Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

:Smug: Dude... I'm not hunting your head. Jebus.

Janne and I normally pop in for a good laugh. It was just that particular comment was way off base.

Good to hear that, thought I was always way off base. :u-huh:

And do you really think they will care about small group of people who post here, when there are thousands of trve teenage metalheads waiting for BD #2?

You just set the whole thing in a new light. Ask yourself, would you rather listen to the true fans or the crowds off shore who are in it just for a good moshpit. As an artist.

I'd make an album with the atmosphere of Follow the Reaper but with the aggressivity of Blooddrunk. That would leave no-one cold, and that seems to be what most of people want. And maybe some Chinese or whatever exotic stuff to catch the interest of a whole new degree of people.

They say it comes spontaneously (as the best ideas obviously aren't born forced) but I think there must be some kind of sense guiding you from the sub-consciousness what to do.

BD sounds like it was recorded on a wet tape.

I heard there was Finnish Karhu beer all over the studio.
I'm pretty sure the band still doesn't give a fuck what you/the fans want and will (thankfully) just write whatever the fuck they want to. Which is how it should be.
Exactly. Bands write music that they like and want to write, not what their "true fans" want them to write.
eh i like all of bodoms albums. i wouldnt be dissapointed with there new album alexi always seems to come up with amazing guitar riffs n solos. im pretty shur they have enough skill n time to come up with a good new sound. the sound will prob most likly b like BD since tht was there best seller. personally i think smile pretty for the devil is 1 of there best songs.

well idk bout best seller. it might have been follow the reaper. but BD had the highest first week in america going to number 22 on the billboard 200 chart wich is good in america for the style of music they play. it went number 1 in finland, 2 in japan.
Exactly. Bands write music that they like and want to write, not what their "true fans" want them to write.

Well, maybe not all bands do that, but that is the way it should be. You should be playing music because YOU love the music. It should be a bonus if a lot of other people happen to like what you write.
lol BD sounds like death magnet

No fucking way.

well thats all opinionated, i personally love the album and it has some great songs but i dont really like the mix it just doesnt seem tight. but thats a fucking awesome album

Ok, am I the only one who thinks HCD's mix is tight as fuck? What's the problem with it beeing not as loud as the others? What's so difficult about turning the volume up on your speakers? Everybody bashes Death Magnetic's mix/master (because it deserves it) but now you're whining because HCD sounds too low and not tight? Cranck your fucking speakers and tell me that mix isn't tight.
^My feeling is Hatecrew Deathroll IS the clearest mix of all COB, especially for the guitars. But sometimes you'd want it to sound different, even if worse in quality, for you to like the songs better. (The songs themselves are a whole different thing.)
I also have no problem with volume of HCDR. It si another thing I can't tell... and I've noticed that it makes a hugh difference where you the albums (car, notebook, ...)
Under my sound settings I can choose between 4 different enhanced digital sounds of my notebook and when I choose headphone music mode instead of speaker music mode all music I hear is much clearer, the guitars sound better and the muddy effect of some albums is deleted - so HCDR through this mode makes much more fun to hear and AYDY fucking wins!
^My feeling is Hatecrew Deathroll IS the clearest mix of all COB, especially for the guitars. But sometimes you'd want it to sound different, even if worse in quality, for you to like the songs better. (The songs themselves are a whole different thing.)

Mabye because you listen to them too much! I also would like to listen to COB songs with different tones!

I think Alexi needs to change his vocals like the HB, FTR days....It fit much better with the black metal-esque shrieks

He just can't.
He just can't.

That could be true.

Mabye because you listen to them too much! I also would like to listen to COB songs with different tones!

I figured now's a good time to start liking other bands as well. These days I'm not listening to COB other than when its weekend and I want to jam with guitar or something. These days I mostly listen to stuff like Hypocrisy, Swallow the Sun, Death - and others when I've time.

Still hanging onto COB by the other hand, but they really need to come up with an interesting album and fulfill my hopes for me to stay onboard as a HC fan. I'm looking for something deep and challenging and new. Eventually even married couples need a break from sex.
Eventually even married couples need a break from sex.

Well I think that break will come by itself. That's exactly the opposite.

I also have no problem with volume of HCDR. It si another thing I can't tell... and I've noticed that it makes a hugh difference where you the albums (car, notebook, ...)
Under my sound settings I can choose between 4 different enhanced digital sounds of my notebook and when I choose headphone music mode instead of speaker music mode all music I hear is much clearer, the guitars sound better and the muddy effect of some albums is deleted - so HCDR through this mode makes much more fun to hear and AYDY fucking wins!

Are you fucking serious?!You're talking like you have a clue about mixing or the sound of an album and then you come up with this great enlightenment?

I'm pretty sure they tested it on a hi-fi system, some car systems and some notebooks as well before they released it. They liked the sound and they won't record it or mix it with a different sound again.
Well I think that break will come by itself. That's exactly the opposite.

? If you keep a break from the sex or the music which you like, I think the motivation is the same: to get a new perspective and enjoy it again. :) No I'm not married.

I'm pretty sure they tested it on a hi-fi system, some car systems and some notebooks as well before they released it. They liked the sound and they won't record it or mix it with a different sound again.

Alexi himself stated AYDY is their worst effort. I don't know how fucking drunk or hungover they must have been when approving to this mix. They didn't want to take risks. Obviously the songs are "written" with a particular sound in mind, so it can't stray too much. AYDY sounds like Naildown to me, a shitty plastic heavy guitar tone and that's it. Maybe they wanted to appeal to a certain type of audience so they were scared of sounding "beautiful" so maybe it's a tactical move the keyboard strings for choruses etc are silenced.