Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

You mean some lack of inspiration in a way... yeah I guess one can get that impression. Well maybe it would would do no harm if they all had a bit time to concentrate on something non-Bodom before writing new stuff, just to be free in mind and full of new ideas, dedication and energy for a really cool new album.

that was the Real thing

alexi always says there first albums where like to much music and computerized and not metal...

WTH dude the Solos in those albums gave me Hardons

atleast they sound like they really put time in it and not that Quick wright a song alike

sorry but blooddrunk and aydy . they are below Bodoms Level !

they sound oke but its not what bodom stands for
if you look at janne on gigs, he is always like sleeping arround and with a bored face. wich you didnt saw when bodom did fallow the reaper,hatebreeder,hatecrewdeathroll tours. cause he had more melodics to do. all he does now is some crappy solo and a few background sounds
Daar ben ik het helemaal mee eens schat! Tot op zekere hoogte in ieder geval.
As I'm one of the few who liked BD (and even more AYDY), I like the new direction they took. [OLD-VS-NEW POSITION : I like all the albums, early style as new one.] I just hope they're not gonna record a pale and quick album just to make a 7th, as In Flames and LOG did these years.

What I would like... More electronic stuff. More diverse keyboard sounds, not the typical COB one. More Destruction-like riffs.

But it's gonna be hard for me to be disappointed by a COB album. Yet I'm probably the only one.
I want more songs like Kissing the shadows, everytime i die, angels don't kill...

Want it to be new stuff but not to strait away from their old sound...

But i think that Alexi, Henkka, Roope and Jaska wont let us down, they still have the will to make extremley good metal i suppose, and whatever the will make up for this coming album i'm not ifrait that it will let me down at all thats's why they are and probably will be my favorite band of all time :)
As I'm one of the few who liked BD (and even more AYDY), I like the new direction they took. [OLD-VS-NEW POSITION : I like all the albums, early style as new one.]

What I would like... More electronic stuff. More diverse keyboard sounds, not the typical COB one. More Destruction-like riffs.

But it's gonna be hard for me to be disappointed by a COB album. Yet I'm probably the only one.

No you're not, I also like each (which means even AYDY which was fun) of their albums and I like their new stuff as well. I do agree about the keyboards and elctronic work in general. That's why I want to be surprised by Janne using new sounds and add some different types of playing (I don't know how to say it well in English). That's why I want them to take some risks in the structure of their songs. They're a very good band, amazing musicians and after 6 albums we know what they're capable of doing. Maybe it's time for them to have some fun and try new stuff cause they do have a bigger fanbase (if that's what bands care of).
And I also do agree that I won't be really disappointed because I just like how they think their music.
I expect something i can dance to in my underwear or something I can lip sync using my hair brush.
I gave up on them returning to their old sound so I don't really wanna get my hopes up but its not like their new albums are bad. Most band never stick to their "original" sound so I think its ok if their new album sounds like BD.
What I would like... More electronic stuff. More diverse keyboard sounds, not the typical COB one. More Destruction-like riffs.

I like the transition from Living Dead Beat to AYDY? (The lower voices.) Sounds like it's recorded from the rusty hinges of an old heavy door. But I think it's actually done by pressing the lower E string hard around midway to the fretboard and moving the string down. I figured it out once, sounds kinda moody and stuff you could find from horror movies.

As for the electronics, I like the intros of Tie My Rope (new) and One Day You Will Cry. Those are some ideas that will hopefully be developed further. Totally new and bizarre keyboard stuff.

Arch Enemy's Doomsday Machine has very cool stuff going on during the first 4 songs.
Intro in Tie My Rope reminds me on some tehno song.Song is quite good,but that intro:erk:

I think it's so fucking cool. When I heard the new one after getting used to the demo I was blown away. The keyboards that come after the intro are sort of over-dramatized tho (not the "ghost-sounds" but the string type louder sound) that's why I miss the doublebass tsunami in there.
I gave up on them returning to their old sound so I don't really wanna get my hopes up but its not like their new albums are bad. Most band never stick to their "original" sound so I think its ok if their new album sounds like BD.
Thinking about that, what would disappoint me most would be if they returned back to their old stuff. I really can´t figure out anything more terrible than a band that´s doing the same again and again, same shit in new clothes. If I want that, I can listen to any random pop or R´n´B stuff around, it´s pretty much all the same. But I want bands to evolve, even if it may happen that I don´t like the way they´re taking, but then that´s my own problem.
FTR was a part in their evolution just like SW or the other albums. Any album has its imperfections, and of course you can find lots of things you´d make different or "better" when looking at it a few years later, because you gained experience and like other things now. As long as you use this experience to create something new, or in your opinion something "better", it´s okay, and I think that was your point? Then I agree with you. But it ain´t worth any energy to fumble around with your own old stuff.

