Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

No you're not the only one who thinks it's hard to get dissapointed by a COB album. I never quite understood what was wrong with AYDY and even less what's wrong with BD. Whilst HCD is my favourite record, AYDY has probably my favourite songs (LDB and TL&S), or if not it has to be BD (SPFTD and BFH). Yes they somehow lost the neoclassical stuff, but they did remind melodic and, imho, if they had done 6 neoclassical-power-influentied-death metal albums, they'd have been bashed for copying themselves over and over again. SW, HB, and FTR were great, as well as HCD, AYDY and BD, but I don't want a copy of any of those albums, as I already own the original version.

Great way of saying it, fully agreed :)

That's what i always say...
Cob has done 6 kick ass albums.That's the point.The only thing you can say is that they've different style,but that's all.
If BD would have been their fisrt album i would have said"damn,this band kicks some serious asses",maybe i wouldn't have thought they were a neo-classical influenced band,but btw an awesome one.

Imo that's the point.Cob's only changed but still kicks asses.

And i know alexi will surprise us,as usual,with some amazing songs.i believe in him.
One idea I have is to use samples from horror movies as passages between 2 or 3 songs and use effects to create moody atmosphere. Intros whether instrumental / audio samples sort of tend to get you in the desired mood to enter the song.

Sounds good to me!
I agree with Joonas, they need to include more melodic kayboard stuff - shit to build up the mood and atmosphere.

I was disappointed with Bloodrunk, the new thrashy and 'american' style was good for AYDY, but Bloodrunk was too much of a change.

I was disappointed, but it was still an awesome record. I just hope that Bodom 7 isn't affected by recent and temporary events and that it is still from the heart and soul of the HateCrew beast.

Please Alexi, don't you fucking DARE rap in Bodom 7.

I will gut you..
Please Alexi, don't you fucking DARE rap in Bodom 7.

He has said in some interview that even though he loves old 80s rap he would never cover it, so I think it's quite safe to assume that we wont here rap in their albums in their own songs either :)

(I'm quite sure it was in some SOB interview, but I'm too tired to look for it)
He has said in some interview that even though he loves old 80s rap he would never cover it, so I think it's quite safe to assume that we wont here rap in their albums in their own songs either :)

(I'm quite sure it was in some SOB interview, but I'm too tired to look for it)

*Thanks god.. But doesn't actually, because religion is roflmaoz*
What if Alexi realise that he wants some rap is his music?Since i heard BD i have feeling that band members are tired of metal,and that they wanna do smth else,but they are stuck with metal.
Until we hear the album,we cant know.
What in Blooddrunk would give you that idea? Blooddrunk is metal and looks like a good and conscious effort for me. I seriously doubt that someone tired of metal could write BFH or Blooddrunk or SPFTD, just to name a few. When a band gets bored of metal things like St. Anger come out.
Firts time i heard HB i was like:wow,this is new,fresh and amazing.
First time i heard BD i thought pretty much the same thing i think now:all songs are similiar,slow and not interesting,none of the songs hasnt made impression like songs on HB and FTR.
He has said in some interview that even though he loves old 80s rap he would never cover it, so I think it's quite safe to assume that we wont here rap in their albums in their own songs either :)

(I'm quite sure it was in some SOB interview, but I'm too tired to look for it)

Wouldn't it be hilarious if they covered one of those songs for fun. Just like Oops, I did it again. I loved that. Just give them lots of booze and it will be amazing ;)

Besides that I have big confidence in the next album. Although I do fear it gets more towards LOG.
Firts time i heard HB i was like:wow,this is new,fresh and amazing.
First time i heard BD i thought pretty much the same thing i think now:all songs are similiar,slow and not interesting,none of the songs hasnt made impression like songs on HB and FTR.

...SW, HB and FTR are amazing, but if you talk about fresh and not seen ideas the change is way bigger from FTR to HCD, from HCD to AYDY and from AYDY to BD than amongst those three first albums. Plus, most of BD songs aren't slow at all and neither are they similar. If you have listened to the album you must know. What do BD and RKM or SPFTD and BFH have in common?
Actually there is one thing we know about the 7th album: Alexi's venture down the tourbus bunk will most likely influence at least one of the songs. So one song will be about his feelings when he's got places broken in his body and has to endure with the pain while singing and evidently disappoint a lot people by cancelling the tour and deal with the shame. Somehow it will evolve into a song.
I agree with this,but i doubt this will happen.COB will probably make some nu metal album.As far as i know Alexi listens to rap a lot lately,sop i expect some rap influences.
He's been into it for quite long already. AYDY already had some rap influences. Lyrics on some songs bear a resemblance to NWA and LDB is a pretty funky track too. So I don't think this is anything new and no way due to next album.

I expect to hear even harder and more aggressive stuff again. Other than that, no fucking idea.
NWA - Gangsta Gangsta

"Do I look like a mutha fuckin role model?
To a kid lookin' up to me" (LDB)

NWA - Fuck The Police

"They have the authority to kill a minority" (WNGF)
and also "I'ma fuck you up" (WNGF)

AYDY tour intro: NWA - Drink It Up

I guess I don't have to mention they also have "Fuck you bitch!" (LDB) in their lyrics! :grin: