Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Oh fuck, n00bs discovered forum text formatting functions. Run to the hills and all. *sigh*

Bad idea mentioning it, Necro, now we'll get 5 pages of this bullshit >__>
2 weeks until the Japan release. It's gonna be a big day, probably there will never be another CD I'll anticipate as much, and certainly not a COB album for many years. Any special rituals or plans on listening the CD first time? Strangely enough my excitement levels have calmed down now that the release is not so irritatingly far away anymore.
2 weeks until the Japan release. It's gonna be a big day, probably there will never be another CD I'll anticipate as much, and certainly not a COB album for many years. Any special rituals or plans on listening the CD first time? Strangely enough my excitement levels have calmed down now that the release is not so irritatingly far away anymore.

The leaks will be soonish, then. I've noticed that you've been a bit more chilled out recently, too.
Bands change man, every band does. If they just produced the same shit it would get pretty boring no?
I mean as long as they dont reproduce blooddrunk i will be happy.

That's what I thought when they put out AYDY. The only reason I consider it a pretty solid album now is because it's better than BD.

Moral of the story: Them not re-producing their last album doesn't mean it's not still gonna suck (possibly moreso).
2 weeks until the Japan release. It's gonna be a big day, probably there will never be another CD I'll anticipate as much, and certainly not a COB album for many years. Any special rituals or plans on listening the CD first time? Strangely enough my excitement levels have calmed down now that the release is not so irritatingly far away anymore.

My special ritual goes like this:

Download torrent and upload to iPhone. Listen many many times and don't bother preordering because once it is released go directly to Peltirumpu and purchase it from that small independent record shop.

I've done the same for about every album I've ever purchased while living in Finland. Before that, same routine but I would have to order it from out of country since in Canada it was quite hard to get the metal I wanted at which ever record shop was in town.
Well once I get my piece of copy, RRF is pretty much all Im going to listen for some days. Gonna need couple of rounds first to start to like it and then I probably just want to listen the awesome songs(=the whole CD,hopefully) all over again. Before the gig in march gonna listen the other CDs through too and then next week after the gig - its gonna be all about Bodom. Lets see if in April I'll realize that there is also other bands in the world which are pretty good too.
Well once I get my piece of copy, RRF is pretty much all Im going to listen for some days. Gonna need couple of rounds first to start to like it and then I probably just want to listen the awesome songs(=the whole CD,hopefully) all over again. Before the gig in march gonna listen the other CDs through too and then next week after the gig - its gonna be all about Bodom. Lets see if in April I'll realize that there is also other bands in the world which are pretty good too.

Usually I go on a huge binge when a new Bodom CD is coming. I've been listening quite a bit lately of them usually when I am at the gym working out. When RRF is released it'll be played non-stop for at least two weeks. All the songs usually not just my best ones.

It usually goes like that with any major release I am looking forward to. Right now I am listening to Omnium Gatherum's album non-stop. Yesterday was payday so I'll head to Peltirumpu this afternoon to get the album but I have been listening to the MP3s non-stop.

Amon Amarth is also next up after Bodom. Can't wait. Just went and pulled all the older albums out of the cardboard box o' CDs in the storage and going their their discography today.
2 weeks until the Japan release. It's gonna be a big day, probably there will never be another CD I'll anticipate as much, and certainly not a COB album for many years. Any special rituals or plans on listening the CD first time? Strangely enough my excitement levels have calmed down now that the release is not so irritatingly far away anymore.

Where do you read that the Japan Release is in two weeks??
On it says "worldwide release march 8th
Albums usually always come out in Japan about 4-5 days before European releases and European releases "usually" a day (maybe because of time differences) and sometimes even a month or more if a different label is involved in the different area releases.
I'll listen to the new Turisas album (release 28 feb) until RRF is released/leaked. If for some reason RRF beats it in leaks, bad luck for Turisas but I got to set priorities. I'll listen that the week before their gig (22 March) I guess.
And then I'll listen RRF all the time until Amon Amarth's release (29 March) which I should listen for a while.
After that I'll go back to my 'regular' random playlist until 1 or 2 weeks before 13 May when I go see Bodom.
Ugh, I hate random playlists. My music folder has so much random shit I don't even listen to anymore (or never listened at all) that it's hard to get a song I actually like >__>

RRF had better be damn good, since it comes out only a week after Moonsorrow.

The new Turisas album cover looks like a Soviet propaganda poster.
Rituals? It's an album, it's pretty easy: play, sit, listen, keep playing. Maybe eat/drink something while doing so. And after a couple listens leave it spinning while doing something else.

Also, what about that "new" song (besides Ugly) that Full Metal Jackie or I don't remember who said they were going to play? Was it just Ugly/WIWI once again, has it not happened yet or what's going on?
^ Probably nothing new. If there was a new song released, it already would have been all over Youtube and maybe posted on their FB account.

Releasing yet another song would be pretty stupid, too. Why would you release a third of the album before it goes on sale?