Ed: Thanks for deleting your post Joonas, mine is kind of senseless now ;)
FTR was a part in their evolution just like SW or the other albums. Any album has its imperfections, and of course you can find lots of things you´d make different or "better" when looking at it a few years later, because you gained experience and like other things now. As long as you use this experience to create something new, or in your opinion something "better", it´s okay, and I think that was your point? Then I agree with you. But it ain´t worth any energy to fumble around with your own old stuff.

Ed: Thanks for deleting your post Joonas, mine is kind of senseless now ;)

Yeah I deleted my post, it's frustrating to shed so much insight with only a minority of people attending the convo. But yeah it's obvious that every COB album has it's good side and bad side. I just hope to see some more depth next time round and less thrash.
As I'm one of the few who liked BD (and even more AYDY), I like the new direction they took. [OLD-VS-NEW POSITION : I like all the albums, early style as new one.] I just hope they're not gonna record a pale and quick album just to make a 7th, as In Flames and LOG did these years.

What I would like... More electronic stuff. More diverse keyboard sounds, not the typical COB one. More Destruction-like riffs.

But it's gonna be hard for me to be disappointed by a COB album. Yet I'm probably the only one.
Completely agree with you.

Old bodom and new bodom are 2 different bands and they make different music. Both are fucking great though. I like some of the songs of AYDY, but BD has just some awesome headbanging songs.

I just hope they will take enough time for it. Blooddrunk is not even 1,5 years old and now they want to start recording again.
One idea I have is to use samples from horror movies as passages between 2 or 3 songs and use effects to create moody atmosphere. Intros whether instrumental / audio samples sort of tend to get you in the desired mood to enter the song.
As I'm one of the few who liked BD (and even more AYDY), I like the new direction they took. [OLD-VS-NEW POSITION : I like all the albums, early style as new one.] I just hope they're not gonna record a pale and quick album just to make a 7th, as In Flames and LOG did these years.

What I would like... More electronic stuff. More diverse keyboard sounds, not the typical COB one. More Destruction-like riffs.

But it's gonna be hard for me to be disappointed by a COB album. Yet I'm probably the only one.

No man i think the same thing...I love every Bodom Album just as much...everyone has something different to offer and I hope album no.1 takes the band one step further...;)
As I'm one of the few who liked BD (and even more AYDY), I like the new direction they took. [OLD-VS-NEW POSITION : I like all the albums, early style as new one.] I just hope they're not gonna record a pale and quick album just to make a 7th, as In Flames and LOG did these years.

What I would like... More electronic stuff. More diverse keyboard sounds, not the typical COB one. More Destruction-like riffs.

But it's gonna be hard for me to be disappointed by a COB album. Yet I'm probably the only one.

No you're not the only one who thinks it's hard to get dissapointed by a COB album. I never quite understood what was wrong with AYDY and even less what's wrong with BD. Whilst HCD is my favourite record, AYDY has probably my favourite songs (LDB and TL&S), or if not it has to be BD (SPFTD and BFH). Yes they somehow lost the neoclassical stuff, but they did remind melodic and, imho, if they had done 6 neoclassical-power-influentied-death metal albums, they'd have been bashed for copying themselves over and over again. SW, HB, and FTR were great, as well as HCD, AYDY and BD, but I don't want a copy of any of those albums, as I already own the original version.

Thinking about that, what would disappoint me most would be if they returned back to their old stuff. I really can´t figure out anything more terrible than a band that´s doing the same again and again, same shit in new clothes. If I want that, I can listen to any random pop or R´n´B stuff around, it´s pretty much all the same. But I want bands to evolve, even if it may happen that I don´t like the way they´re taking, but then that´s my own problem.

Great way of saying it, fully agreed :)