Sweet indeed, just the guitar thing, but I still get the anxiety off by crashing into a guitar store to try a guitar for 20-30 min and then buy a pickThere are 3 or 4 stores I know in Dublin, so one per week helps me tolerate the need
Okay thanks, I meant the website, but all info is welcome. I try not to get stuck on development.
^Even guitar pro has got a scale function
Just select Show---->Fretboard (well i don't know if it's correct cause i got the italian version) and then you have to click on scale and choose the one you wannt,then you'll can see on the freatbord every note of the scale...but using my method you can't,for example,see the different boxes of the scale
be careful they'll find out
Okay thanks, I meant the website, but all info is welcome. I try not to get stuck on development.
So far what we know:
*Songwriting will start on January (100 days left)
*There will be 16 weeks time to write the songs this time (less than Blooddrunk, more than AYDY) altough there are some riffs and ideas already
*Band will enter studio in May (some 220+ days left)
*There will be 9-10 songs
*It's gonna be "heavy shit"
*One of the songs will probably be influenced by Alexi's chest accident
*It's gonna be "heavy shit" again
for sure, this can only sound unpleasant for you