Smilex and Done... were still funny songs and not many metal heads like that stuff. They do still have some humour songs that actually sound pretty nice, such as Bastards, but the two ones on Blooddrunk were quite mediocre.
I want a second AYDY but with the guitar tone from HB, the keys from BD and the atmosphere from FTR. Or just a good album.
Btw. do any of you remeber HCDR? I've just noticed that all discussions about Bodom albums are about HB,FTR (old) and AYDY & BD (new) and maybe a bit about SW. But nobody cares about HCDR. It's no old and no new Bodom but the worst album with shitty melodies, bad mastering, bad guitar tone, songs nobody's talking about. Only exception is YBOD.
I wish they made Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood for Follow the Reaper. It's got so much potential. Other than that and Angels Don't Kill there's no atmosphere on that album.
FTR has his great atmospehre - not the best songs but ETID pawns most of all other Bodom songs. AYDY is my favorite album because of his heaviness
For me its just their worst album - except SW. I have never said anything against the tone of AYDY, but maybe because of Trashed which is in another league. Sure, the tone from FTR and BD was better but AYDY is one of my favorite albums. And ok, the tone on HCDR isn't that bad - the guitars were definitely better than the one on AYDY but it's just the thing that I don't like any song on HCDR - except YBOD. 70% percent of all those COB wannabies says they don't like new Bodom so why can't I say I don't like HCDR?
About BD...not my favorite album but surely the best mastered album for me.
HB has a great guitar tone, great solos and 2 of my favorite songs on it, FTR has his great atmospehre - not the best songs but ETID pawns most of all other Bodom songs. AYDY is my favorite album because of his heaviness, Trashed and Alexis "new" voice and BD is the best mastered album with great keys and good guitar tone. HCDR has nothing for me
I never said you can't like AYDY or BD or not like HCD, I do like all albums more or less equally (top beeing HCD). But I don't see what HCD songs have to envy from the songs on the other albums, I think they're all really strong, there's no "weak" song like e.g. DWEDFN.
About mastering, HCD's the clearest sounding, the one with more consistent drum sound and the one with better chosen keys presence overall, plus the best guitar tone as far as I'm concerned: crystal clear but quite powerful at the same time. Second comes AYDY, third HB, fourth FTR, fifth BD and last SW. AYDY lacks a bit of guitars and some synths but is really decent overall; HB is awesome but the tones themselves could have been a bit better; FTR is quite good overall, but the low ends aren't too well defined and I seriously don't know what they were thinking with ETID mix; BD is really really powerful and they did do a great effort getting those maybe too distorted guitars for Bodom to sound clean as fuck in the final mix, plus the bass sounds awesome and keys are back in shape, only bad side is drum sound, I don't really like it; SW well, it was the debut album, and it's ok as that, but doesn't stand to comparison to the others soundwise.
Of course it depends on what you want from a mix so once again is personal, but with people always going "keys need mroe presence", "guitar tone is too thin/too distorted", "sounds too heavy", etc. I thought HCD would please everybody as it's consistent, guitars strike like razorblades but still really clear in the mix and keys are all over the place.
Maybe we should bump the thread with the poll about what do people want COB to do next. Since K-Man is lurking around hunting my head this is a unique opportunity for fans to voice their opinion. (The one with the results indicating people pretty much want the Follow the Reaper & Hatebreeder days back etc)