No you're not the only one who thinks it's hard to get dissapointed by a COB album. I never quite understood what was wrong with AYDY and even less what's wrong with BD. Whilst HCD is my favourite record, AYDY has probably my favourite songs (LDB and TL&S), or if not it has to be BD (SPFTD and BFH). Yes they somehow lost the neoclassical stuff, but they did remind melodic and, imho, if they had done 6 neoclassical-power-influentied-death metal albums, they'd have been bashed for copying themselves over and over again. SW, HB, and FTR were great, as well as HCD, AYDY and BD, but I don't want a copy of any of those albums, as I already own the original version.
Great way of saying it, fully agreed![]()
That's what i always say...
Cob has done 6 kick ass albums.That's the point.The only thing you can say is that they've different style,but that's all.
If BD would have been their fisrt album i would have said"damn,this band kicks some serious asses",maybe i wouldn't have thought they were a neo-classical influenced band,but btw an awesome one.
Imo that's the point.Cob's only changed but still kicks asses.
And i know alexi will surprise us,as usual,with some amazing songs.i believe in him.