Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

eeewww guys your not real fuckin metalist if ud like that.. , children is MeloDeath after [extreme,power and other shit] , not getting close to rap metal or melorap metal thingy.
I think Alexi and Janne just need to make a porn and mass distribute it to all the little girls who wet there panties over Alexi until they actually see his hairy ass naked and cry.
...well my take on the auto tune is this. Lil wayne makes the best use of it in the song "every girl" i'm not a big rap fan, but i live in an area of rap and the way he uses it, it's more like a phaser kind of effect. it's cool. lol.
fuck everyone because i love st anger, at first i hated it, but....after years of having a best freind obsessed with metallica i kinda got the point. See if the drum and guitar tones were different that be, pretty much...a death metal album....i know no one will probably understand, you have to really listen but the shitstorming begin.