a very special place in my heart. I'm not calling people immature for hating the song, I'm calling them immature for the constant wave of "this better not suck, everything sucked since this, that, or the next thing, etc." You've said a lot of those things, yeah, but so have a lot of other people. I do appreciate you stepping up to apologize, though, because you have said a lot of things that have upset me. I've just never brought it up before.
And remember: this album is more riff oriented according to Alexi. So anyone who is no fan of the riffs; you might have a problem.

However, I still hope that this is a one off and indeed completely different from Bodom's sound on the rest of the album. This one probably isn't bad to listen to live, but the Hell Yeah! is even lamer than the H-A-T-E.
A guaranteed fun time when drunk though.
I think this is a particularly flammable subject because the thing COB fans are most afraid of is the best art in the world to be sacrificed for commercial purposes. We've heard this song is going to be their most commercial offering, as it is, and that's scary cos we don't want the whole album to sound commercial. That means for example repetitive riffs, simply constructed songs and easy solos.

For some outsider to manipulate COB's music like that would be more angering than them composing from their heart but failing to impress. U know. (I'm not saying anyone can consciously interrupt what Alexi is doing... except for this whole WIWI thing?) I still have faith in them making a great album, it will be great if the rest sounds more raw.

I'm sure much of this American sound is because of Matt Hyde, like they said, but of course he didn't touch their songwriting. I personally don't like this warm and friendly sound as it doesn't suit death metal, as in my opinion it should sound cold and brutal. Glad the atmosphere is back and just waiting to hear if the rest sounds different.

Extreme metal is not for everyone and should never be. Alexi says we're stupid if we have a problem with making metal music big... I don't care if COB suddenly has more fans if it comes by making a great extreme metal album, but if it comes by making it sound like radio stuff then that's different.
I am also a long time lurker. I have enjoyed watching you guys argue with each other to say the least :p but never felt the need to comment or I was lazy XD. As for how I feel on the new song, well it sounds..I hate to say it, more american to me. I find it to be very different than their old material but thats to be expected with a band thats been around for so long. At first I was disapointed, very much disapointed, but after listening to it more its not that bad. Its still a good song. If it was by any other band I'd be amazed, but I hold CoB to a higher standard I guess? though thats probably not the right term cause the quality of the song is good, its just not as...creative as I'd expect from CoB. I still like the song though especially the middle area. Hopeing their new songs will amaze me.
Well, I dismiss all of you griefers.
After a good sleep, this WIWI is really a badass song with that one riff and epic synth background. Like Joonas mentioned (or was it Joonas?) that it works with workout. Same effect goes with AYDY, perfect music to get you all worked up, to energize you. And as alexi said, "It's a total party song". That's true.

Still can't be compared to HB or FTR stuff, but who thinks they are party songs, anyone?
Those stuff are for Joonas to listen in dark room, while enjoying bourbon and cuban cigar. (Hey, I like them too, and exactly that way)
This WIWI is great to be enjoyed while driving a car during night in city.

To me, STILL, this WIWI is nowhere near as shit as all the stuff on Blooddrunk album. I just don't like that album.

I'm gonna go skii'ing now (cross-country, skating). Just got myself a new pair of skiis :).
Longtime lurker, infrequent poster. I don't post often because you guys, for the most part, are immature and it bothers me. Not all of you. Let me make it clear that I am not speaking to all of you, but to a few certain people that should know exactly who they are. That being said, I think you're all a bunch of sheep. The first 3 or 4 people absolutely loved it, then ONE PERSON says "it sucked" and you all jump on the bandwagon and say it's the worst fucking thing ever. What the fuck is wrong with you people? If you were in the artist's shoes, look at it this way: You just painted something that you're very proud of and you think it's better than anything you've done before, but before you even SHOW it to your fans, they continually say "Hey, remember that one painting you did a few years ago? Yeah, can you just paint that one over and over again? Oh, but don't just photocopy it, make it brand new and exciting! BUT MAKE SURE IT'S THE SAME AS THAT OTHER PICTURE." You're all doing the same fucking thing to the band about their music. Kicking them down before the fucking album was even done, and now they're starting to show their work to us, and instead of being excited you're just flat-out INSULTING it! And insulting the band to boot! If I was in a band, that would discourage me from ever trying to outperform myself and improve. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Now that that's off my chest, I loved the song. I'm really excited that I finally have something new from CoB after so long. It's refreshing to hear something new from my favorite band. Bodom's never let me down and I know they won't this time.
Okay, I took my time to read your post. And here is what I have to say:

Your whole analogy with the painting is wrong. Put it this way. You have this great painter and he has one style of painting, then at the year 2003-5 he goes slightly at another direction and you are like "okay, not better than before, but it's still great!" (for me at least). And then in 2008 you see those paintings, that have nothing to do with the previous ones. Like a completely different artist. You start to question yourself if it's worth it buying the paintings just because they have this certain artist name on them. Kinda explains why the kids go crazy over bodom, yes? They buy anything with "Bodom" on it.

Now next I would like to point out, that if you are on the age of 30 or above, you should be able to take some criticism. Not just rage about it and call your fans "assholes".

No one is attacking your opinion, it's a discussion forum, everyone has different opition, deal with it. I personally think that WIWI is a poor song, but em I forcing my opinion over yours? Of course not. No one forced his opinion in fact. And you were the first person to go on about how everyone has different opinion, calling em "bandwagoners" and "sheeps".
Like Joonas mentioned that it works with workout. Same effect goes with AYDY, perfect music to get you all worked up, to energize you. And as alexi said, "It's a total party song". That's true.

Yep, it fits nicely on some acrobatic extreme sports stuff. But AYDY? I think that one has a self destructive vibe apart from the party songs. Lots of negative energies in songs 2, 3, 4, 5, positive energies in songs 6, 7, 9 and a mix of both in the first track and T,L&S. Used to have a lot to relate to in AYDY around 2005-2006 when I was partying like mad and ending up waking all fucked.

Still can't be compared to HB or FTR stuff, but who thinks they are party songs, anyone?

FTR is a total party album for me. It's all about the memories of my first summer house beer parties on a nightly lakeside as teens. Those days I'd like to experience again.

Those stuff are for Joonas to listen in dark room, while enjoying bourbon and cuban cigar. (Hey, I like them too, and exactly that way)

:lol: I have serious problems with imagining anyone listening to FTR while smoking a Cuban cigar and drinking Bourbon.

This WIWI is great to be enjoyed while driving a car during night in city.

This one I personally see different again. I think some gothic trance and different kinds of dark music fits the mood of a night city.