Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

St. Anger had a couple good songs. It may have been mixed poorly but at least it was an honest record unlike their latest.
Fuck any Metallica material from 1991 and beyond. Hell even the "Black" album is questionable.

On In Flames:

I completly stay away from any In Flames material after Colony. I own Lunar Strain,The Jester Race,Whoracle(it doesnt play though),and Colony. I dont even own Clayman and that is considered to be there last good album. I was recently looking into Clayman,but i'm weary about it. I dont know what the members were thinking from 2002 untill now,but its insane how far they have evolved into garbage. Certain songs have there moments like "Cloud Connected", "Take This Life" "My Sweet Shadow" and "Delight and Angers". Those songs are tolerable. But i mostly find myself wishing i could mute Anders and keep the music. It is not that the music is absolute horror,its just the vocals steer it into that direction.

In Flames probably wanted to break away from the trademark Gothenburg sound and do there own thing. But they completly dissolved into dust and memories. They could of redefined the entire genre,by refining there sound and scoping it into something more complex. Dark Tranquillity did that for them.
Those points being adressed i really would like to get back on topic. I started a new album thread but i did not realize there already was one. I would love to discuss the 7th studio album with some passionate COB fans. But i fear this forum may have fallen victim to the same disease every other forum catches in the year since i've posted consistently. From what i've read it seem that it has not,so that is good.

Onward to the 7th studio album discussion.

I dont really have a prediction as too what the album might be like. As it is far to early to tell. Everyone will likely want a return to roots vibe,and i would love that. But being realistic is the best way to prepare for a new album,especially when the band is one of your favorites. Its hard to tell if the guys even want to go back. COB will likely continue to evolve. Perhaps incorporating more progressive song structures,and more intricate solos. But only time will tell.
If bodom's 7th album is not a FTR part 2, people are going to say it sucks.
I just hope it has some kickass riffs.

Since alexi is going to tour with Hypocrisy. I'm thinking it will have a lot of influences of Hypocrisy.
Those points being adressed i really would like to get back on topic. I started a new album thread but i did not realize there already was one. I would love to discuss the 7th studio album with some passionate COB fans. But i fear this forum may have fallen victim to the same disease every other forum catches in the year since i've posted consistently. From what i've read it seem that it has not,so that is good.

Onward to the 7th studio album discussion.

I dont really have a prediction as too what the album might be like. As it is far to early to tell. Everyone will likely want a return to roots vibe,and i would love that. But being realistic is the best way to prepare for a new album,especially when the band is one of your favorites. Its hard to tell if the guys even want to go back. COB will likely continue to evolve. Perhaps incorporating more progressive song structures,and more intricate solos. But only time will tell.

Check my posts on this thread.

I have to say honestly the stuff you write is pretty boring, you're saying nothing.

I do agree that being "realistic" and clearing your mind and not expecting anything is the best way to receive your favourite band's new album / to prevent the disappointment. But it's just the first impression; evidently you'll realize whether the product is shit or if it's good.

As for the new In Flames thing, the track Leeches from Come Clarity has such awesome atmosphere in 0 - 0:25. :notworthy Genious. You can sense the leeches reaching for you in the murky water. 10/10. Can't stop listening to that.

In Flames rocks, but it's come too "easy" for me. If you want to "develop" you need to look at something that needs to grow on you..
I think what should be improved is vocals, more lead guitars and more HB / FtR'esque feeling to the tracks so they aren't just 'random riffs thrown at you.'

Clayman is my personnal fav from In Flames. I hate their new shit. Clean vocals is what killed them. I jumped off my seat when I heard Take This Life for the first time. I was thinking ; THEY'VE GOT THEM, TOO.
My favorite for In Flames is Whoracle. I hated A Sense of first. But after a reputable listen it's fine, nothing special and i dont like it, but its i dont care if it comes up on shuffle...i'll listen to it.
I am wholeheartedly expecting a 9 track album with 1 keyboard part, chugging industrial Lamb of Godesque riffs and lyrics all about getting drunk, hurting yourself and the word fuck.
I have read this whole thread and the only thing that I am thinking, if it matters to anyone at all, is one of my pet peeves when people call children of bodom melodic death metal. That really sets me off because they have barely anything even remotely death metal(except perhaps singing) in their music. Of course when you hear IneartheD its fucking DM as fuck, but Children of Bodom? No they are just a Progressive Metal Band. For melodic Death Metal look up Arsis.

