Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Place? You mean frets? If so, I'd say lower frets (1st to 5th) because it'll help you to teach your fingers to spread, which will be really useful in the future.

If you mean a site that has the scales, just type "Major/minor scales" in Google and have fun :)
^Even guitar pro has got a scale function

Just select Show---->Fretboard (well i don't know if it's correct cause i got the italian version) and then you have to click on scale and choose the one you wannt,then you'll can see on the freatbord every note of the scale...but using my method you can't,for example,see the different boxes of the scale
^Even guitar pro has got a scale function

Just select Show---->Fretboard (well i don't know if it's correct cause i got the italian version) and then you have to click on scale and choose the one you wannt,then you'll can see on the freatbord every note of the scale...but using my method you can't,for example,see the different boxes of the scale

Guitar Pro fretboard scales drive me crazy :lol: I know it's personal choice, but I hate them and would never ever use them.

:lol: be careful they'll find out

Nah, I'm only there for half an hour each year, they won't remember me, plus I seriously doubt they never get people like me, I'm sure plenty of locals do that. Actually in one of the stores I tried an Alexi signature (plays great, had a different pickup and sounded weak) and the dude was quite uneasy with letting me try it because some douche had fucked up an Alexi 200 by dropping it and causing a huge chip on the long wing. Eventually I convinced him that I have one and I know how to handle them, and nothing happened :)

Okay thanks, I meant the website, but all info is welcome. I try not to get stuck on development.

You're welcome, just keep trying and don't give up, it's always hard at the beggining.
One Day You Will Cry has the most interesting keyboard material in any Blooddrunk track. Intro, melody, melody under the doublebass, solo, orchestra hits, chorus background.
So far what we know in a nutshell:

*After the winter break Alexi will take time to create material for the album, and on January (100 days away) the band will start rehearsing the ideas
*There will be a bit less time for songwriting now than for Blooddrunk - but much more than for AYDY
*Alexi already has some ideas and riffs ready, maybe as much as "for a couple of songs"
*Band will enter studio in May (some 220+ days away)
*There will be 9-10 songs (which practically means 9 + "1 spare bunch of riffs")
*It's gonna be "heavy shit" again
*One of the songs will probably be influenced by Alexi's chest accident (just my guess)

To my sadness I have to confess this time I'm not anticipating the new album like the rising moon or setting high hopes on it, based solely on my intuition. Sure it's gonna be a good album because it's COB and still the best stuff money can buy from the store, but if it doesn't blow my guts out the window I'm gonna be feeling really empty, so it's better to keep it calm at this point. All this clowning around and saying I don't know how it's gonna be like but it's gonna be heavy shit just doesn't catch me as electrified attitude. I really hope Alexi takes some time off in the nature to search his spirit and forget about the bad influences he's been stained with on all these American tours. I'd more gladly hear: It's not gonna be all about the heaviness this time but I've got some really cool ideas and can't wait to start working on it.
So far what we know:

*Songwriting will start on January (100 days left)
*There will be 16 weeks time to write the songs this time (less than Blooddrunk, more than AYDY) altough there are some riffs and ideas already
*Band will enter studio in May (some 220+ days left)
*There will be 9-10 songs
*It's gonna be "heavy shit"
*One of the songs will probably be influenced by Alexi's chest accident

Good stuff!!! (y)
WANT: something along the lines of HCD or BD (minus the crappy songs like ODYWC, DWEDFE etc), and hopefully with a better keyb. sound.

WILL GET: Slipknot? :lol: I hope it's not rubbing off on Alexi and the guys or anything...
Don't worry I know you have nothing against heavy, but more against Alexi's definition of heavy, am i right :p
The thing is that we have reason to be worried about that kind of comment "heavy shit" cause we don't want them to take the example of some other bands...

seriously, i don't want a Blooddrunk n°2 even if i like it, i just want to be surprised especially in the structure of the songs.
:lol: for sure, this can only sound unpleasant for you

Of course metal has to be heavy, I'm not a faggot. But heaviness as priority number 1? No. There has to be depth and feeling.

[Edit & skip posts thing]

Yeah, I think it takes more to create dark or heavy impact than just low-pitch notes :p