Related to thread though, I have a theory. I read an interview where alexi said that he wants his music to sound more dark and diminished. As a musician I notice this to be true whenever I listen to AYDY and BD. To me BD sounded like a darker version of HCDR and maybe some of you agree with me. Theres just as much agression and it is pretty heavy, yet they still have the same amount of melody. I figure perhaps the next album may be a dark version of FTR. They might be "remaking" (so to speak) their albums backwards except with more diminished sounds so that their loyal fans who happen to be musicians can go "I see wat u did thar!" But thats just my silly little conspiracy theory.
I have read this whole thread and the only thing that I am thinking, if it matters to anyone at all, is one of my pet peeves when people call children of bodom melodic death metal. That really sets me off because they have barely anything even remotely death metal(except perhaps singing) in their music. Of course when you hear IneartheD its fucking DM as fuck, but Children of Bodom? No they are just a Progressive Metal Band. For melodic Death Metal look up Arsis.

Related to thread though, I have a theory. I read an interview where alexi said that he wants his music to sound more dark and diminished. As a musician I notice this to be true whenever I listen to AYDY and BD. To me BD sounded like a darker version of HCDR and maybe some of you agree with me. Theres just as much agression and it is pretty heavy, yet they still have the same amount of melody. I figure perhaps the next album may be a dark version of FTR. They might be "remaking" (so to speak) their albums backwards except with more diminished sounds so that their loyal fans who happen to be musicians can go "I see wat u did thar!" But thats just my silly little conspiracy theory.

I'm pretty sure everyone here knows Arsis and despite the name, melodeth doesn't have all that much in common with death metal... and i would say bodom definitely have a bit of melodeath in there, possibly a progressive melodeth metal, that seems fitting:)
Btw is it true that the new sinergy album is not going to be released, but some riffs of it are going to be used for the new CoB album?
I hope so, because a lot of sinergy stuff actually reminds me of ftr, or in general old bodom. So its a good influence as well.

I really hope they will do this becuase I would really like to hear these riffs
+ I think alexi's vocals are x9994516 better then Kimberly Goss's (ex.:shadow island)

I figure perhaps the next album may be a dark version of FTR.... But thats just my silly little conspiracy theory.

They need to realize to get even darker than Blooddrunk and take back all that guitar actrobatics and synthesizers of Follow the Reaper, if they want to keep up with many of their fans who are growing up and developing their metal ear.

Smilex and Done... were still funny songs and not many metal heads like that stuff. They do still have some humour songs that actually sound pretty nice, such as Bastards, but the two ones on Blooddrunk were quite mediocre.

This new direction they have with the chugging riffs they need to get rid off. Roadkill Morning is kinda crap, also they have this unnecessarily boring chorus in Lobodomy for example.

They were really on the right track with stuff such as Hellhounds On My Trail (like the chorus, more of that stuff please and higher pitch!) all that cool keyboard stuff done by Janne, the triplet bells in the title track, those drum rolls with the synths in Lobodomy, all the cool key stuff in Oneday... They need to keep that up and go further with it.

And I want someone to kick Mikko Karmila's ass if he mixes down those synthesizers from choruses, ever again. That's pissing me off. Listen to the intro thing on Banned from Heaven from Mitch's backing track where you can hear the keys, that's awesome stuff right there, or the Living Dead chorus.

I would not be so pissed off if there was better job done on the mixing and mastering table for Chokehold, Trashed, Living Dead, AYDY, Punch Me, Banned from Heaven. These tracks have some insanely good synth parts and you can't hear them. It's pretty sad to hear that stuff on crappy live videos on youtube and not have it on the albums.

In other words, get darker, get more feeling / synthesizers, and more lead guitars. Option 2, don't, and I'll quit this forum. Sounds kinda juicy option maybe but I hope they pick option 1.
Okay, my favorite COB song...EVER, counting Inearthed is Talking of the Trees. I LOOOOVE that shit, the vocals are on point and it's melodic, and it's heavy. I'd like to hear demo style stuff, with some of the influences they've gained over the years i'd like to have a guitar tone resembling DT's Fiction, but that's just my petty wish. Alexi's vocals are changing for alot of reasons most likely beyond his control...his age, wear on his throat from doing vocals, smoking, etc. And there isn't alot anyone can do about it sadly, sure alexi could try to change it up a little, but it'll never be EXACTLY like they were on hatebreeder(my fav album vocally). I'm looking forward to it, if alexi gives even two fuck about the fans he knows that he has work to do and he knows what we all want. I know earlier i had said that a musician shouldn't care and should just write what they feel, and i still believe that, but still it'd be nice to know that he listens to us all a
I want a second AYDY but with the guitar tone from HB, the keys from BD and the atmosphere from FTR. Or just a good album.
Btw. do any of you remeber HCDR? I've just noticed that all discussions about Bodom albums are about HB,FTR (old) and AYDY & BD (new) and maybe a bit about SW. But nobody cares about HCDR. It's no old and no new Bodom but the worst album with shitty melodies, bad mastering, bad guitar tone, songs nobody's talking about. Only exception is YBOD.
I wish they made Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood for Follow the Reaper. It's got so much potential. Other than that and Angels Don't Kill there's no atmosphere on that album.